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The Mystery Within (SP-RP1) 11/2010 - 03/2011

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In this role play, I would like to encourage everyone to get better acquainted with each other's characters and let a bit out about your own. A plot is only fun when it has depth, so don't be afraid to imagine a bit more about the background of your character and add a bit of a plot twist every now and again. Just don't let it get out of hand, your "plot twist" must embrace the main plot line and intertwine with the plot twists of others.

Also I would like to encourage everyone to keep violence to a minimum. This side plot is for the pack to become closer not further.

The timeline of this RP is not specified. You are allowed to role play your character on any level of it's progression that you choose.

Key Events

  • Kratos leads the pack on a hike. They reach the crest of Phantom Mountain and see Pinerich in the distance. Then they promptly get caught in a landslide. (page 1)
  • They lick their wounds and try to find a way back up (page 2)
  • Timothy searches for survivors. His intentions are unclear. (page 2)
  • They all go home. (page 2)


The sun was bright in the sky and the trees were alive with the song of birds. The day was lovely, a perfect morning, as Kratos had thought.

He had rallied the pack for a long hike in the mountains, hoping to bring them over the ridges and finally discover what the land on the other side of the mountain range was like.

Each member was well packed with rope, water, a small meal, and everything else appropriate for such a long hike. They had set out at eight in the morning and by twelve they were halfway up the steep ridges of "Mt. Phantom" as the Alpha would so often call it.

Kratos had intentions of setting up a camp once they could see the valley beyond their territory and spend a wonderful night in the forest.. After all, what could go wrong?

The full moon was a good three days off, and Kratos had made sure that everyone had been well rested the night before.. Everything else he believed, would be no problem.

....But that was only because he did not know what was awaiting them....

"Come along, single file along this ridge." Kratos called out behind him as he steadily lead the pack higher up the mountain. They were not walking by rank -besides the fact that Kratos was leading- instead, all the high ranking members of the pack were spread out among the group to be able to maintain peace between uncooperative members... Like Timothy, who the Alpha insisted be right between himself and Sabrina all the way up.

"We're almost there.." Kratos sighed with relief. Finally they'd be able to see the land on the other side of the mountains! He couldn't care less if what he saw was nothing but more montains and forests, as he expected, or another town or city.. All he wanted was for his mind to be at ease about the mystery that continued to plague him.

When the group came around to a safer path, able to walk along side each other again, Kratos took a deep breath and looked out behind them.

Their territory was a large and beautiful thing. Far out behind them was the forests that Kratos had already memorized and mapped, beyond them were the farmer's small houses, each sitting separated by miles and miles of fields.

Kratos could see Zeit's ranch, now the home of the Werewolf pack, sitting at the foot of the mountains.. the furthest house from the small town of Reknab Bend... And off in the far distance was the faintest outline of tall city buildings which Kratos had once called home.

Now it was time to discover what lay beyond all this. Kratos looked forward again and urged the others onward, preparing to discover the mystery beyond.

Suddenly a harsh crack sounded in his ears and his eyes focused down on the rocks beneath his feet. "What was that?" Timothy asked in alarm.

"I don't kn-" Kratos was unable to finish as vibrations suddenly began trembling through the earth and the rocks under the pack's feet began to give way! The Alpha cried out to get everyone off the path, but it was too late!

Before they could do anything about it, their legs were smashed by heavy stones and boulders from the path and every member was dragged down the unsteady slope!!


Kale shifted her pack yet again as it attempted to slide off her shoulders, even though she wasn't exceptionally thin, the straps were cinched down as far as they could go and were still a bit too loose.

the hike Samuel had decided to take them on had been quite pleasant so far, warm sunshine and sweet blue skies. the breeze had gotten a bit stronger as they climbed, but that was expected and wasn't much of a bother to a pack of werewolves.

As they neared an open bend, the veiw that greeted Kale was amazing, she could see for miles, and, aided by her enhanced vision, kale even spotted Zeits nice ranch at the bottom of the mountain.home to this mismatched pack.

she paused to stretch and thought she heard something crack. "what was that?" Timothy asked in alarm.

the ground beneath their feet rumbled and shifted, sliding down the slope. the rumbling grew and the pack was trapped and helpless as rocks tumbled from above them, sweeping the over an uneven slope. Kale yelped as her feet gave out beneath her and she went rolling, tossing and tumbling, her shoulder throbbed painfully as somthing struck it heavily and painfully, almost immediatly efterward she felt a sharp pain in her right knee, shooting up her leg, it was all she could do to keep her arms about her head to protect herself.

when her ensteady fall finally ended she was scratched, bruised, sore, in pain, and bleeding, covered and slightly buried by earthly debre and probably some of her fellow packmates. she was face down in the dirt, struggling slightly to turn her head and call out.

