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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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"Did you find the document of divorce?" He asked, offering the certificate back to Cherise's hand. 

Cherise nodded at the words of the officer. Quickly she withdrew from her bag another document and, with a brief glance at it, handed it over to the him. "I don't think this will do any good. It's the only copy I have found and- unfortunately, my mothe- I mean the name of m father is crossed out with black marker." 

"Didn't Scott move away maybe about thirteen years ago? Left with his brother too, I think."

With this remark, Cherise closed her eyes and breathed in a sigh of disappointment. Adding a soft shake of her head with a look of *of course* upon her face. Though, almost immediately after, she pushed the thoughts of discouragement from her head and smiled. 

"Do you have your birth-certificate and ID with you? We can probably search for the original files, if you would like - see if we can't find anything out that you haven't already found." 

Cherise took courage at these words and seemed very relieved. "I do," she sighed happily "and I would be very grateful." With that she fumbled through the bag for the other required documents.


Ulric listened with good interest, although his eyes were turned mainly to the ground he gave a nod here and there as Logan spoke.

"So, some distance on the other side of these mountains, then?" Ulric commented, seeming to lift his chin and reconfigure his inner compass before the conversation was rotated in his direction. "Yeah, I'm from Pinerich - its about an hour south of Reknab - a city, so yeah, everything's a lotdifferent from what I'm accustomed to. There were things going on that I just didn't want to be a part of, and the only way I could think to get out was to come here."

"It's been a bit rough, but you know," Ulric said. As he continued to walk alongside Logan he gave a halfhearted chuckle and shrug. "I mean, I was only here once before the night you arrived, and that was the first time I met Kratos. I'm not sure what he thought of me, but I was caught off guard by his... well, Kratos is a big guy and I was with Rosa, so... Anyway, it's been an interesting experience getting to know him and everybody. It's better than what I had before." 

By the way Ulric spoke it was clear that there was much he was not saying of his former conditions, but that did not seem to limit his honesty. He was content with his life now, passive in his approach, willing to help his new friends and acquaintances in whichever way he was found able. 

"How do you like it here though?" Ulric said after a moment. "I know you had the chance to get out last week before I came across you guys. It seems like quite a few people can't wait to get out of here."

He did not mention it, but of course Ulric had Jackie in mind when he said this last part, and he wondered if Logan might guess as much.


*Click-tap, thump.*

As a branch was bent down before the fruit of one apple tree was released into Jackie's hand, there was a sound in the boughs above, followed by a rustling and then a tap and thump as something fell off another branch and into the grass. Certainly it looked in passing like a broken twig, save only for that slender piece of string that followed it to the ground. But after it hit the earth there was no telling, for the grass had grown quite lush under the tree and the object which had fallen was now completely concealed. Indeed, it would not be seen unless sought...


Kratos walked slowly down the path leading by the front fence of Zeit's house, under the tree and steadily onward to the hill. He was slow in going, or at least very casual and preoccupied, yet his eyes were lifted with purpose. He saw Jackie go into the orchard, but did not know what she intended to do there. In any case she was out of sight soon enough, but Kratos kept at the same pace.

While he continued to walk, Kratos looked at the house and likely considered Timothy inside, then he looked in the opposite direction and more toward the hill and caught a different sight. It seemed there was a car parked in the distance off the road that ran by the Chandler fields, and knowing that road to usually be quiet, Kratos took the peculiarity into account. Nonetheless he did not turn from his course to investigate, and continued up the hill.


Officer Thomas Clerk took each document Cherise supplied and verified the information on each one, passing them over the desk to be examined by the secretary, who in turn checked the information and began typing on her computer. 

"Here we are," the woman at the desk said after a moment, looking hard at her screen and reading what she had found there. "A Jessica J. Johnson and Scott Buttermilk marriage certificate and divorce.. Doesn't look like it was a very long relationship according to these dates.. Uhm.. Let's see... Yes, has a brother, Tobias Buttermilk whose wife, Lucy, died about fourteen years ago. Both Scott and Tobias are the children of Sophia and Edward Buttermilk. Here's an obituary for Edward, place and date of death... he was buried at the Reknab Bend cemetery."

"Edward Buttermilk, if I'm not mistaken, was the grandson of John Edward Stone who founded Reknab Bend in eighteen thirty-eight." The Lady commented, looking at Cherise again. "You might be able to find out more at the local library."

