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Ruby Setter

Age: 22 years

Blood Line: Pureblood

Background: Ruby's family was apart of a large pack that was made up of a few generations of the wolves. As a young girl, she enjoyed romping around and play fighting, and quickly picked up the skills for hunting once she had gained her wolf form. While she was content in her life as a part of the pack, something felt missing and she wasn’t sure what it was. After awhile she grew restless, seeking to go out beyond the pack borders and discover things on her own rather then just stay with her pack. When she was an older teenager, she decided that she wanted to leave, finding no real purpose to stay with her pack.The frustrated her parents, but they understood her restlessness, and let her go, and now often get letters or sporadic phone calls from time to time from their daughter.

She led her nomadic lifestyle for a bit before she wandered into a small town one day, deciding to stop in the local cafe for a small snack and something to drink. While there, she struck up a conversation with the barista, and ended up talking with him for quite awhile. Long enough for her to be offered a job. While she was hesitant at first, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to settle in a spot for a little while, and took a break from her travels. This led to her growing attached to the fellow after striking up a fast friendship with him, and eventually led to the two beginning to date.

While she was quiet for a bit, she could feel her restlessness coming back, but she now had a reason to stay and settle. After making sure she could trust her partner, she confessed to being a wolf, scared that he would leave or simply call her crazy. Instead, he accepted her for who she was, and understood her urge to continuing moving on. He soon asked her to marry him, and to join her on journey. Just before the full moon rose, the two with joined in marriage, and soon ran off. Ruby turned Jarsha into a werewolf on their wedding night, so they two could travel together, and so Jarsha could become apart of Ruby's permanent pack.

Now the two are simply moving around, looking for a place to settle, which was how they found the ranch. Ruby hopes that getting into the pack and finding a new home will ease her restlessness, and help her settle down with her husband at her side.

Personality: Ruby is quite a happy go lucky wolf, never really angry, but when she is upset, watch out. She is quite the tomboy, always running around through the woods, finding them to be more welcoming than cities and most towns. She always has the urge to move, in that she has a hard time sitting still, which can lead to her getting distracted quite easily or getting bored in many situations.

Human Description: About average height, standing around 5'4", Ruby has a curvy build due to her muscles gained by constantly running around. She has short (about chin length) silver hair, and often times has a flower, barrette, or some other object decorating her hair. She has fair skin, and often wears a black ribbon around her neck to cover up a scar there. She normally dresses shorts and a tee-shirt, or short overalls, as they allow her to run around and keep up her tomboy-ish state.

Other: Married to Jarsha