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Building a Foundation

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Logan took the question litterally again, but thankfully waited and thought about it before responding (after all, there was almost nothing Logan believed she couldn’t do-physically).

“You mean in your spirit? …Áno. Yes. There was one time.” she said, but did not elaborate.

”What did they ask of you?”

Theo's eyes turned downwards, studying the curve of a dead leaf by his foot.

"To be his son," the word came out softly.

The word trickled around, son, and all the things that had come with just that word that perhaps were not obvious. Logan would not know them, for indeed she had not been his father's son. And then to find the words to describe it...

His eyes trailed up, "A-and, to take over, after him, as beta".

The bottle green of his eyes seemed so pale in the dim evening light, catching the reflection of the setting sun till it was the color of new grass.

"I was unsuited, not strong enough.. not confident enough... not brave enough...not merciless enough... to be that".

His eyes turned downwards again till he was looking at his feet, "And then, to prove it, I ran away..."

Logan let the silence linger for some time after Theo finished speaking. There was a lot unsaid, implied between the pauses, that made her realize how little she knew about the world she had been brought into.

She examined Theo and exhaled. He worked hard whenever she asked him, until his muscles were sore - some days from sun up until sun down.

He was admirable; he was young and yet showed a willingness to learn and grow with the pack, even if he hadn't understood them or found many friends among them. He was kind and passive, but would undoubtedly rise to the defense of his friends when needed.

Logan took hold of his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze to bolster him up. "Chin up! It is strength to give mercy! It is brave to leave home because, you will not.. eh, what is the word? Over-power others. You are suited to better things." she gestured to the house, and the mountain, implying. "You will find your confidence here." she said, putting the other hand on his shoulder and squeezing them both before coming beside him and gesturing to the lot they had made in only a short time.

"See? You have been building this home, with only two hands. That is good. You have impressed me! I admire this Theo. The other Theo... I do not think he would be a good person."

There was a lot Theo might have said at that moment- to disagree with her, to say more of the circumstances that had brought him to the pack- yet all that seemed to suffice was a tender smile at the edges of expression.

”Thanks,” he said, and meant every word of it.

He regarded the timber he and Logan had spent much of their time gathering, and at last the question that had been ever in his mind and too scared to ask surfaced.

”Why… are you building a house? Do you not want to live at the cabins anymore?”

Logan was glad to see Theo smile in his subtle way. There was more to ask, but there would be time for it yet.

Although she had expected his next question earlier, it now came as a surprise.

That she spent so little time at the cabins anyway was not really the heart of the question. An honest question deserved an honest answer,

“The cabins are my home, because my family lives there.” she reassured, “This place is where I will rest my head. It is not enough room at the cabins for my crafts and my needs.. they are nice, but, small.” Logan said, indicating a squished space by holding her hands apart in a closing box shape.

It was hard to explain how the cabins—which dwarfed the some three hundred square foot room and meager part of an acreage Logan had allotted for herself—were too small. But for a woman established in her ways and her hobbies, there was truly little space.

”Maybe someday we will build a cabin for each member, ah? Then, the rooms will be only for the little ones or the new ones.” she shrugged, thinking out loud. “Distance is good, sometimes. I think walls are not.”

Again, she seemed to contradict herself in her words, but perhaps Theo might understand the meaning. After all, how many pack members lived at the cabins who hadn’t bothered to speak with the person in the room next to them?

Theo was a little taken aback by the answer yet framed from the way he had been raised - indeed, the pack's current living arrangements were a bit strange.

"Most packs don't live so close to one another, like this," Theo reflected slowly, surprisingly finding the words just as easy as before, "In my family's, people were spread across the whole island, some even farther - but of course family groups lived together. I think it can be similar in others..."

Now for the first time, he had to wonder why. The answer came to him so obviously, it almost made him laugh, "I guess even alphas don't want a blood bath".

Which begged the question - what kind of alpha was Kratos, anyways?

"My home village was that the same." she said, going to gather the few tools she had borrowed from the ranch and the cabins. She rolled them in a leather tool roll and slung it over her shoulder, "Yet, nobody close together, in land or spirit."

She leaned her weight on one side and considered her next question, and how to word it, carefully.

"Theo.. what kind of pack would you like this to be?" she asked, curiously, as she rested her violet eyes somberly upon him.

Logan's next question was more difficult to answer. He turned it around slowly in his mind, not one to rush to an answer he wasn't sure about. Birdsong and the wind lapsed, but it did not feel uncomfortable when the matter was important - and having gotten to know Logan, knew she would not mind it either.

"Where no one gets hurt," he said softly under his breath, then turned upwards to meet Logan's gaze.

"I guess.. That's probably impossible, isn't it? Even in my last pack, every moon people -- it's just... part of what we are. And I know the alpha tries, but I don't know if Timothy would ever not be dangerous..."

Logan rubbed the sweat from her brow with her hand as she considered.

Timothy had retaliated against her once, after she had attacked Jackie, and had been cautious of her since her encounter with the Svalnaglas.. Still he had retaliated for her sake against the ox man on the mountain, and had come after the hunters when they tried to trade with Jackie and Ulric's lives.

Their wariness was founded, but thus far she had only seen him act in defense of the pack.

"I have done worse than Timothy, but I am not dangerous now. I am a defender, but once one needed defended from me." Logan wondered about the title out loud, as if it were her first time considering the fact.

"I do not think he will hurt those he calls pack. He is.... lost. We are all able to be dangerous, yes?"

Theo nodded slowly but couldn't quite dissect what the dischord was he felt to Logan's words. He tried to rationalize it, but every word seemed to float away beyond reach.

"All werewolves are dangerous," he conceded, "And even a human, with the right weapon, can be too..."

He held out his hands, letting them move with his hands and hoping they somehow conveyed the sentiments he felt.

"But w-what about the people that aren't pack?" he mumbled, "What about them? The loners that come to this place, because we're here... the humans that just want to protect themselves... the neighboring pack... even if the pack is strong, everyone else..."

His hands flopped to the side, "I know.. it's impossible. But that's, that's what I'd like it all to mean. A promise no one gets hurt because of you e-existing".

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