The woman then looked at Thomas and added, "Isn't Edward's wife still alive? Sophia, isn't that the name of the lady who owns the antique shop down the road? I've been in there a few times with Tom and Maegan to look at a few of the odds and ends she has there. Tom never sees the point, but Maegan is fascinated by the history."

There was a smile that crossed the woman's face with this last part.

"Yes, Mrs Buttermilk is a very interesting old lady." Officer Clerk responded with a smile and a nod of his head. "Molly takes the girls there on the weekends sometime."


Toby beamed and continued to hold the book closely as he watched Theo behave awkwardly. He felt so special, and decided he was officially going to like this Theo very, very, very, very VERY much! They would be friends, no doubt about it. Who couldn't be friends with such a great guy like Theo? He wrote books for crying out loud and thought ahead to the future importance of a simple pamphlet. What an intelligent guy! For the omega, he had found a kindred spirit in awkwardness and unappreciated genius.. Yes, he would be friends with Theo.

..Then Theo mentioned exploring.

Suddenly, Toby felt a knot in his stomach and cast a look of longing toward the open window. "Exploring?" He mumbled, though it sounded more like a whine. Theo wanted to go exploring with him? Really?.. Almost instantly the bed and room he had enjoyed so much only a moment ago was no longer satisfying to him. The books that had enthralled him seemed like a weight-- This was a crucial bonding moment! If Toby allowed his injuries to get the better of him, his new found friendship with Theo might fizzle out! That was what happened to friendships when you didn't excersise them! Oh, no. Toby couldn't bare loosing Theo as a friend, it would be worse than all the pain a simple hike could ever be.

No! Toby had to go! He had to get his crutches, this was just too important.

Quickly, Toby smiled brightly at Theo and tossed the covers from his legs, over the stack of books he had accumulated. "No, no. Exploring is just thing I need right now. It will be perfect! I'll go exploring with you." He said cheerfully, making a quick grab for his crutches. The swift action and strain of moving and reaching sent a horrible ache up through Toby's torso and caused him to stall. He grimaced for a moment and felt a little nauseous, but shook it off. Too important! he told himself. Wobbling out of bed and slipping his crutches under his arms, he smiled again at Theo.

"Yes, yes! I'll go exploring!" he said, just as cheerfully, then moved forward and winced again. "Uhm.. Just, slow exploring.. Okay?" He asked timidly.


Logan found herself amused, listening to Ulric. It was nice to connect with someone in the pack on a conversational level, instead of just the off handed stares and occasional greeting, and she very much enjoyed learning some of the more inner thoughts of a member. When he began to talk about Kratos size, a small bug genuine dimpled grin crossed her face briefly. "I think that the only thing more bizarre than the Alpha's size, would be someone who does not flinch at the sight of him for the first time." 

Then she pondered about his question briefly. "It is kind of like you said, a bit rough.. and I think I know what you mean, about people wanting out of here.. it's just that I'm not very used to this, up until here I have been able to do whatever I want, so I can't always respect boundaries, even if I understand them. I don't know the word, but it's like this.. if there was not a boundary, maybe I wouldn't want to leave so much."

Now it seemed the walk from the cabins to Zeit's home was growing to a close, or at least the bulk of it was finished.

"How long was it before you felt like you.. 'belonged'?" she asked. "Maybe, for some, this is why they don't want to stay here.

Hour Glass

Zeit was walking, when she heard Hamilton's comment. "For a fact, I have a southern slur sometimes," she replied, "was born and raised on the ranch, it’s typical around here for people to have a bit of the south in them! And I can assure you, I won’t be an Aussie anytime soon!"

She smirked as she moved along, bringing the new wolf to the front of the house, keeping him down wind in case a certain wolf decided to pop up. Least Zeit could try and prevent the situation, if not, Kratos wasn’t too far away. Hopefully he could help... Maybe.... If she called out loud enough maybe?

She sighed, shaking her head, focusing back on the foreigner. "Aways, Mr. Hamiliton? What’s your reasoning for being here? You plannin' on staying here and being apart of the pack or just passin' through?" she asked, "and if ya stay here, are ya able to be trusted working around my cattle? I don’t take kindly to wolves trying to eat my livestock". She crossed her arms, thoroughly studying the man.


Ruby chuckled at her husband’s words, simply grabbing his wrists and pulled him along. "If they are hostile, then they’ll at least tell us to leave, though they’re a newer pack, they should be looking for more members to join!" she replied, "just relax everything will be okay! I promise!"

