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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Jackie remained strangely quiet as the crowd gathered in the barn. She did not so much as glance at Hamilton (although she did wrinkle her nose in what might have been disgust). Instead she had returned to her work and was sweeping stray hay out of the pathway. But inside Jackie was fuming, her rage barely contained to the brushstrokes of her push broom. Had one been paying close enough attention, it was clear that whatever demon had possessed her mind was only growing stronger. 

At last it seemed the redhead could take no more. Her eyes narrowed in on Hamilton like bird of prey, an unfocused and deadly anger filling them.

"This isn’t the place to get a day job," she growled,"Get out. If you stay, it’ll be on your own stupid head".

Jackie offered no further explanation to her outburst but instead turned heel and marched out of the barn. She was done with work for the day.


If it were possible, Theo’s face became a new shade of red. His arms were still clutching at the ghost of the form that had been the notebook, not quite used to the idea of it missing. It wasn’t that good, he thought, and Toby should know that. Really it was the least he could do!. Theo shook his head.

"Well don’t think too much of it," Theo was eyeing the corners of Toby’s eyes. They hadn’t been that moist before, had they?

"I'm really a lousy writer. My mother always had a hard time getting me to sit still and do my writing. I’m sure you could teach me a thing or two on it".


Logan considered Ulric's question for a moment, looking around and perhaps trying to catch wind of the unfamiliar character... when nothing immediately presented itself, she thought it would be appropriate to give her thoughts to Ulric.

"Yes.. I think so. Maybe it was someone taking a walk. If it's an intruder, I hope for them that the Alpha is in a good mood today. Otherwise is does not concern me."


The same image of the howling wolf that was on the seal was embellished into the top center of the letter. On the upper right hand side was a return address, and then, in pristine handwriting and lacking any blemishes was as follows:

"Respected Alpha, 

My name is Bianca E. Chapman. Presently I am seeking out a pack that will be suitable so that I can commit to them for an indefinite, and at the very least, a long period of time.

Recent events have led me to your pack and I would be greatly interested in learning more about it, if you can find the time to share that with me. Should you indeed find the time to respond, I would like at least a basic outline of the workings of your pack, such as the schedules, day to day life, and what I will be expected to contribute to the pack. 

To give you a small picture of who I am, I am young, but I like to believe that regardless of age I am mature, with a good general know of the world I live in. I am a Werewolf who is Pure Blood, although I have never had a problem keeping control of my alternate form; on the contrary it has always been "just another thing", like learning to swim or ride a bike, and I can take my form with ease. 

As the oldest of two sisters, the type of lifestyle I'm used to involves cooking, cleaning, tending to my sisters in times of illness, and running errands as well as teaching. Presently I am pursuing a degree in teaching, however I have never wanted to teach at a school and rather I would like to apply that knowledge to young or inexperienced Werewolves who lack full control over their forms, for their own safety and that of others around them.

To conclude this letter: Despite my own personal abilities, I will let you know that I can adapt quickly to a wide range of situations and sometimes even enjoy the challenge of it, so I do hope that you are not too quickly put off by my outlines. I would also like to add that if you have any more questions, I will be glad to answer them. 

That being said, I thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Take care of yourself, and have a wonderful day.

Yours Faithfully, 

Bianca E Chapman~


Hamilton followed Zeit's statement closely, his apprehensions of Kratos were true, he thought to himself, glancing from the Alpha back to the red head. He gave several nods during her explanation, underestimating the number of steps to the pressurize. Hamilton recalled briefly on his hometown. He had done this same approach a number of times over, to offer temporary work in return for food, or pay. Then he gradually realized he was among friends then, and neighbors. They already trusted his word and reliability. In a sense, this was his first official interview. 

"’s hard to understand at times, and it’ll only attract attention to ya." He brought himself back to reality, his face washed over with bewilderment, before gradually turning into an almost entertained expression as Zeit shamelessly continued in mockery of his accent. He was starting to like what he was seeing of these werewolves. 

"Oi, not bad a job Bluey, we'll make an aussie outta you yet." Hamilton called over his shoulder, teasing good-humoredly. He held his ground even as Zeit left, looking to Chime, he realized her inexperience, and felt a certain pull that he should say something to buck her up a bit, comprehending all too well how easy it was to compare Chime to his first times in the barns. 

His intentions were cut short by Jackie's sudden outburst. Hamilton remained unmoving, watching with an unchanging expression as the woman stomped outside. He had to admit, he hadn't even seen Jackie, her sudden take was a bit unexpected, but it gave Hamilton an opportunity to think twice of what he was getting himself into. 

