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Turning Leaves (Robin, Uno, Bob, & Lyra)

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I drew a card and discarded another one, glancing over my hand and rearranging a card here and there.

My expression would give me away before my words, we both knew how to read each others poker faces at this point. I felt my brows pinch up and my lips droop at the corners.

“She a hunter?”

"Not really," I shrugged, "She's a cop, and a green one at that.  She's supposed to hunt humans... I have no idea what got the idea in her head, honestly..."

I put down a card in the center of the deck, smirking a bit at the move. I knew she didn't need that three of hearts, and she knew it too.

I laughed darkly, "Her dog is something else, though.  He appreciated the dramatic irony, at least".

“You think she already knows about werewolves?” I asked. I had sevens, ones and fives that I was going for, three sets, no runs.. unless I kept drawing for runs.

“Huh.. wonder if one of those mountain pups got loose. Coulda been the Pinerich dogs too, though.”

"Hmmm," I considered, picking up another seven and putting down a two.  I'd thought of going for two's, but I knew it would do Robin no good.  Always good to keep her on her toes.

"Knows might be a strong word," I said at last, "She didn't know what she was looking for, but she was insistent it wasn't bears... I'd guess she's half-in, half-out.  It's a dangerous place to be".

I laughed darkly at Robin's supposing of the source, "Maybe.  We have bad neighbors.  Chapman had some incident around the beginning of the year".

I was starring at my cards again. I'd given up on two's, but still had a couple of sevens, eights, and nine's between it all. I wasn't sure yet if I'd go for a run or a set.

"It's either all-in or all-out on this," I said finally, "Back away and hope she's not clever enough to find more, or get involved and make sure she doesn't get hurt.  Sounds complicated".

I considered what Val said for a while, drawing and discarding. I could go out now with three sets of three but if I was able to get one more matching card I'd get a bonus. Anyway, he was clearly behind and I wanted to be merciful.

"Mmhm. I still wonder what Jodecai and the others were doing in the mountain territory. You know the Pinerich pack is big enough that they could claim it if they wanted. So maybe there's not so much bad blood that they care. Or maybe, they figure those hunters will take care of them.. those guys were bad news."

I stopped and took a long drink, looking over my shoulder to the window as I considered what Val had said.

"I hate to tell you this but if she suspects something, she's going to go looking in places - whether or not she'll figure it out is different - but when she does go looking, someones likely to notice. If I were you I'd go to Bob, and let him approach her, or get his opinion on how to. I doubt it's the first time he's had to deal with this sort of thing in his line of work."

Robin was getting cocky, and therein lie my strategy to defeat her.  I'd put down a couple of Kings and a Queen in the last round, trying to make her think I was only trying to minimize my point loss. Little did she know, I was looking pretty at a run of seven through ten, and a nice little set of fours.

"I'd say the less we know on those shenanigans, the happier we are," I said, putting down a Queen and keeping my expression neutral, "But I'd guess the mountaineers are small fry. If you're a big, mean werewolf mafia, you can get some bigger rewards with bigger prey".

Robin had gone for a beer. I figured that was a pretty good idea myself and grabbed mine.   I sipped slowly as Robin spoke, the bitter flavor settling. It was nothing I hadn't thought already. Robin and I both were at times jumpy, but it was best to pay attention when we agreed on something.

I sighed and set down the beer, still holding my cards in the other hand, "Yeah... you're right.  Bob's a good idea - although  a host unto himself.  She might not thank me for sicing her old boss on her".

I picked up another two. Disappointed, I put it back down in the deck.

"Anyways, who knows where it's all going... might just be best to put Bob on it and be done with it".

I picked out another card. I was missing the seven of spades.. it was either in his hand for a run or in the deck. I drew a two, and decided to discard my king to go out - face down, meaning the game was over. I showed my hand and waited to see what he had over me.

"It might be," I rolled my head back and popped my neck.