"Is everyone okay!?" her voice was crackled and dry, muffled slightly by the fact she was still pressed onto the ground.

she waited with labored breathing for a reply.


Kieoki was walking directly behind Kratos, her hair tied up in a ponytail with a red sash. She was the only one not carrying a backpack, only sporting her dagger, which was in her belt. She was slightly bubbly, and this emotion looked off in her body. She was wearing shorts and a red t-shirt, newer clothes that she was beginning to love, especially the freedom her legs felt, getting out of the knack of wearing a kimono everyday. Even odder, her blue eyes were wide, staring at the nature around herself, enjoying the views of nature. She let her eyes skip over the view of their home, which looked tiny, and stared at the sky, perhaps leaning to close to the edge of the rocky pass...

But how far she was leaning over the edge didn't quite matter anymore, as Kratos suddenly called out and she felt the rocks shift beneath her feet. Another moment and she felt herself sliding forwards and her arm flailed, trying to balance herself with no use. Like the others, she was being hurled over the edge.

Kieoki had a horrid moment of free-falling before she felt her right foot strike the sloped ground first, making her cry out sharply as a jolt of pain shot up her leg. She was tumbling then, her hands splayed out infront of her to protect her face. Everything was a blur then, and as she rolled to a stop at the base of the slope, she was about to take stock of her condition when she felt something sharp strike her one leg. Hot pain flashed up it and she glanced backwards and sucked in a breath at the gash along her leg, and the rock besides it. She knew it would heal soon, but her right leg had already been jolted and this didn't help things.

Her hands were bleeding, and her knees were scrapped up, but they would heal. Other than that, she was relatively fine, and so she rolled over, sat up and glanced at her bleeding leg, frowning at it. She needed to tie something over it to stop the bleeding. Her shirt would do...and her hand reflexively reached towards her belt, and she sighed in relief when she felt her dagger there. Pulling it out, she used it to cut the bottom of her shirt, ripped it the whole way around, and placed the dagger in her teeth as she tied the red strip around her leg. That would stop the blood from dripping for now.

A faint and muffled cry made her glance around herself and she took her dagger in her hand and looked around more, not knowing if anyone had landed by her.

"Anyone there?"

Hour Glass

Zeit watched the end of the pack, she was at the end, watching the stragglers and the newer members, seeing their reactions to the rest of the pack and the trip they were on. She took a deep breath, letting herself relax before taking a gaze at the land around her. She smiled sightly, loving the view, just watching it made her relax more, and the scents of the mountain made a sparkle appear in her eyes.

She adjusted her cowboy hat she had worn for the occasion, and continued on, until she bumped into the Were in front of her. She looked ahead in confusion, until the crumbling of the earth reached her ears.

She wanted to run, but she grabbed the Were in front of her, pulling them back out of the way in time for them to be missed by on of the falling stones. She felt a pain lash through her shoulder, and the ground under her was swept away. She didn't say anything as she was sent down the mountain along with all the rocks and her pack. She hit the ground with a thud, but she had been in the back, meaning she didn't get hit with the brunt of the rocks, and was free to help the rest of her pack members.

She searched the area, the first scent she caught was Kale's, and she rushed over to help her as soon as she could. Her shoulder throbbed, but she ignored the pain as she braced herself, and began to lift some of the heavy stones that pinned Kale. She managed to push the heaviest one off, giving enough room for Kale to move out from underneath them.

She winced slightly, the rock had hit her right on the shoulder blade, and she knew her shoulder would more likely be black and blue now, and she would be sore for days later. Now time to find the rest of the pack.


Creorran cried out as a large stone struck the base of his spine. His wolfish jaws snapped open as he howled in pain. "Where is everyone?" he cried. The young werewolf attempted to climb up from the flat rock ledge where he was perched, but it was to no avail. He cringed as his leg buckled underneath him. Creorran gazed down, only to notice a thick stream of blood flowing from a large gash.