The girl grinned happily, smiling to Jarsha until she stiffened a bit. "I smell wolves, it looks like the pack is active already!" she said looking on eagerly as she saw another female and male in front of what looked like a house. "Let's go talk to them!" she said, quickly hurrying ahead.


Cherise's eyes widened in surprise when the lady at the desk found a marriage certificate, and information about the divorce. "Is it.. Jessica Jane, Johnson?" she asked timidly. She listened intently and nodded anxiously at the suggestion she check the library. Though, she was clearly disheartened at the prospect that the grandfather she may have never knew had passed away. 

At the mention of Mrs. Buttermilk, Cherise once again listened carefully. "So.. Um, in your opinion, do you think that I am related to this family?" quietly she waited for a reply. Her hopes had reached a new level, however, she was reluctant to let them reach too high.


Much like a sleepwalker that awoke and discovered their subconscious misdeeds, Jackie was very surprised to discover she was in the orchard. She could recollect walking away from the barn, making out the shapes of the trees, and perhaps even the frenzied moments of her apple fixation. But the events were recollected as hazy half-images and half-thoughts, things that belonged more in dreams than in waking moments. What’s more, it appears she had been busy. There was... at least twenty apples?!

Jackie starred at the pile with her expression registering somewhere between surprise and disgust. She had no idea what one did with twenty apples, much less how it could have escaped her attention that she had picked so many of them. Her surprise bowed quickly to the disgust and her blue eyes narrowed with strong dislike at the ruby pile. 

"It’s your fault," she told the apples plainly.

With a disgruntled sigh she stooped down to the ground and removed her jacket. While certainly tempted to walk away and leave the villainous fruit to rot, the red head did not like the idea of leaving so much food go to waste. She began piling the fruit into her jacket. Perhaps she could bake a pie. A very large pie. 

As Jackie was struggling to remember an apple pie recipe, her fingers strayed across something foreign in the grass, not too far from the pile. At first glance it seemed nothing more than a twig. But her eyes were sharp. There was something strange about the twig. The redhead brought it closer for inspection.


Theo, ever the mastermind of deciphering human emotion, thought Toby might be having a panic attack. He was speaking very quickly and ecstatically. He was starting to flounder a bit on the bed, as if trying to free himself from the covers. The omega was still on the road to recovery; perhaps he had said something that had offset him?

Wait, no no no... Theo began paying attention to the words Toby was speaking and found her could not understand them. Toby wanted to go exploring, with him? Theo was trying to hide his delight at Toby taking an interest in his hobbies. This was not hard, as he was also very concerned that Toby may fall as he struggled to get his crutches.

"We'll take it slow," Theo promised, his eyes warily watching Toby’s unsteady stance, "There's a grove of trees I’ve been meaning to check out for a while. I think there’s a nest of baby birds up in one of the trees and I just want to check. It’s not too far or anything… err, do you need any help there?"


Hamilton considered her inquiries briefly, before coming to a conclusion. Can't say I've actually given much thought to that.. He replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head in thought, before lifting his eyes up to meet hers, “But I can say that I'm not quite partial to meat, so you won't see any trouble from this dog ma'am. He replied in good humor, but at the same time with all sincerity of his eating habits. 

He pondered a bit, surveying the scene around him in reflection of what he was going to do with himself. I s'pose I could give it a burl, just long enough for you, along with whoever else you've got here, to figure out whether or not an addition is what this pack needs right now..He commented, completely unaware of how many more additions fate had planned for the community. 

It was a stumbling hand that had discovered it, a hand that had not sought for the object itself but rather to gather fruit, and yet perchance found the peculiar thing laying amid the grass. And what a peculiar object it was, for indeed the size and length was no different than any branch or twig ever happened upon, yet it was unique in many ways. From a distance it could have fooled the keenest eye, yet now that it was clearly seen, there could be no mistaking it for anything but what it was; the object was a small hand carved flute with many intricate details, quite unlike in design to common things.

It was a handsome object, made of some kind of dark wood, polished beautifully and bound by quality leather; it was not the sort of thing one might expect to find laying in the grass or left behind forgotten. The markings it bore seemed to tell a strange and enchanting story, but what that story meant could only be guessed, for they were not telling markings that indicated any particular thing. Its neighbor however, was not so secretive...

