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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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Her feet crumbled beneath her. It wasn’t her shadow she saw, but the prickle of darkness at the corner of her vision, threatening to consume all she saw. Her head was light, almost giddy in the stupor, and she did not concern herself as she felt gravity call. Distantly, she sensed someone move besides her (Melinda, her mind supported distantly), supporting her weight as she sagged awkwardly on her knees.

Was this dying? she wondered, briefly, then inwardly laughed at the strange thought. She wasn’t dying. She’d been closer than this before. It was shock, perhaps, or else the strain from exerting herself. She’d ignored the pain long enough that her body had taken its own prerogative and wrested the control from her grasp.

But maybe it was still a kind of death. In spite of her dimmed vision, she could still see the bright gold of Kratos’ eyes. It felt uncomfortable on her skin. He knew, now, the life she left behind and the choices of others that had brought her here. And yet what was to be said of her own? Her last had been to run out the front door, but she would not have gone farther than it. She was too tired to run anymore.

The realization washed over her like a rainstorm. She felt both apprehension and delight, and something else just beyond her comprehension. She raised her head slightly to meet his gaze, a subtle smirk formed on her lips.

Will you still have me?"


Kratos stooped to his knees, his eyes now level with Jackie's own.

"For better or worse." He replied. Then he stood and met Melinda's eyes for the last time. "There is bread enough and to spare," he continued. "But now you must say farewell. It may be some time before you see each other again."

Kratos moved toward the door and directed Timothy to go out before him. The younger wolf, with eyes of turquoise-blue, inclined not to argue with the placid tone and movements of his Alpha, therefore he went out. Alpha Kratos followed, and presumably Sabrina was passed at the doorway. How Kratos left that abused flower in Jackie's injured hand, no one save Jackie would know; for only she would know how his warm hand moved under her wounded wrist and laid the rose between her fingers. If anything he said was heard by her it would be a wonder, for as on that fateful night in the woods of Middlecrest as now in the upstairs bedroom of the dens, Kratos spoke not to her with words, but with thoughts and feelings expressed from eye to eye.

As Kratos went out, the second face he met before he left lingered on his mind.


Concluding post:

Ulric retreated, bent over on his knees catching his breath. His neck throbbed with the beat of his heart.

With eyes closed, Ulric tried to remember when he last felt this way, but to no avail. Yet what his conscious mind could not reason on account of physical pain became the focus of his subconscious in determining and preventing future harm. Thus, brief flashes of places he'd seen and feelings he'd felt came to mind; he saw the woodland thicket and remembered fighting Harvey Bolt's dog; he recalled following Timothy on a path over a river and finding Toby. A sense of being lost and alarmed accompanied both memories. Ulric struggled to put the pieces together. Then, at last he opened his eyes in realization.

"The weeds." Ulric said, panting hard. He glanced over his shoulder back at the house in confusion. Then he knit is brow and cast an inward glace back at himself. "Could it be?"

Ulric closed his eyes again and tried to balance the beat of his heart. He remembered stumbling into a sticky weed patch the night he found Toby, and on a more recent occasion he recalled crashing blindly through bushes off a path to find Jackie in the woods.
"Jackie..." Ulric's mind flashed to another memory that seemed to have no connection to the prior two, "A black box laying in the grass." Eyes still closed, Ulric knit his brows harder. What did that have to do with anything? "The musk of the leaves. I used them to hide Jackie."

Ulric opened his eyes at last and stared hard at the fence of the ditch. It made sense now. There were paths through the woods guarded by some kind of herb! Timothy had used the path to get across the river. Ulric himself had stumbled blindly onto one path in his search for Jackie. Both times it had gone over his mind for the herb seemed to have some forgetful effect on the werewolves.

Someone came out of the den behind him just then, but Ulric did not see who, for at the same moment he saw something far off in the woods on the other side of the clearing. Through the wires of the fence and the trees beyond it he saw a large and white beast. It was too large to be Sabrina or any other werewolf, yet it was gone sooner than he saw it.

"Wha-" Ulric gasped. "What was that?"

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