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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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Cherise could only muster a timid smile in return to Bianca's, for she still felt she should not have been witness to the emotion that had just taken place. Nonetheless, her attention was drawn as she heard the door just down the hall open with a clang against the wall and Granny Buttermilk's ending comments.

The air about Cherise became quite cold again, for she remembered the very reason her Grandmother had them come here. The shock of that night had not completely worn off of Cherise's mind or heart. She winced as it played through her mind once again; The massive jaws holding on to an injured helpless young girl. Who could have been so thoughtless as to allow it to take place?..

"Cherise! Dearest, I'm going out." A woman of long curled scarlet hair, lips of ruby red and a leather jacket entered Cherise's memory.

"Where are you going, Mom?"

"Don't you remember Darling? Harold is taking me out to dinner. You sure you don't want to tag along?"

"Oh yes, Mom. I need to finish studying for my test."

"Of course, Dearest. I'll be home by nine..."

*Sirens blaring*

"Cherise! Get out of my way!! Where is my daughter!? Cherise! Oh honey! What happened? I promise if I ever get my hands on who did this!"

"She is alright Ma'am. Not a scratch or bruise, she is a little shaken, but not hurt."

"Oh Mom! I'm scared, I-It all happened so fast!"

"What happened? Darling you can tell me"

"It was one of those gangs, they heard about the jewels you keep up in your safe. I might suggest you remove them from your home, Ma'am."

"She is the monster! I'm telling you! That little girl is faking it! she is faking it all She's a monster she attacked us!" The officers proceeded to drag a man bound in cuffs to the police car.

"I'll show you who the monster is!!"

"STOP! Please ma'am, attend to your daughter. We'll make sure these men are put behind bars."

Although they never had a chance to lay a hand on her, the memory stung Cherise like a million bees. She shook her head quickly, angrily wiping the tears from her face before anyone could notice. What did being part of a pack truly mean? Being a family? or a gang?


Memphis did jump a little as the wolf lunged at her, and her life did flash before her eyes just as the white of his teeth did, but as usual nothing much phased Miss Harvey. She merely winced and took a step back for her own safety, her enormous pack jingling as she did so.

"Oh, is he not feeling well?" She asked innocently enough, honestly curious (as she always was). Did other werewolves exist besides herself? Could she get stuck in wolf form like this? She knew so little about her own lycanthropy that, to be honest, to this day it almost… scared her.

Or was this just some cultist ritual that involved trapping a lady in an underground jail thing with a suspiciously large wolf? In any case, it required investigation.

She plopped down a good distance away and lounged back on her pack, using it like a pillow.

"That's not bigfoot, at all," she said to the woman after a second with a frown. "He is a peaceful creature that merely has a phobia of cameras and who only wants to hang out eating twigs... we think. I really don't know who you're talking about, I'm sorry."

She probably shouldn't have told her about the camera thing - Memphis could have PETA called on her. She had called PETA once on herself before and that was... Not a fun experience.

She didn't like to think about that.

Distracting herself, she fished a twig out of her hair and seriously considered dropping it into the cage for the wolf (it would occupy her long enough in wolf form) but decided that that would be quite... Rude and insulting. Very funny, though, she had to admit. She smiled a little to herself. Her siblings used to tease the neighbor's evil dog when she was a kid, and though she was always busy trying to take pictures of ghosts, she always felt it would be a fun game.

"Anyway," Memphis continued, peering down into the structure with a tiny smile. "Forget bigfoot. I'm looking for the nearest town. I, uh... Lost my compass and now I'm lost too. An adventurer's not much of an adventurer without her compass." She laughed weakly, though she knew she was in quite the predicament. Sure she remembered how to navigate by stars and some natural signs, but those were far from consistent place to place. And it was morning-- she didn’t fancy moving around at night in untamed wilderness.

Plus, bigfoot could be about, and her disposable cameras didn’t have flash on them. The one dollar ones at Walgreen’s never did.

The scrabbling of footsteps spooked her, and with practiced ease she dislodged her pack from her shoulders, grabbed her ukulele from the top, scrambled upwards and got ready to run--

Only to see another woman, just about her age, standing across the pit and looking just as frightened as she felt.

"... Hello, other miss," And there again went Memphis's soft voice, her conflict-resolving voice, her let's-be-rational-here voice. "I'm very sorry if I am not welcome here or if I interrupted something, I will move on you need me to, I am just looking for directions to town or... or maybe some food."

She'd just realized how hungry she was. Berries and wild mint tea boiled over a fire don't so much for filling the stomach. Maybe she had some Chef Boyardee or something stashed in her bag somewhere but last time she checked she was fresh out of food.

And if she did manage to find something lodged up in there there was no telling how old it was. Even canned foods can go bad in a couple years or so.


Kratos leaned out of his chair with a sigh to accompany Sophia to the door. There was very little outward reflection to acknowledge the comments of the wizened Lady Alpha on the way out, nonetheless Kratos heard them, and it must be assumed, considered them.

