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Werewolves (RP12) The Day After the Storm

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Sabrina blinked, a quick unflinching expression (or lack thereof) that was somewhat reminiscent of a reptile. There was intensity. There was thought. But there was no feeling. She looked down at Saber and softly touched his brow to be sure the fever had not returned. Satisfied that it had not, she stepped around the bed and to the door. She looked back at Jackie and beckoned that she follow her outside the room.

Jackie exhaled harshly, watching the strange, emotionless void of Sabrina's expression.  Her own face could never accomplish that -- she'd tried, she'd been trained to do it, but still her own soul would always leak through in the end.  She cast one, last pitying glance at Saber, silently wishing him well under her care.  Then she followed Sabrina out of the room.

Sabrina took one last look at Saber, surveying his room again: the food and a glass of water placed where he could easily access it from his bed, the window sealed--she would hear the subtle pop of its opening--not that she expected Saber to be able to so much as rise for a good few hours yet, given his current state. The human form was easier to contain than the wolf... in some ways. The mental capacities of a fresh werewolf were often frenzied. By morning, they were back to themselves, with whatever intellect they before possessed honed by the sharpened senses and greater endurance bestowed on their form by the wolf. She didn't know how smart Saber was as a cognizant human being, and his room was certainly not escape proof. But it would do, at present. She quietly closed the door and turned to face Jackie.

"Far be it from me to play with you. The time is long overdue to be direct," she stated, crossing her arms. "We don't speak much, you and I. But then, I don't speak much to anyone, do I? Not unless my service is required. And you do an excellent job of taking care of yourself at taking care of yourself, don't you? Better still at getting yourself into trouble. Which, now that I think about it, begs the question... why did this Melinda come here for you?" She glared. "More pressingly, who did she bring with her? You've always been a mystery to me, Jackie. Unrestrained wildfire one moment, calculated mischief the next. Angry. So angry. But at what? You began your dance with the moon on this mountain. But who were you before that, and what drew you here?"

Jackie watched Sabrina with as much neutrality as her nature would allow, as if she were studying a fascinating piece of mold on the bathroom floor. At each passing word, little pieces of it fell away. First an eyebrow raised.  Then the corner of her lips started to twist. Until finally, at her closing word, a short chuckle escaped her.  She stifled it with a snort, her expression looking to Sabrina as if to say: Oops, sorry, followed by: Just kidding, I'm not sorry at all.

"We've been alone for weeks on top of that mountain, with nothing to do besides hunt rabbits and set up tents and... now you want to know me?" she laughed again sharply. Once it stopped, the air was cold.

Her gaze shifted, meeting Sabrina's with intent, "You're right, we don't know each other -- Well, besides the times I've been unconscious, but I suppose that doesn't count, does it?"

"What was it my sister said?," she mused as if thinking aloud, touching her finger to her lips in mock-thought, "A weapon in the guise of a woman?  Maybe that's who I am.  Or maybe I'm an experiment gone wrong.  Or maybe I'm just an idiot animal control officer that went out looking for the feral wolves".

She shifted her weight, leaning it against the wall, her sagging leg occasionally tapping as if by impatience, "But if we're all girlfriend-talk here, who are you?  A little white wolfie on the mountain tops who doesn't seem like she even wants to be here, let alone belong to it ..." her expression drew briefly to the sunlight window down the length of the hall, where the phantom mountains could be seen.  She glanced back to Sabrina, an eyebrow raised pointedly.  Then she laughed again, mirthless and cold, and it slipped away.

"Or maybe we call it like it is, and you tell me where my sister stayed and we don't talk about any of that".

"Sister," Sabrina said, tilting her head to one side. "Well, that's something, is it not?"

She straightened her posture and uncrossed her arms. "What ever gave you the idea that I don't wish to be here? I've been here since the beginning. Do you think I couldn't leave, if I wanted to? Ah, but you've made the attempt. Twice. Three times, if we should count your sister coming for you. So he does have some control, doesn't he? Not enough to spare you from having been bitten, nor enough to keep the townspeople from organizing into hunting parties. But, some."

"Speaking of, our Alpha saw to it that this Melinda Channing's room was cleared of any of her belongings. If she left something for you, it is most likely in his possession."

When she heard Toby behind her, Bianca had already quickened her pace to a fast walk. He'd seen her face already - she knew he had, but all the more reason to move faster.  Then she heard Ulric and she could hardly stand to face them - so she ran faster. Until the brush and trees on either side of her was a blur, until her calves burned, until she was sure they weren't following her-and then she ran faster still, her days on the highschool track team gone but not forgotten.

She never changed forms. Heel to toe, she went all the way down the mountain, white sneakers turned brown with dust. She slowed when she got to the old ranch.

It had been forever since she was here. But it was different then. Now it was abandoned - cold, devoid of life. It seemed like yesterday and also very distant all at once. Her legs pulsed with fire, and still she walked on towards the log cabin and onto the porch, sitting on one of the benches and tucking her head down between her legs while she caught her breath.

The first few signs were subtle: her foot stopped tapping, and the smirk settled down like fire into the embers.  Then her palms clenched, her face grew paler, and the blue of her eyes flashed intently to the phantom mountain range again. This time she wasn’t interested in the mountains.  This time she couldn’t dare let Sabrina get a chance into her eyes, not knowing what soul would leak out of them.

She laughed hollowly, as if it were all still some great, grand joke to her.  Self-control alone kept her hands from trembling, and she fell into the poised impression of leisure.

Spare me from getting bitten?” she briefly moved her right arm upwards into view, the very last vestiges of her humanity, “Stop the hunting parties?”

She snorted, “You're mistaken, he had perfect control over me"

Then she blinked, slowly, as if coming out of a dream.  Suddenly Sabrina's words had an entirely different meaning and she shook her head, "No.. never mind.  I should just go..."

Sabrina's gaze sharpened. "So you did come here on purpose," she said, taking a step closer to Jackie. "And now I am to understand that being bitten was orchestrated? You were planted here?" What implicated more danger, the growl of the wolf, or its absence? "Be quick and be clear, Jacqueline Ryder, who sent you, and what does he want with this pack?"

There was the whisper of a growl in the air, something left unspoken.  Jackie's eyes seemed to grow round from it, but not from fear.  Almost as if she were a child lost in a rainstorm, but rather than find herself frightened by the thunder, she stared at it curiously to see what it might do next.  She didn't take a step back as Sabrina drew nearer, but rather remained where she was, holding onto her space.

"Nothing," she muttered finally with a shrug, "Except me... and maybe Melinda's succeeded in convincing him I'm dead".  Or maybe not, if that letter said anything about it...

"But if I'm the plant, then what are you?" she mused aloud, again tossing that pointed glance to the mountains, "So many funny people you meet on the mountains... I wonder how many of them are also Sabres?"

Ulric cast a fleeting glance at Toby as they met, revealing his bewilderment and confusion, but neither one were sure to stop in their pursuit.

Without hesitation, Ulric knew to take his secondary form and speed after Bianca, catching up to her in an instant. That form was as natural to him as any daily movement, yet, as he leaned forward and began to feel the change, sweat ran from his skin in a sudden burst. A dreadful pounding began in his ears, and his body was fatigued in an instant. Then, he remembered Kratos' warning and ceased the attempt. The change was simply too taxing. His secondary form was inaccessible to him.

So, Ulric slowed his steps to catch his breath. He looked after Toby, and if his glance was met it was sure to say, "Catch up with her if you can. I'll be on the way."

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