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The Founders (Prologue) January-October 2010

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A young werewolf, Kratos, comes to the sleepy town of Reknab Bend, befriends a young farmhand named Kale, and issues a call for all who come under the sound of his voice to join him in a new pack. Those who answer come from various backgrounds and perspectives: Zeit, a rancher who has inherited her father's farm; Marcus, a lonely teenager; Kiton, a wandering hobo; and Sabrina, a mysterious woman in white. The only thing all these people have in common in their ability to change into fearsome werewolves on the night of the full moon, and their attraction to our young alpha.

But the call does not go unchallenged. Gathen, a local terror, also hears the alpha's call and comes to dismember the budding pack before it can even begin. He tries to pick them off one by one under the light of the full moon, but with teamwork and sheer dumb luck, the budding Calagrathorm werewolves are able to defeat Gathen. He falls to his death slipping into Deception Chasm.

As the pack regroups, they make a startling discovery in Gathen's old cave; a young boy, injured and traumatized. His name is Timothy.

Key Events

  • Kratos organizes the Calagrathorm Pack (Page 5)
  • Kratos gives some of his back story (page 6)
  • Gathen arrives to answer Kratos' challenge (page 14)
  • Sabrina seems to have already known Gathen was on the territory, and addresses him by name on their "first" meeting... (page 15)
  • Kratos proposes a race to Kale, and the two eagerly set off for a run into the night. They nearly tumble headlong into Deception Chasm, but are stopped in the nick of time by the strange howl of an unknown wolf... (pages 15 - 17)
  • Gathen is defeated (page 27)
  • Timothy is discovered (page 28)
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The Roleplay

Hour Glass

Zeit ran through the woods, the wind racing through her pelt. She loved the feel of runnign through the well worn trails through the woods, racing anything that came into her veiw. She felt at peace for the moment. She raised her muzzle into the air, letting the scents filling her nose. She felt her wolfish smile appear, and her muscles giving off a pleasant ache.

She soon came to a small meadow, a small herd of deer standing there. She went down into a hunter's crouch, and began to stalk forward, looking for the weakest one. She spotted an old female, it's gait suggested it was limping. She raced forward, the rest of the herd scattering, and sending the old deer flying.

She picked up her pace, but not enough to tire herself out. She then leapt up, and clapped her paws down onto the deer's backend, sending it crashing down to the ground. She quickly looked it in the eye, thanking it for it's life, before ceushing it's spine. She then stood proud, and looked at the feast she now had.


Kale hoisted the last bundle of hay into the rusty old truck before walking back to the house and knocking against the screen door to the kitchen." i have finished loading hay, any more work for me?" she asked. She has wondered across this small, secluded farming town two weeks back, since then she had been working from sun-up to sun-down on this small farm run by a family of four. " No more work for you today, you can head into town if you like" came the hurried reply as the mother of the houshold was currently making supper. So kale stepped off the small porch and took off along the sun-baked road into town.

As she walked pass the butcher shop her feet kicked up the dust from the road, wich swirled in the small breeze. The wind carried the scent of raw meat, from the butcher shop, honey soaked dough from the bakery, dust, trees, and somthing else, somthing she couldn't quite place. shrugging to herself she ignored it and headed on.

Hour Glass

Zeit raised her head, and took in a deeper scent, a growl coming out of her thraot. There was another werewolf, close, but not in her forest. She snorted and turned back to the feast that laid before her, and dug in. She felt the nurishment give her stength, enough to let her run again.

As her meal dwindled in size, she looked to the sky. She saw the sun beggining to set, the colors began to erupt throughout the sky. She sat back, watching the show, what she enjoyed doing everyday. She sighed, and looked at the carcess, and turned, looking for shelter for the night, She let out a large yawn, and laid under a tangle of branches, letting her meal digest.


Kale watched the sun dip over the horizon, painting the sky magnificent hues of orange and pink before it sank and color faded from the world. The time most people lost their eyeseight and hurried to hide in their safe homes. But this was the time when Kale's eyes took in the light of that cursed moon and caught it, and reflected back as it danced within her eyes. The moon is getting bigger, she sighed mentally. I really wanted to stop in a city before it was full, I could kill for a cheeseburger. This tiny town has no fast food stop, maybe if I hurry I could make it to a small city before the moon brings out my dreaded curse.


The sun was sinking from the sky down behind the fields in the west, painting the sky in beautiful a golden colour. A soft summer breeze wafted over the dry wheat stalks from the direction of the sun and passed the stranger as he approached.

The warm wind rolled dry twigs over the dusty tractor road and blew at the thick, black clothing which were hanging about the strange character. Two dark eyes gazed out from under his wiry brows, a frown firmly over his lips.

His black boots swept over the dusty dirt road as he approached the small town from the south. "It will be dark soon, though I still have two days before the full moon.." These were the quiet thoughts of the stranger as he noted the setting sun. He hadn't long to find what he was searching for in the time which he wanted to find them...