Kratos stopped in the doorway and watched after Sophia as she slowly began to ascend the stairs, he took notice of her little cane with every clink-clink it made on the way up.

"Levi," The Alpha said, only just turning his attention to the two waiting in the sitting area. In a voice of deep sobriety he said, "It smells like the brisket is done. Go up stairs and call everyone around to eat. See to it that our guests are generously treated."
There was a nod given toward Sophia as the Alpha spoke, indicating that Levi should be of assistance if allowed. Then Kratos looked to Sabrina and beckoned her into his study.

~The large red door was closed behind them.~

Somewhere in the shadows between floor and wall, concealed behind the light of day to the mortal eye, Timothy glared back at Jackie.

"She met my eye... she knows I'm here. Then why pretend that I'm not? Have we not played this game before?" A low growl unheard by any but himself followed these thoughts as the only outward reflection in response to Jackie's command. Slowly he looked up at the stranger near the fence, and slowly he looked again at Jackie.. how small she looked, how weak...
"Fine. We'll pretend for a moment... We'll pretend we're all friends." Thus was the silent agreement, words not spoken.

Timothy slunk around the lower part of the wall, always within the shadows, barely to be seen as his hazy stripes moved just beyond sight. He would allow himself to be forgotten at present... if they could dare forget.


Logan, having been hunched over and resting her hands on her knees, stood up now to her full height and listened to the stranger across from her. Meanwhile the woman glanced into the den in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of the grey stripes moving against the shadow - seemingly of their own accord, for their owner had all but melted into the darkness.

"I am just looking for directions to town or... or maybe some food."

Logan exhaled a deep breath and focused on Memphis. This she understood; it was the same trivial need that led her to Reknab bend and ultimately to finding her way into the Calagathorm pack. "There is food inside -" she stopped and considered briefly how many guests they had, and wondered if Kratos had made more than enough or else just enough for them all. And then a more pressing thought came to mind, and she approached the girl slowly but kept enough distance between them so she wouldn't seem so overbearing. Logan was of no small stature, and the more time she spent around others, the more aware she became of her overall intimidating demeanor.

"You do know, these are werewolves? You are brave." Logan crouched next to the fence of the pit. "These ones are ah... how do I say? They do not have good manners..." she mumbled, glancing towards Jackie in particular. "The ones inside are better. I do not think the Alpha will mind to share with you." now she stood again and gestured towards the cabin; one of the two cabins in the area and at present the one where many of the werewolves of the pack resided within. "Follow.."

Then, stopping at the edge of the pit, Logan looked in with a firm expression and raised her voice. "Timotheus," the name she spoke just then emerged from her throat in something of a growl, "You are not to harm Jackie. Jackie, do not taunt him or else he will not have the chance."

With that, she continued on her way in a nonchalant manner, coming up to the steps of the cabin and opening the door for her new acquaintance.


"Aye sir," Levi said. He did catch the Alpha's gesture that he assist the old woman ascending the stairs - but he had seen that woman in action quite a time or two now and knew already her opinion of him, and her opinion of being helped, so he pretended that he did not. He had as much desire to interfere with the wolves of this pack or otherwise as he did to even be here at all. Still, he was raised to be a polite sort, and followed Granny up the stairs at her pace, not hurrying past her or riding her heels so closely that she would feel rushed. Instead, he pretended to be distracted from ascending the stairs faster by what might be happening with Sabrina behind that door. He looked back and feigned hesitancy frequently.

When the pair reached the top of the stairs and entered the main room, he looked briefly at Cherise. Then at Ulric. With a mind trained to take in as much detail as possible with just a glance, the emotion behind each face did not go unnoticed. But as he did not understand it, and honestly, having little desire to be party to it, he pretended not to notice that as well and turned his attention to search for where ever it was that the smell of charbroiled meats was emanating.

"Yer Alpha has instructed us to start the luncheon," he said, looking back at Ulric and Cherise as though spotting them for the first time and not being observant enough to note the tears. His eyebrows shot up, convincingly or not, as he expressed giving them more than just a cursory glance and perceiving at last the distress in their faces. "Oh, I'm sorry, didae interrupt?"


Ulric had remained standing awhile in the den after Bianca had gone, considering the solemn meeting and wondering, if only in passing, what his new acquaintance's relation to the officer of Middlecrest had been... However Ulric swiftly acknowledged Cherise with a smile, his cheeks would dry themselves, and he moved toward the kitchen when then came the sound from downstairs which thus signaled the conclusion of the meeting with the Lady of Reknab Bend.

As Levi and Mrs Buttermilk reached the top of the stairs, Ulric let the previous moment pass and offered both a friendly greeting.

"Good morning! Yes, I guess he did make something, didn't he?" Ulric turned on his heel, his arms hanging loosely as he did so to glance into the kitchen area of the den. The living room and the dining room - or else the kitchen, of the dens were not separated by a wall, and therefore provided an open view between the rooms. A staircase on either side of the dining room provided access to the upper level hallway and bedrooms, while under one was a pantry facing the kitchen, and under the other - the stairs leading to the small sitting area and the door to Kratos' study.

