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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Logan looked on at the unflinching Toby, who seemed frozen in place. She shifted her weight a little and wondered what he could want.

”The little ones are in there.” She said plainly, even as noticed the hole in the young man’s ear and tilted her head to better see it.

“The hunters did that to you?” she asked with her brow knit, pointing to her own ear.


Liam had bound the sled back together with cord and animal hides. His back was bruised, and he had been winded for a short while, but nothing was broken. His kill had not fared the fall so well (and it was a mercy it was already dead), and he likewise wrapped it in skins and bound it to the sleigh. His eyes went to the afternoon sun, and in spite of the cold on his bare, scarred back, he was sweating.

He came out to a cleft, and thought he could make out a field off in the distance... but his vantage didn't provide him a good enough view. Nonetheless, he resolved to continue in that direction.

Though the trees and foliage were a world unto themselves, not long could they amuse even Jackie. The comings and goings of insects and birds could only serve their purpose for so long, not when the entirety of the world beaconed before her. She descended the thick branch of the tree and gazed outwards towards the mountains. Though she had admittedly far too many memories of near-death upon them, in equal turn it was where her senses had been formed into refinement.

Something in them, anyways, promised more just beneath the threshold of what her senses might tell her. Who was to say what she might find?

With the sun glimmering through the brambles, she set off in that direction.  Though she was without shoes, the soles of her feet had toughened significantly and she did not find herself terribly hindered. She could even run in portions, though perhaps without as much speed as she might with shoes.


The tea-maker enjoyed the stream well-past the late morning and leaning into the afternoon... after some time, he returned to his small workshop to double-check its progress. But even after all this, he could not forestall the inevitable. He packed everything away neatly, readjusted the tarps where needed, and took a small container of finished, dried herb from his first batch.

As he set off back to the cabins, his mind raced with what he might say of his activities and who should seek out first... He imagined every likely scenerio, from the new wolf's jaws around a small child, to Bianca braiding Ulric's hair, and even another pack invasion... he lacked Toby's imagination, but his own mind supplied enough flavor to make him nervous for what he would find.

As to what he thought when he arrived? It seemed as though, somehow, nothing and everything had happened. The pit was occupied by strangers, the mysterious werewolf cop had returned, and voices and snarls from inside the cabins..

He didn't want to intrude into something delicate, so his eyes searched for the simplest thing to engage himself with.  There, he spotted freshly caught fish laying out in the shade by the barbeque.

Nodding to himself, he set the tea down. Work with his hands was always easiest. With the same diligence he had prepared the tea, he began the process of deboning the fish and lowering the temperature of the BBQ.

Toby did not mean to stare because he knew it was exceedingly rude to do so, but in the process of trying to figure out what (if anything) to say to the woman standing before him, he'd gotten lost in his own head. Another escalation of hypothetical events played out before his eyes: He asked Logan what she was doing and she said it was none of his business-- Or worse, she'd say something obvious like 'I'm standing here, dummy' and make him feel really stupid. ... Actually, come to think of it, Toby didn't know what he could expect from her. She was tall, muscular, and covered in scars, which meant she could probably break him in half like a breadstick, but would she? Was she as tough as she looked or just a gentle giant? He thought he could detect gentleness in her, but maybe that was just her warm color palette and natural beauty tricking him. Sabrina was pretty too, but Sabrina was an ice queen of painful torture and sudden death! No, no, no. Toby couldn't judge based on looks. What did he know about Logan? Well, Logan was a member of the pack... She was a member of the pack, right? She had to be. He'd seen her before, he even knew her name-- Or thought he did at least. It was Logan, right? Or... Wait, wasn't Logan a boy name? What if he accidentally got her name mixed up with one of the boys? He couldn't have. The women outnumbered the men in the pack. Or did they? Maybe he should say nothing at all and just return to his room. But what if he did that and it turned out that Logan wasn't a member of the pack and was doing murders and he could've stopped it if he had only been paying attention?!

Then she mentioned his ear.

He started, covering his ear with his hand in such swift urgency that he literally slapped himself; and so hard that he stumbled backward and tripped, falling onto his rump. He was thankful the stairs were turned a corner and not directly behind him, otherwise he most certainly would've fallen down them.

"Err.. W-well, I'm sure they didn't mean to. They're good people--.. But, y-yes. I mean, I guess they did." Toby stuttered. "I mean, yes, they certainly did. Of course they did. It's a gunshot wound, not a piercing, I swear. I'm not pierced!"

That last disclaimer made him feel stupid and his cheeks went hot from embarrassment. Quickly as he could, he scrambled to his feet, then stood like a school boy set to be punished and rubbed his elbow awkwardly.

Logan’s brow knit and she looked sympathetically on at the omega as he collected himself. She didn’t pay mind to the red flush in his face, and turned her eyes and face down to the other end of the hall to spare him while he recovered.

She could recall the night Toby was shot only vaguely. She had only just pledged her loyalty to the pack and Kratos, and had never heard the full of the story regarding the injuries. It had been the sounds of those gunshots that had sent Logan over the edge, figuratively and nearly literally.

“Ah, your hip too, yes?” she asked rhetorically, returning her muave gaze and gesturing to his leg after a moment.