Darkness had already entered the sky by the time Samuel arrived in the small farming town off the tractor road. He did not expect to be treated welcome in a town where everyone knew everyone, nor did he expect to find shelter or a warm meal to eat.

But it was not at all phasing for him, he had grown accustomed to it since he had begun his wandering.

He had traveled far from the city after having no luck in finding another werewolf, he supposed that maybe he would have more luck out here if one was trying to escape the social life of humanity far from the city... but that was a long shot in the dark and highly unlikely....

Hour Glass

Zeit woke with a start, the moon was coming up, and it signaled that other werewolves would be soon apppearing. She growled again, and got up, stretching out her stiff limbs. She walked back out into the meadow, and took in another deep scent, more disturbing to her then the last. There were no three were's in the town. She snorted with frustration, and began the run back to her own small farm.

She raced over tree limbs, and hills, loving the feeling of the uneven terrain. it was nearing midnight by time she got back home, and she took her human form. All the workers on her farm had never asked where and why she disappeared, but they would be more questioning, if she didn't come back for days, which only happened during the full moon.

She sighed, lighting the latern on her porch, another signal to weary travelers. She didn't mind them, as long as they earned their keep for how ever long they stayed. She then walked inside, and went to her table, where a pad of paper was laying, ready for the lists she made everynight for tomorrow's work.

She though, writing down everything that needed to be accomplished. When she was down with her rather long list, she then went to her living room, where a warm fire waited, and her favorite novel lay open on her chair.


The streets were becoming quieter as townsfolk started closing up the stores and markets. Samuel's dark brown eyes scanned the area as he watched the people bid goodnight to one another as they passed each other in the streets.

Every once in awhile a curious glance would be thrown his way as the people passed him. As the night drew on, the looks of curiosity and alarm grew more and more frequent, but it was no wonder they were becoming anxious...

There he stood, dressed in heavy black clothing of a strange fashion, large black boots and black leather gloves. He was an abnormally large man with a strong and muscular stature. His hair was thick and wiry and lead down his face into course sideburns. No emotion did play upon his long face, though his brows were furrowed as if he was searching the distances.

He stood upon the sidewalk, not caring to move on or pretend that he had any other business, which only made the people more anxious. Samuel soon felt that he may be collecting too much attention which would eventually lead to someone coming to talk to him, else assuming that he was obviously up to no good and call some-government authority to remove him..

So, the dark stranger turned and left the main street quickly, in a moment when the attention seemed to be at the least, and he made himself unseen from local attention. He slipped around the corner of a grocery store and vanished into the ominous darkness which loomed through the entire town.

He found himself in a darker realm then he had previously been in despite the night, overlooked by shadows of buildings as well as the darkness and without the brightness of the moon. A normal human man would not have been able to see anything through the blackness, but it was well enough for 'Kratos' as he peered through the eyes of the wolf.

The musky alley was small and dirty, smelling of a great many rotten things. A dark liquid, that could have possibly been anything, though Samuel could not identify it at this time, was gathered in puddles upon the black asphalt. He slowly scanned the area, it seemed empty enough, though not at all a pleasant place to curl up for the night, nonetheless it was a place out of the way and lonely enough for Samuel to feel comfortable.

Slowly he walked to the furthest and darkest corner in the alleyway, behind a large dumpster and many flattened cardboard boxes. Samuel crouched down and laid his back and shoulders against the concrete wall, preparing for an uncomfortable rest in a place far from home.


Kale sighed as she headed back into town from her little field were she had watched the sunset. A small breeze drifted through the town and she stopped, sniffing again. The wind carried the same scent she had caught earlier only now it was much stronger and, slightly different, like that of a man as it was more unlike her own then the one she smelled earlier. Is this.....werewolf scent? Are there more like me here?

The smell got stronger again as she got onto the main road and as she continued walking she stopped were it was strongest and freshest, she just stood in the center of the road. Should I try to find the owner of the scent or not?


Samuel had just closed his eyes and gotten comfortable, when he suddenly caught the alarm! Immediately his eyes shot open and he jumped to his feet! He held a firm defensive position in the darkness, slowly sniffing the air to catch whatever he could with his human senses.

"It's a woman..." He thought silently to himself, "She is obviously a werewolf victim, otherwise I wouldn't have been alarmed at her presence... She is close and undoubtedly she is aware of my presence..."

For a moment he stood still, curious to see if she would try to come closer or retreat... He was a stranger here, obviously from another area and she would know this...

He searched the air of her scent for more information, but he wasn't close enough to her to gain anything else... Cautiously he began to approach the exit of the alleyway, with every step he got more aware of her until he had gotten close enough to determine her exact location.

She was just beyond the alley standing in the street..

Slowly he peered around the side of the grocery store and saw her through the darkness. She was not large enough for him to consider a threat or dangerous, still, he did not approach further, he waited to see how she would respond to him..

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