This was just the barn. Was he only going to get the bad side of the everyone else? Or was there even reason to worry, the job was only temporary.. right? He pondered with fasten brows, lost in his own thoughts, he disregarded Kratos and Chime, turning wordlessly to catch up with Zeit.


"Well Miss Johnson, you're not from around here. Reknab Bend is a small town. Do you have friends here?" 

Cherise smiled sheepishly at the officer's words. "No Sir, I live in a city that's pretty far from here. I just graduated and came here in hopes to find Mrs. Buttermilk... I have reason to believe that she is my grandmother." With that the young woman reached into her bag and pulled out a copy of the marriage certificate for Scott Buttermilk and Jessica Johnson. 

After a brief pause to look over the certificate, Cherise offered it over to the officer to inspect. "My mother and father divorced before I was born. All my research has brought me to this." Quietly Cherise waited for the officer's response.


Toby looked at the book and again flipped through the pages in a quick scan. Aw, that's alright. I'm not too good a writer myself-- he said cheerfully, then flushed as though he had just he deserved to be reprimanded for. I mean, I can write; I know how to spell, punctuation, proper penmanship and all that. It's just-- I mean-- Well, what I meant is I just can't seem to write anything interesting... Not like it should be at least, or like I hear it in my head, or... Yeah.

Following this, Toby seemed to deflate. Weakly, he smiled up at Theo and held the book close. No worries, Theo. I won't think less of you, in fact, I'm going to treasure this forever...You're a really good friend.


Jarsha followed after Ruby, his eyes darting around as he tried to take in all the scents, sights, and sounds at once. The man was still not quite used to all these heightened senses, having only been a werewolf for a short while. He eventually managed to settle his focus on his lovely wife, blocking the other overwhelming sensations out to try and quell the headache already beginning to throb in his head. Jarsha smiled, thinking back to the major points in their relationship, letting the thoughts settle his frantic mind down.

"Will they accept us in their pack?" he asked in a low voice to the girl, "What if they are hostile?"

The first-generation werewolf had never been a part of a pack before, though Ruby seemed very insistent on it. He, as well, felt a sort of instinctive need to be in a group of similar peoples since being changed; and while selling his first cafe had been hard to do, he was more than willing to relocate to where a pack was nearby, if only to make Ruby happy.

He took in a deep breath through his nose, trying to calmly assess the scents and identify each one as his wife had been teaching him. He could smell grass and other plants, as well as horses and cows and other such things. But above all was the lingering scent of wolf. Everywhere. He would not be surprised if even a normal human would be able to pick up the scent.


Watching as the Zeit and the stranger filed out, and yes, as Jackie marched on, Chime briefly wondered if she should leave her alpha to read the letter and, she didn't know, do alpha-y stuff, or stay and.. fill him in on the details..? 

Truthfully, she didn't have a lot to say, well, probably not more then the letter did anyway, though as he asked again, she figured had her answer.

Chime found herself at the waiting game once more, should she talk as he read or...? She beginning to get irritated with hi- well, with the situation. She was sure that the letter must have information on the mysterious woman in it, sure that he could probably tell herself more about the lady then she could him. He did ask though, so ever so softly she began.

"Well.. I didn't get her name, but she seemed nice. And Karma seemed to like her." She found herself chuckling slightly, surprising herself, "Well, I guess what she really liked was the apple.."


Holding the note and envelope in one hand with the other hand rested on his belt, Kratos read the letter with little telling in his expression. He glanced up only once as Jackie stormed out of the barn and seemed to watch her a moment before returning his eyes to the paper. Once finished, he placed the note back in the envelope with the same hand in which he held it and pushed out of his leaning stance against the stall door.

"Well, she knows how to sell herself." Kratos commented as he tapped the envelope on the palm of his other hand. "I don't suppose we'll need a forwarding address to find her again, she left quite a traceable scent..." His deep voice was accompanied by a casually ironic tone with this last remark.

The Alpha sighed and looked at Chime. He noticed that she had been hesitant to reply, and Kratos did not know whether that was because she did not believe she needed to, felt it rude, or else was preoccupied or uninterested. But he noticed when meeting Chime's face that she seemed somewhat irritated also, more particularly on his account. The question he had asked before, more or less had been intended to inquire how Chime had received the envelope, or perhaps for a description of this Bianca, or Chime's thoughts on the person who had delivered the message. Regardless however, Kratos did not mention it.