“You hide it well,” she observed in reference to the hip wound, as she inclined her head towards him a little. “If if is a bother, an ice bath will help it to feel…” she paused, “ehh… not so bad. One hour a day, one time a week.” she added, crossing her arms.

“It is good if you stay inside for a while, friend. I do not know what is happening outside, but, I will keep watch here.”

Two gambles gratified. Tiffany could see in the old officer's reaction, or lack thereof, that she had both stumbled on something, and that Argyros' relationship with Talkane was not at the forefront of concern til now. Still, Argyros was the one with the gun looking down in a ditch. If she was a liability like he said, then there was a quick solve to this problem. Tiffany could only hope he wasn't considering what was clearly his advantage, even with all his words indicating otherwise. Old oaths had restrained Talkane's hand from the shepherds this far. Would it hold back Argyros?

Tiffany weighed the conversation carefully.

"... of all the places to come."

"They seem like nice kids, Argyros..." Tiffany said softly. She let her shoulders sink with defeat. "Just make me a deal I can agree to."


Ulric paused a moment, his soft smile not fading. Then he said, "What's your favorite flavor of soda?"

"I was only shot once, though I got grazed pretty badly on my chest and shoulder. I thought I'd been hit in the stomach, but that was an unrelated injury. My hip was dislocated later by Jack--" He stopped abruptly. She didn't need to know all of this. She'd made an observation, not asked for his life story-- Or, near death story as it were.

"I d-dun-- I-I'm not-- I c-couldn't..." He stuttered. How does a man confess to a woman that they are too much of  pansy to handle something as uncomfortable as an ice bath? Especially since that woman probably took ice baths herself every day... For fun! Toby decided to just let it go. She didn't need to know that either. He squirmed uncomfortably, determined not to excuse himself even though he desperately wanted to. He had resolved to get to know his pack mates several weeks ago during a conversation with Dakota, and his explosion toward Dakota a little while ago had reminded him of that resolution. This was currently a drama free opportunity to talk. He had to take it.

Just then, Logan's last comment registered in his mind and filled him with anxiety. "What do you mean? Everything seemed fine when I came in just now. Did those guys in the pit escape?"

By Jackie.

Logan finished the sentence in her mind and raised an eyebrow. Toby doubled back three times over, and she relocated the weight to the other hip while waiting patiently for him to find his words.

Then she realized her mistake and sensed Toby's rising anxiety.

"No," she said evenly, and did not know how Toby thought that was possible. "The... Špinavé ústa... Saber... is changed," she added, "He is in the other cabin with Kratos. Do not worry. I will let nothing happen." the defender reassured, and did not mention her concerns with the older Alpha for the time being.

"I will watch your room, too. You are safe here." she said, and gestured to it with a nod. Logan had given him an out and dismissed if he wanted to leave, but she did not ask him to go or indicate his company had worn thin.

"Oh," the single syllable escaped sounding so deflated that Bianca was surprised by it herself, and laughed lightly to try to erase it from the air.

"Uhm, cream soda. What's yours?" she responded, smiling, but found her gaze drifting over her shoulder.

Ulric wasn't alone in his sentiments about getting back to the cabins, but for Bianca it was two sided; duty insisted she go back, but she was anxious about the events she instigated, and had conjured up all kinds of ideas about how the others would react to her. Besides, the smell of the creek and pine trees were far more favorable to the smell of fish.

She looked back to Ulric and tried to remember the taste of cream soda.


Chapman watched the young man come to the clearing and then disappear behind the cabins. His eyes went to the cabin wherein Kratos dealt with his unruly charge, and back to Tiffany in a sweeping motion.

Kratos would have the final say in what happened to the Svalnaglas woman and her Kitsune companion. After all, it was his land and his pack that had been trespassed upon and afflicted.

Until he had time to speak with the Alpha of the Calagathorm, he would not say anything for certain, and still the gears were turning.

Ulric laughed right out. "No kidding?" He said. "Mine too."

The question was, in fact, a substitute for what he actually wanted to ask. But given the circumstances, it was preferable to the one he had in mind. The outcome was not displeasing.

"Maybe you'd like to come with me to get a soda someday?" Ulric said, and he laughed. "You know, when the town isn't sinking into a hole, or something."


Kratos stood to his full height and lowered his chin to his chest. His bright yellow eyes leveled on Saber.

"What is the name of your alpha?" He asked outright. 'Do not lie to me.' His eyes said.

When the town isn’t sinking into a hole, or something. 

If that wasn’t an allegory for everything that happened on the mountain.

Or something.

Wait-was he asking her out? But-she thought he liked Chime. Or was that Levi? She couldn’t remember, but she had notes in her journal…

Anyway-he was so… caring, attentive.. what was wrong with that? And besides, how would you date in a pack? Everyone would know. Jackie would never let her live it down.

Her brow knit and she toyed with the sleeves of the change suit. Would it hurt? What didn’t? What was the harm in feeling less lonely?

Maybe she had misunderstood completely. She hoped she didn’t.

“Ulric,” she said, with a careful smile and little tilt of her head, “I want to go out with you.” She said, softly and sincerely, reaching for his hands, “y’know… before we sink into a hole. Or something.”

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