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Jacqueline (Jackie) Ryder

Jacqueline (Jackie) Anne-Marie Ryder

Age: 27

Birthdate: February 10th

Blood Line: First Generation

Background: She spent her earliest childhood in Canada in the Quebec state, raised by a single mother Lenora who struggled to get a job and against her own mental illnesses and addictions. She was briefly raised in the household of her grandparents, and Lenora tried hard to fix the burning bridges with her parents for her daughter's sake. Yet ultimately the chaos of the household pushed Lenora deeper and deeper into depression, until she no longer could handle the environment. She was shortly kicked out of the house after a heated argument, though not first without an offer from her parents to adopt her daughter formally and give her a "normal" childhood under the condition Lenora never saw her again. Lenora, after much indecision, declined.

By virtue of her sister alone, Lenora and her 3 year old daughter were not homeless long. Claire offered her sister and her niece a bed in her home. She had been working as a nurse in the Normandie region of France for some time, and it broke her heart to see her sister struggle. Lenora and young Jackie moved in, where-in Jackie's childhood took a dramatic change. Lenora was not the strong parenting type, and often struggled with her own issues to be of much guidance. Claire quickly took on that role of disciplinary, much to young Jackie's unhappiness. Yet for it, Jackie learned perhaps something of morals and proper behavior, even if she chose not to wield it.

So passed her childhood until the age of 13 years old. This is a time that Jackie does not talk about. All that can be pieced together is that she ran away, and was taken into other, far darker care... Today she no longer has much in the way of family, save her adoptive sister Melinda.

Just prior to joining the pack, Jackie worked several months in animal control. She doesn't talk about it much, nor does she seem to have any particular love for dogs.


Jackie is impulsive, highly intelligent, creative, stubborn, and resilient young woman. She is known both for acts of great stupidity (i.e. taking on a group of hunters with no more than a stick and her firepower) as well as acts of great intelligence (finding the subtle clues her sister left behind) or at times both (planning her escape from the local hospital with no more than a spork).   She is easy to underestimate, but is generally paying far more mind than what it first appears.

On first meeting, her nature is somewhat inflammatory and sarcastic. One might acquire the impression she does not particularly care to impress you and is more or less entertaining herself with a verbal spar. Which is entirely true.  It takes Jackie a long time to gain trust in others and take into consideration their needs. However, once that level has been reached with a close friend, while her nature may at times be sharp she does her best to help her friends with whatever they need. She is incredibly loyal - to a fault - and may very well go to the ends of the earth for those she loves regardless if it is asked or not as well as struggle to let go of toxic relationships.  She likewise struggles to share her own vulnerabilities with friends, although it has been something she has been working on.

She struggles to sit still, which is likely the greatest cause of her past misdemeanors. When given no positive outlets, she may turn to somewhat destructive tendencies or antagonizing around her for amusement's sake. She doesn't mean harm by it, but does best when given a challenge.  Otherwise, many consequence (and property damage) is liable to follow.

If ever she happens to set her mind to something, it is near-impossible to dissuade her from it even if the task is impossible. She will endure it until she physically cannot any longer. As a result of her own upbringing, she has an incredibly high tolerance to pain. She is (re)learning how to acknowledge her own needs with those she trusts and how to take care of herself. Personal hygiene, particularly her hair, can lack because it is not automatic to consider even little things to make herself more comfortable.


Human Description

Jackie is of French-Canadian and (suspected) Irish decent, though is likely a hodgepodge of a few different ethnicities. Her face is a nice oval shape, her eyes are long and narrow, and her lips are thin yet expressive (and commonly found in a crooked smirk). She was spared the freckling of her Irish ancestors, yet has made blemishes of her own. Much of her skin is covered in old, thin scars which become apparent upon closer examination. Those of significance are on her right arm, her turning scar; it is two semi-circular pink-grey shapes (one on the inner crook of her elbow, and the other on the outside) which have some texture indicating teeth marks. Her elbow was broken upon receiving this scar, and she thus cannot fully straighten it out anymore. The other of significance is on her back, where a few white criss-cross patterns appear over her shoulder blades and shoulders, although are now faded enough that they can only be seen in direct sunlight.

She has a lean athlete's body. She has decent endurance and strength and very little excess body fat. Her figure is somewhat rectangular in shape, though she does have some subtle curves. She is not into high fashion, but does like having a fitted sporty tank matched with a pair of running shorts-- pretty much anything that allows a full range of motion and is light to wear, she likes. That said, she does tend to do a decent job matching her clothes, and if required, can clean up quite nicely.

How she came to join the pack: She came on assignment from animal control to the pack grounds to search for "illegal wolves" that were rumored to have escaped on the property. The mission went south when she stumbled across one of these "wolves" (Theo) during a full moon and was subsequently attacked. She survived the attack, albeit as a werewolf. She was taken into the care of the pack for training and formally joined almost half a year later.


A commissionned interpretation done by the lovely painted-bees on deviantart !

Jackie was not always such the charmer she is today.  Here she is as a young rebellious kiddo, ready to take on the world (which may have gotten a few good swings in first).

Here's a Jackie!Classic, just finished from a workout and probably ready to punch you.  I don't recommend eye contact...


Sometimes a girl's gotta let her hair down !  It's the only way to get into the best fights !!


Jackies can be fancy too! For at least (gasp) 5 whole seconds before something goes wrong. Courtesy of Adriana <3

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to... (Courtesy of Adriana)


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