Ulric stepped into the kitchen and looked to help Levi get the 'luncheon' started, which Ulric knew was breakfast, and the reason why he had ventured down the steps late that morning.

"Looks like he's got us several plates to bring out." Ulric said, laughing slightly at the food already cooked and set out, but inwardly he wondered how early Kratos had gotten started, or if the Alpha had slept at all...

The menu of course was all meat, burgers and barbecue of various sorts, and all in plenty while Ulric knew by the smell that something else was still cooking outside.
It seemed a perfectly splendid feast - to a werewolf, and those who had similar carnivorous cravings. But not all appetites could be satiated by the same thing, and there were some that might in fact find the succulent steaks, seasoned salmon, and grilled chicken - all of which were wonderfully prepared - to be, in fact, repulsive. Though it was little even considered by Ulric, such was the misfortune of Tammy Trodder, who would shortly commence on one of the most regretful mornings of her life.


Theo woke up quick, his heart beating rapidly and the sensation he’d just been falling. Woke up as in… he’d actually fallen asleep. His immediate reaction was to look towards the door, convinced he’d woken up due to stirrings of that woman inside, but no the door was quiet and closed. Theo dared himself to relax, but only slightly, because he didn’t want to be caught falling asleep on the job by a certain alpha.

Theo sighed and stood to his groggy feet, taking a perfect sentry position. More had woken up since he’d last been conscious. He tried piecing together all the voices. A woman’s he didn’t recognize, Ulric and….

Theo bolted down the hallway, his duties all but forgotten, so he might strangle the Irishmen in a big bear-embrace of a hug. Theo stopped himself a few feet short, realizing this might take his friend by surprise and that werewolves often didn’t do well with that. He settled for an enthusiastic greeting instead.



All at once, steaks, uncomfortable emotions, and Ulric were forgotten. Levi looked up with a start at hearing his name declared with such exuberance. But when he saw Theo, all tension melted from his face and a very relieved and unguarded smile took its place instead. "Theo, m'lad!" he exclaimed. He crossed the distance Theo had stopped short at and caught him by the shoulders in an affectionate embrace. "Sabrina and ae got in, eh, a few days ago, mebe? Jest in time t' see t'yer friends' rescue--did what we could, 'tany rate." He laughed merrily. "Ah, 'tis good t' see yeh well, Theo! How long 'as it been?"


Whether or not the woman had ventured to follow, Logan propped open the door with a stone so all could go in and out as they pleased, and entered in herself... her observations first being stolen towards the strange man with a stranger accent, speaking to Theo as if they were old acquaintances. If she had recognized him from the night of their meeting, it was all but buried somewhere in her subconscious. From their latest meeting, there was some degree of respect earned in his favor for how he treated the trespassing woman. Theo seemed to regard him well, so she would as well unless there was reason given to do otherwise.

Cherise she acknowledged only with a brief nod of her head, as she tried - and failed - to recognize her, and unwilling at the moment to make any introduction. She was too bitter a mix of restless combined with the prior events to think herself much good for any more introductions today. Perhaps when the evening rolled around again.

Last of all her gaze shifted to Ulric and she walked up beside him, following his eyes to the kitchen but more so seeming to follow his own trail of thought, which perhaps she would know the answer to, for if she herself had slept that night it was not until long after the sun had set and certainly long before it had arisen, and her nap she attempted to claim all too late before the nature of daylight had stolen it away.

She exhaled deeply now and stepped into the kitchen, washing her hands before grabbing two of the many trays of succulent meats and carrying them to the dining room table..


Ulric's attention was caught away by Theo's enthusiastic greeting to Levi, and he couldn't help but smile while he watched the interaction unfold. But now, as he was now forgotten, and for the moment a mere shadow to all the commotion, there was that chance for solemnity to return and settle in on his heart like a cold wind. It seemed as if the whole atmosphere of the morning had been changed by that one chance meeting, and though it was easy to forget the cause of it and even the happy thought that had brought Ulric downstairs, that feeling lingered whether it wanted to be remembered or not.

When Logan came in Ulric noticed that she, too, seemed to take notice of the underlining history of the morning that had brought a prepared meal to the werewolf den. Ulric looked up at her with a smile as she stood beside him, Logan having come in was a happy reminder that there was someone familiar and friendly nearby, and even though she didn't say anything, it felt as if her presence was to say; 'I am with you', at least Ulric took comfort in it, and he watched as she went to get the plates.

When other attentions were turned from him, Ulric found a moment to slip away to the stairs behind everyone else and glance down the steps. He wondered what meeting was being conducted behind the large red door, and thought perhaps he heard someone open and close another door upstairs... But when Ulric went around to look up that way he saw no one, and for the time being the hall was dark, so he forgot about it.

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