"Chime, can you do me a favor? I would like you to bring this to Ziet. Tell her that I'll be by later to have a word about it." Kratos said, giving the envelope to Chime. Again the Alpha glanced up and looked in the direction Jackie had gone before looking down at Chime once more. "Also, if you see Ulric, tell him to come find me."

With that Kratos' turned away and walked out of the barn, seemingly in the same direction Jackie had gone.


Ulric's instincts when catching wind of those unfamiliar smells inclined him toward caution, but he did not want to seem alarmed, especially if Logan was unconcerned. So with a slow shrug and one last glance in the direction of the woods, Ulric decided to ignore the matter at present, regardless of his own uneasiness... 

"Anyway," Ulric said, tucking one hand into his pocket. "What were you saying before? I think you mentioned something about the folks back where you're from... Where is that?"


Officer Clerk took the paper from the young lady and handled it with mild care. After briefly looking over the paper while listening to Cherise's explanation, Thomas looked up again with some interest. 

"Did you find the document of divorce?" He asked, offering the certificate back to Cherise's hand. 

"Didn't Scott move away maybe about thirteen years ago?" Remarked the lady at the desk, lifting a hand to casually adjust her right earring. "Left with his brother too, I think."

Thomas gave a thoughtful nod, but he didn't turn his attention away from Cherise. "Do you have your birth-certificate and ID with you? We can probably search for the original files, if you would like - see if we can't find anything out that you haven't already found."


Already carried off somewhere else in her trail of thought, Logan was slightly surprised when Ulric spoke again, and brought up what she had mentioned earlier. She glanced towards him briefly, a look on her face as though he had randomly summoned up a conversation from hours ago that was no longer relevant at all. Then she looked forward and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, briefly recalling what she had said to even initiate the conversation. 

"Ah.. North, about two.. yeah, twenty five hundred miles? But that is rough, I could not tell you the exact location, where it is by for example, without a map. Anyway, it is kind of like a village, very small with very little population. Many of the original families came from different countries or far places. There is a term for it, it's like a 'melting pot' I think, I'm not very good at explaining these things." now she realized she was being redundant at this point. Logan was not a self conscious person by nature, but the more she talked to the others in the pack, the more she became self aware of her accent and that way she worded things stuck out compared to her pack mates. Admittedly, everything about her physique stuck out, but she was only concerned about her speech. 

"How about you? You said where you come from, things are a little different as well?" she hoped to herself that Ulric would take up the bulk of the talking for the time being.


Jackie still had a rake in her hand as she stormed past the meadow; in combination with a steely gaze and an upturned sneer, she seemed quite the potent mix. The woman kept walking without hesitation or thought on her direction and soon the barn was but a distant speck in the distance. Jackie was so consumed in her stride that she had no noticed where her feet were taken her. In fact, she was quite surprised to find she had stopped in front of an apple orchard. 

Jackie eyed the apples in anger, as though the ripe red fruit were responsible for her woes. Her sneer curled bitterly into a snarl and her hands clenched. For an instant it looked as though the firey redhead intended to attack the trees —and certainly as she charged the innocent vegetation, it would have easily given this impression. But her hands, instead of curling into a fist on the bare bark of the tree, reached to grab a lowhanging fruit. She tossed it lightly to the soft undergrowth. She grabbed another. Another. The woman was making a small pile of ruby fruit and seemed intent not to stop her efforts.

It was perhaps a fortune to one inhabitant of the orchard that Jackie was so preoccupied. She did not notice the unfamiliar scent lingering in the trees, nor did her eyes keenly spot a white note tied to a nearby tree. No, she had to keep picking apples and everything else was an unneeded distraction. Or perhaps, the apples were the distraction to an unneeded thought.


Theo blushed scarlet.

"No no, please don’t, its not that good to be treasured or anything," Theo stammered a series of unrecognizable words and phrases. Even Theo didn’t know what he was saying.

"Er... why don’t I leave you in peace, then? I’m guessing you’re not well enough to go exploring with me… so its alright. I’ll just be. Leaving? You have a lot to read and all now so…"

Was that the right thing to say to a sick person? Theo didn’t know. His eyes were half asking Toby if that had been the right thing to say too, but he shyly blinked away and starred at his feet once he realized what he was doing. He then concentrated on getting his feet to move, but his feet remained stationary. Stupid feet, move, he thought, but to no avail. This was a little embarrassing. He turned to look at Toby once more, as uncertain as ever.

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