"Have Chapman talk to her. Chances are, he knows her well enough to know how she'll take it and how to handle it. But be on standby, be there when he talks to her.. maybe not in the same room, but be there. I don't think it's right to pass the buck and leave Chapman to cleanup."

Finishing my drink, I opened a second. It would take about half a dozen before it affected me and I'd be long asleep by then, but it did good by my aching muscles.

"Besides... there are two things in your favor. You're a citizen, and, in light of her career, it's her duty to protect you, regardless of race. Secondly.. she must kind of like you. You just gonna give up on the first lady interest you've had since..?"

A little earlier for Robin to knock, but I guess I'd made her uncomfortable after all. She put done her hand, and I put down mine. I had a run seven through ten and a set of fours.  My remaining three was two aces and a three.

"Guess this round's on me," I said with the smallest of smirks, reaching for the cards in the center so I could deal next.

I groaned, straightening the cards in an even deck, "I'm not saying your wrong I'm just saying..."

I slid the cards in my hand, doing one shuffle. The cards snapped together soothingly.  This cabin had taught me many things, the perfect deal among them.

"Seven, I was seven," I tapped the cards, "Pheobe gave me bubble gum, so that meant she liked me.  Those were the rules those days, you see..."

Another shuffle, and I started to deal out ten cards to Robin and I, "I don't know, lots changed since then.  I'm not even sure she's interested - maybe just being friendly... she just needed some help training her dog, she's been having trouble so I offered... brought her flowers because it was sort of how we met... anyways..."

Ten cards in hand, I took a glance at what I'd been dealt.

"It's not that I want to give up, I'm just not sure I have any business in it.  Let's be honest, I'm a mess and not much to look at. I have a laundry list of annoying tics and I survive mostly off of coffee and anxiety.  Least of all the whole other 'ball of wax'... If it doesn't work out, I've put her at risk for nothing".

"Six points for me," I jotted them down and looked at the hand I was dealt.

"Val, you know you don't have to give me any reason to pick on you. And if you think I'm gonna scratch you behind the ears and tell you you're a good boy to boost your ego..."

I rearranged my hand - spades and hearts were looking good for runs, maybe I'd go for two runs of five,

"But, you're not her. You think like you-and I'm not sorry for the low blow-not everyone lives seeing half the picture. You can't sit there and tell me how she feels by telling me how you feel. You're way too cynical for a twenty something. And unless you can hand me a winning lottery ticket, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you talk about what's going to happen. You don't have to push her through it, but - open the right door for her. That way she doesn't go opening ones that lead nowhere good."

I looked at my hand.  It was mostly a lot of nothing, a couple of pairs between it all but that got you nowhere in the savage game of Gin Rummy.  I guess I'd have to wait and see if my luck changed.

I went for the beer pensively, draining it in a go.

I sighed, musing, as I put down a king, "Don't you go calling me out like that. At least pretend I have an air of slight mystery on occasion..."

I picked up another card.  At least I was getting a nice run on hearts.

"Alright.  Let's play a game.  Let's not talk the next five years, let's talk the next year. I'll make up how life might go, as optimistically speaking as I can manage without evaporating, and you're going to do the same on your life.  Deal?"

"She has a secret thing for pirates. She's the great-twelve-times-over granddaughter of an infamous pirate that roamed the seven seas.  I take her out to coffee and we do a real, actual, normal date that we actually call a date. Tyranny decides he won't eat me".

I reshuffled the cards in my hand, waiting for Robin's play.

"I talk to Chapman, and he does his Chapman magic, but we keep in contact somewhat - however it goes - just to make sure our neighbors aren't being unneighborly...."

I sighed, glancing up for the next bit - if you're going to keep a secret from someone for several months, you best at least look them in the eye, "And, I actually put in my application for the academy, instead of letting it burn a hole next to the tax returns...".

I reached to grab another beer, "Except I don't pass the physical because I get too fat from our Sunday brunches - goat meat omelets really stick to your ribs".

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