Laying in the grass near where the flute had been discovered was another object, this one by the looks of it having fallen some days before the first. The eagerness of the grass growing tall and green had concealed this object from loftier views, but the stalks on which the object had fallen were yellow and pale. Yet here near the ground and with the flute beside it, this second object could easily be recognized from among fallen branches, roots, and twigs. 

Not so intricately detailed as the first, nor made of the same finer wood was another carving. This strange trinket fit easily in the palm of one's hand but seemed to serve no particular purpose. It too must have been hand carved, but by a different hand, one less experienced with a simpler story to tell. The figure was that of an animal, a bison, with an old grey feather tied to its tail by a worn leather strap. 

There being neither scent nor sign of the original owner upon these two strange treasures, it was unknown how they came to be in the apple orchard...


The lady at the desk briskly checked her computer and nodded her head. "Yes, Jessica Jane Johnson." she replied, looking at Cherise again.

"Well," said Officer Clerk, "It seems your findings are matching up with our official records, so I suppose there's a pretty good chance. You might be able to find more information at the library, or Town Hall... But how about we head on over to speak with Mrs. Buttermilk? If your mother divorced Scott before you were born, Mrs. Buttermilk likely doesn't have a knowledge of you, but if she knew Jessica she might be able to confirm your theory." 


Ulric couldn't help laughing at Logan's comment about Kratos, but he quickly corrected himself and resumed his natural composure, albeit he was still smiling as Logan continued.

"Well, for me," said Ulric, lifting his eyes now and looking down the road. They had cleared the forest and had already walked some ways beside Zeit's unused pasture down the back road. "I'm still not sure whether I feel like I belong. I think I came close last moon, when Kratos told me to go back to the dens after we found Toby..."

Ulric's smile faded and he looked somewhat solemn as he paused, continuing to walk while his gaze turned downward thoughtfully. 

"I guess belonging is having a purpose for me, being able to feel like I'm making a contribution to the pack." Ulric said softly, looking up again. "I kept waiting for him to call on me that night. He knew I could control myself - that I could help. But he didn't, not until I proved it."

After a brief pause and another shrug Ulric spoke again, this time more resolutely. "I don't know much about Kratos, why he does the things that he does, or why he sets the rules that he does... He never seems to try to explain it to anyone. I don't even know why he's trying to get a bunch of strangers to act like a pack - only blood relatives stay together like this, that's why family means so much. If you don't have family you'll get hunted down by everyone else's - and you've got to be pretty smart to survive outside anyone's territory as a loner. That's the world we live in."

While Ulric spoke he seemed to grow a faraway look in his eyes, and his tone also became distant. But just then he came back to himself and looked at Logan.

"I've only ever heard of strangers getting together like this when a loner is trying to start a pack, First Generation bloodlines usually happen because of loners... and the packs always end up tearing themselves apart..."


Reaching the top of the hill and looking about, Kratos sighted Jackie bent over a pile of apples near the base of a tree. He did not pay much mind to the object she held, for surely it appeared to be nothing of consequence to him for the present. So he stood silently a moment looking between her and her collection with a raised brow and a curious expression. Then the wind shifted and naturally he looked about breathing the air to determine the direction of an unfamiliar scent in the area. What Kratos saw was a note pinned to a tree...

"I don't know why you decided to gather apples instead of going out to kill deer." Kratos' deep voice came suddenly. He walked further into the orchard, casually passing Jackie by and reaching out to pull the note from the tree. "Looking for some other red meat? I guarentee apples won't satisfy the craving."

Kratos seemed to read over the note with vague interest, mocking an nonchalant indifference, then he turned it over to see if anything was written on the back. The back of the page was of course blank, but the Alpha lifted it briefly to his nose a moment later to recieve more information about this "Rook" than words could tell him. 

"It's amazing what you can know about someone when the wind is right." The Alpha muttered to himself, smiling as he brought the note down and glancing at Jackie since he had purposefully spoken loud enough for her to overhear. 

What the Alpha had discovered in that brief sniff was this; The writer of the note was an older gentleman and he traveled with one other, a woman who had likely been in his company for some time. The direction and degree of the wind made the scents fairly clear to discern. And that was not all either, for Kratos also found out that there were at least two horses traveling with this pair, and from could easily determine the course of this traveler. He knew how long ago the man had been in the orchard, had an idea of where the man had come from, and a hint as to where he was going. It was all rather satisfying

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