"Hello?" he yelled again, hoping to see a head poke over the side of the ridge.

Several minutes went by, but still no answer came. Creorran remembered that Kratos had given him a few items before they had left. Let's see, he thought, rummaging through his pack. Rope, that would help if only I could climb. . . some food . . . I shouldn't waste that yet. . . and water. Ugh! Why didn't Kratos pack anything useful?

Creorran grumbled for another moment, then sighed and closed his eyes. Might as well get comfortable. . .


kale gasped as the weight above her shifted, pressing down a bit harder before lifting off. panting for a bit kale realized she had enough wiggle room to scramble out,after doing so, she turned to Zeit.


now somewhat safe she took note of her injuries, the shallow scrapes and bruises weren't worrysome, it was the sharp pain in her knee and the burning, throbbing in her shoulder that worried her.

Kale looked at her shoulder and whimpered quietly. while nothing was broken or immidiatly obviouse, it hung nearly useless at her side, she hadn't moved it much when scrambling out from under the rubble and hadn't noticed before, but the arm was definately dislocated, not extremely, just popped out of the socket.

kale looked around, the dust from the slide still hung in the air, clouding her vision, she couldn't see the others yet, just Zeit as she also looked around, any major searching would have to wait a few minutes for the dust to settle. a few feet to her left Kale noticed that her pack had survived relativly unharmed, it had probably slipped from her back during the tumble, as it had been trying to do all day.

spotting no helpfull trees Kale gritted her teeth, grabbed hold her dislocated arm and slammed herself as carefully as one can against a nearby boulder, with a soft crack and a fresh wave of searing pain she yelped and felt the arm pop back into place. as the newer pain subsided slightly Kale took deep, calming breaths and once more scanned the area, trying to scent her pack, the dust making this process difficult.

she thought she heard a muffled call or two echo quietly, but wasn't sure. even though she wasn't in wolf form, kale lifted her head and howled, a high, long note that echoed off the surrounding area, hopefully reaching the keen ears of her fellow werewolves.


Kieoki was glancing around herself when a high and loud howl broke through the air, hitting her ears and making her look sharply in the direction of the sound. She blinked, not able to detect who it was, but she could tell that the person was still human. As the note started to fade, Kieoki was moving through the woods and towards the sound, a small limp in her gait. She ignored the pain though. She'd had worse and though the deep cut was still bleeding, her face was stone-like as she headed towards the sound.

Walking through the forest, she kept her eyes straight ahead and started scenting the air. Though her human senses weren't as near as strong as her wolf ones, she detected the scent of Kale and picked up her pace. It wasn't to long until Kieoki spotted Kale, along with someone else. Nodding to them both, she glanced around quickly and sat upon a stone, her frayed shirt bottom contrasting against her shorts as she propped her leg up and tightened the strip around her leg. It was odd, her wound didn't seem to be healing as fast as it should. She narrowed her eyes, but shook her worry away. Pulling her dagger out of her belt again, she spun it in her fingers, looking at Kale. "Find anyone else?"


Creorran, still perched on the rock ledge, perked up as his heard the howl. His ears pricked up to catch the note, and he soon noticed it was not from someone in wolf form. He thought it was from a female, maybe Kale, or possibly Zeit. Creorran was not yet trained to know what different howls ment, so he interpreted its meaning as something along the lines of "I am here, where are you?"

Not knowing what else to do, the young wolf howled back. Tipping his head back and flattening his wolfish ears, he let loose a great, long note that resounded for a short while. When the note was finished, Creorran sat back, leaning against the side of the mountain.

Remembering he had his knife in his belt, he sliced a few strips from his clothes. He tied the rough linen around the wound on his thigh, and the makeshift bandages turned red as it bled steadily.


Kaleb was walking along, a bit behind Creorran. He looked up, the sun briefly shining in his eyes underneath the bill of his baseball cap. He looked back at the rocky ground. Light persperation was starting to show on his skin as they walked under the hot sun.

Suddenly, the ground rumbled, and the rocks close to his feet began hopping around and falling off the ledge. Uh oh, this is not good... Then, the ground was swirling, and he was free-falling for a few seconds before hitting the ground hard. A sharp pain shot through his arm as he sat up, using his arm for support. He looked at it, and saw a long scratch not too deep, but it was oozing out blood. And the way his wrist was bent made his stomach squirm a little.

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