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Building a Foundation

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Logan listened. It seemed to Theo an impossible dream, and he said as much. Nonetheless, it did not deter Logan's will.

"That is a good hope. Collect your courage. We will come to it together, but... this will take time. If we are..." unified, united. Logan blinked, wearily,  "the word is, eh, zjednotený.... but I cannot think of the English one... acgh. No matter. If we are together for this cause, it will be done."

She said.

"Do not let this change you-this sadness. Your heart is good." she added, with a resolute not to solidify her point.

Again, Logan's words seemed to have the contrary effect despite her best of intentions. His bottlegreen gaze flickered just to the side, unable to meet hers.

"Sometimes... it can be twisted into something awful," he said in an almost-whisper.

It was a shame he had carried with him always since he had joined the Calgathorms, and the reason he had remained with them even if at times he didn't feel like he fit in. Logan wouldn't have known this reason, for he had joined well before her. And he doubted it had ever been brought up till now.

He picked at a hangnail in his finger bed, then looked up sharply - almost in a dare- before skirting his gaze just to the side.

"The one that turned you, do you ever hate them for it?" he asked.

Logan gave pause to the question, and sat her tools down a moment. Theo didn’t know of Ulric’s discovery-that she was very well not a first generation werewolf. Nonetheless she discerned it was not relative to the conversation presently.

“No. I did not know him. Maybe once he was a father, and he was a son. At first, I did not think that… now I know he was someone like us." she said, solemnly.

"I could not hate him.. he was,” Logan hesitated. She had not had to acknowledge what happened out loud, and now in hindsight it was heavier than when it occurred.

“It does not matter. I have had hatred for others who are human, but not for him.”

No sooner had Logan finished would she find those bright green eyes starring back at her. Now they did not look away- quite the contrary, they stared too intently, with the start of tears starting to stream down their owners' cheeks.

Theo came to Logan and leaned his head against her strong shoulder. There he found refuge in its sturdiness. A little shudder passed from deep in his back and then no more.

"Thank you".

Logan let Theo linger in his sorrow for a moment, with his sweaty curls on her cheek and shoulder. The little sigh of anxiety was heard, and her lavender eyes looked on at the top of his head a moment, before moving out to the treeline behind him.

“Thank you,” she said, and kissed the top of his head, neverminding the sweat and grime from a hard days work.

“Now,” she said, stepping away after a moment, and ruffling a hand through his hair, “Go get clean, malý brat, you stink.” She said, with a subtle ornery smile, that in spite of it’s littleness did not prevent the dimples from forming.

As Logan pulled away, Theo's demeanor had changed. Though tears still lingered in the creases of his eyes, no more seemed to come in their place. And as Logan ruffed up his hair, he smiled and laughed softly.

"So do you," he observed.

But not daring another assault to his curls, he nodded and set off back to the cabins to shower.

Logan stayed where she was and watched him go over her shoulder, then turned her eyes on the patch of land before her in contemplation.

Starting over in life was not an easy thing to do.

Like the scarred, pock marked earth--where shrubs and even small trees had been lifted up at the roots--so too did the members of the pack need to draw up deep hurts of the past before a foundation could be built with which to grow.

Where their souls were uneasy, strong beams would need to be erected to support them; beams of companionship, trust, hope, courage, and security.

Their hearts would need to be furnished with comfort, joy, and laughter.

Their minds yearned to be set at ease with a sturdy roof of leadership and guidance, for where no home could remain standing without a good foundation, still without a roof it was only a barrier to others, needlessly exposed to inner turmoil.

Theo cried a little while. Sitting there alone in the fast fading twilight, Logan wept a long while, hard and true.


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