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Werewolves (RP13.3) Many Decisions: Echoes

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Muttering, fidgeting, and then suddenly grumbling the old gentleman slapped his cap back on his head and said loudly, "You see that I am! A ripe ol eejit - I know it."
He must've dropped some bit of the mocking Scottish accent he had before, his words erupted differently.
"But I've come, as you see, when I could be just about. No, - here I am, call me a plank. I'll not be long - only doing what's proper to see the head before I go sniffing about. So, good morning and I'll be going."

Mathew saw the girl across the street and the few glances she gave in his direction. Then she suddenly darted towards an alleyway. Mathew just blinked.

Now, if Mathew was normal he might've had a passing thought that it was a bit strange and turned away returning about his own business. But Mathew wasn't; Instead he began to move towards where she left main street behind, his pace increasing as much as he could manage.

He could feel the tension that ran in the little town at present, and after the damage of the terrible storm, it was warranted. He could feel the girl across the street was tense as well, and yet it never crossed his mind his presence could be partially the cause. Nobody had ever been scared of him before! But looking like a hobo and smiling like a dork could've been off putting to anyone. But not having crossed his mind at all, he continued his pursuit.

When he finally caught a glimpse of her in the distance he called out, "Hey wait!"

"Ha! Is that what you're here for? Permission to go snooping about?" Granny laughed harshly, lifting her cane in her hand and marching toward the man until she stood right in front of him. Her cane came down again, harder than the first time and just short of the elderly fellow's toes. She stared long and hard at his face, so much so that Toby pitied the stranger's soul.

"Trying to pretend everything is all hunky-dory, are we?" She asked slowly, "Well fine, you wanna pretend, let's pretend: Come to see the head, have you? Well, the head is waiting for an explanation. Or do you expect me to just grant you free range when you're up in here lying to my face."

Granny's tone darkened considerably a moment later: "Just admit it, you're here because you want to cover your base lest she catch you about town. You know perfectly well I'm not the alpha of the mountain anymore... Every pack from here to Iceland knows there's a new one, it's all anyone's howling about nowadays, so don't discredit your country by pretending you ain't heard."

Toby felt his blood freeze. Alpha?! Pack!? Howling!?

Bianca hadn't expected the man to start following her. Even yelling after  her. She double checked over her shoulder to see if she'd dropped anything - that was the only reason she could justify him chasing after her like a lunatic. When she found everything still present on her person, she began to run faster. She was in good shape, and a fast runner. She could get far enough and then change forms in the fields, where the grass was over her head.


Matthew watched the girl speed up as it finally dawned on him she could very well be running from him. Weird, but maybe not too weird. Had she noticed? No, he stunk too badly for any of the locals to notice. Oh my. He stank. Maybe that's why she ran away.

" I'm sorry!" He yelled back as he slowed down to a stop. Now standing in the alleyway, he took a moment to catch his breath. He slung his heavy backpack off onto the ground as he slumped against the wall. As he tried wiping his face he realized he was still covered in dirt and sweat, the cut on his face still stinging. He must've looked awful. No wonder she ran. He really needed to clean himself up first before trying to talk to anyone else...

The old gentleman visibly stiffened with every word, and was soon clutching his hands tightly at his sides. He held his ground, and for a moment it looked like he might fight back.

"No." Contrasting his rigid appearance he spoke calmly, even gently. "No, you're right."

"A lot has changed on the old mountain... I see that. But you've mistaken me." He said ever more quietly, "I know I have a lot to make up for, but please, Sophia. I've come to see her, I have."

Zander's broom passed over the hardwood floor like a metronome.  The shopkeeper kept well out-of-the way from the engagement, but that didn't stop his ears from hearing. He shook his head, wondering just how far off his initial guess had been.

The time of Phantom Mountains before the current pack had come must have been an interesting time.  He could only speculate it, from what limited information Mrs. Buttermilk had felt like sharing. His sweeping became less forceful, more silent, as he listened intently for the next chapter of this strange story.

Bianca stopped somewhere in the fields, with Reknab Bend behind her, and Phantom Mountain even further in the distance. She took off her sneakers and sweater, wearing a white tshirt underneath, and stuffed them into her backpack. Ducking under the cover of the long tan grass, she changed forms. The road to Middlecrest would be long, but she couldn't stop now.

Matthew's soul felt weighed down. He had returned to looking for a place to clean himself up but couldn't stop thinking of the girl who had just ran away from him. He usually could befriend just about anyone and everyone, and while he knew the whole town was tense in that moment which didn't help the situation, he still felt like there should've been more he could've done to help her. 

While a distracted mind slowed him down, he soon found a gas station which he proceeded in, a moment later coming back out in cleaner clothes and his face not looking like the victim of an awful prank. He knew the cut on his face didn't help make him look his usual approachable self but he couldn't do much for it beyond cleaning it. Unfortunately... that made it sting more. Now came the difficult part- Trying to find some good food to eat.

"Well, squash-hangit, why're you here then?! Clearly she ain't!" Granny snapped. She looked furious, her face was even beginning to turn a little red. "I've had enough of yer stupid games! If you've come to see her, go see her. You know where she lives. I hope she turns you into a throw rug-- It's 'bout all yer good for!"


That was Granny's cane again, this time driven into the man's foot.

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