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Kale Cooper

Age: 19

Blood Line: half breed or pure blood i think.

Background: at a young age of ten she and her friends snuck into an abandoned house and, her friends thinking it funny, she got locked into a second story room. they left beleiving she would be fine and find a way out. what they did not hear after they left were the horrific screams that turned to howls as the clouds parted away from that bright, full moon. hours passed befor the howls subsided and silence decended into the house, followed shortly by a crash as the door to the room was broken and she escaped her inprisinment into the forest,away from humanity. a few weeks went by, over wich her attitude changed drasticly into an untrusting, angry temperment wich even after years, only sibsided to tolerance of those who couldnt prove themselves to her. she would barely follow orders from anyone who couldnt hold there own against her and would rather lead a group than be the follower as she had been the night of her transformation.over time her aggressivness lessened slightly and, taken in by a few people in small towns who could use her for work around their house or farm she was molded into a tall, slender build that had a rather athletic and graceful touch to it, and always traveling made her long stamina seem more normal.

Personality: Kale is a very alert person, she has incredible patience challenged by a fiery temper. kale likes kids and has a maternal streak occasionaly.

How they came to join the pack: when wondering though one secluded town she met her first other werewolf, her current alpha Kratos, curiouse she followed him and ended up meeting Zeit, Marcus, Kiten,and Sabrina. still uneasy at controlling her inner wolf she accepted Kratos as her alpha in hopes he could teach her to control it. after the battle with Gathen her relationship with the others solidified.