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The Mystery Within (SP-RP1) 11/2010 - 03/2011

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Theo would have liked to say falling down a mountainside would have been like the cartoons. It was not. It was painful and very dangerous, a conclusion it didn't take him long to make. The boy finally landed upside-down on the mountain, having rolled head over heel most of the way. By the time his sight had swam into place, Theo was quite certain he wasn't going to be in the condition of falling off mountains any time soon.

Groggily, he stood and scanned for the figures of what he could only hope were his packmates. No avail.


His voice echoed on the mountains. If he didn't find anyone soon, he was going to be alone for a very long time. Theo shivered at the thought.



Heart racing and out of breath, Timothy sat up and stared at the odd place he had found himself. There was no scent he recognized in this new landscape and no trail he could follow, the rocks from the landslide had smashed his legs and bruised his back, and absolutely no one was in sight.

The young man took a few moments to catch his breath before he began pushing the stones off his body and digging himself out of the mess. He could only imagine what had become of the others and he felt more and more like shouting out his opinion of Kratos' leadership for all the forest to hear.

It was bad enough to be forced into the mountains which clearly hated this pack, but then Kratos had to lead them off a cliff too!

With the last rock Timothy managed to shove off his body, he let out a shout of frustration and hit it hard with his fist. Then at last he scrambled away from the unsteady mountain side and turned to look back up at the ledge which had dropped them.

It appeared that the trail which the pack had been following was previously being supported by two great stones, one of which had collapsed, thus dropping those whom had been walking on it down the mountain.


Panting hard because of the adrenaline rush, Kratos pulled himself out from under the boulders and brought himself down to the base of the rock slide.

"What had happened?" He wondered, turning to look up at the fallen ledge. He could have sworn that it had been perfectly stable seconds before the pack had started over it, yet it had undoubtedly fallen, so he assumed that he must have been mistaken. "It's just fate that I never see what lies beyond this mountain. Ol' Phantom has gotten the best of me again."

It was imperative that Kratos now discover the whereabouts of the pack members and if they were all okay. But as he searched for them, he found that the path which had broken just behind where he had stood, had now fallen to the homeward side of the mountain.

Instantly the Alpha worried for the physical welfare of the others and he began urgently searching for anyway to contact them and make sure no one was severely injured. He could not call over to them because it would likely lead to another rock slide, so he tried finding a way back up to the ledge.


Timothy was also searching, but not for a way up the mountain, merely the clothes or backpacks of the others which would discern if anyone was trapped beneath the rocks.

Upon finding nothing, Timothy wondered whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, until he noticed that it appeared only the area where Kratos and himself had been standing which had dropped on this side of the mountain...

Timothy knew that this must mean that Kratos was on the side with him, but he did not know about Sabrina since she had been standing just behind.

Timothy growled with frustration once again as he decided the only thing he could do was to search for any familiar scent. He hated to use any animal sense, but he could not leave someone trapped beneath the rocks to die.

So the young man began trying to smell for them, as stupid as it felt and as crazy as it must have looked. He had avoided using his abilities for so long, yet it still came so naturally and his mind instantly began translating each scent. Most were none he recognized, but every once and awhile he came across a plant which seemed vaguely familiar, and at length he had smelled out the entire area..

Unfortunately, Timothy had not once caught the scent of another werewolf and had begun to feel very lost when he suddenly caught Kratos' scent and froze.

Coming around the corner was the massive black form of the Alpha, his bright yellow eyes immediately trained upon the young werewolf boy.


Kratos had searched for anyway up to the ledge in vain, and was searching for anything else of interest when he had caught Timothy's scent and rounded the rocky corner directly upon the boy.

The Alpha quickly noticed Timothy's horror and withdrew a few steps. He could not completely drop his werewolf form nor leave the way he had come, because he knew all too well that Timothy payed more mind to the human part of himself than the werewolf, thus the boy would likely run if Kratos completely withdrew.

"Timothy, you can do this too, it's not like a rabid bear has just come around the corner looking for a snack." Kratos grumbled bluntly. "Animals don't talk like men, so don't pretend this is a normal occurrence and that you can just walk away from."

Kratos waited a moment expecting Timothy to calm down and embrace reality, but he didn't, he stood in a defensive position and did not move.

"Good grief, Timothy, you've known about this long enough to at least expect it, so snap out of your irrational mindset!" Kratos said firmly, again awaiting anything from Timothy, and again receiving nothing. "Fine you little brat."

Kratos then bent his head down beneath his chest, crouched low to the ground and began to change his form. He concealed his face and everything else which would startle a human to see change and did not look up again until he the change was complete.


Kale glanced at those in her vicintiy, which wasn't many. just Kieoki and Zeit, and worried over those she couldn't see. she pushed herself up with a wince, her sore shoulder sending shockwaves of pain to the rest of her body, wich wasn't well off to begin with.

with her good hand she grabbed her dirty pack, a little worse for wear, and swung it over her shoulder. the dust in the air was beginning to settle.

"no. we just got out of the rubble ourselves." Kale answered Kieoki.

"but if none of us have broken anything, we should go ahead and look for them."

Kale finished speaking just as a resounding howl echoed off the rocks. she tilted her head, trying to pinpoint the sound, and finding it difficult.

" and it looks like we'll have to do it by sight. i can barely tell how far away that was, and it sounds like we all got split up when we fell."


"Well I'm still in one piece Kale. So we may as well get going." Kieoki said with a fake smile before she stood up. A sharp pain flared in her injured leg and she clenched her teeth together for a moment before she tried to relax by taking a breath and bending over to retie the strip of cloth around her leg. Eyes narrowed as she stood back up, she walked over to Kale, hiding the pain that she felt and making sure she didn't limp. Standing besides Kale now, Kieoki glanced towards where she thought the howls had come from before looking back at Kale with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Well, lead on Kale. We'll get no where just standing here." She said with a smirk and a glance into the fores over her own shoulder. Looking back at Kale, she shifted the balance of her weight on her feet nonchalantly, as if she was just anxious, though, in reality, she was shifting the weight to a more comfortable position for her injured leg.


After an entire day of searching, the pack finally reunited and returned to the ranch.

This RP has been Closed!

Though the adventure has been a minor one, the events in this role play will be good to take note of for the future.

Thanks again to everyone whom participated!

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