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Werewolves (RP13.1) Many Decisions: Dangers

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Sabrina followed after Jackie, seeing no other reason to stay in the vault. As she came to Jackie's side, she gave her a sideways look and said quietly, "She doesn't want you to come looking for her. Your enemy, this employer, wants you to return to him. Kratos will not let you leave Reknab. I have promised you my help. These are the facts. What is your next move?"

Out in the hallway, where the walls weren’t made of metal and she could see the light from outside, the thrum of her heartbeat settled out of Jackie’s ears.  Almost machine-like, Jackie could feel different impulses of panic die back.  Her fingers unclenched the cloth on her face and her hands settled to her lap.  Her breathing settled.  She remembered what blinking was.  She stood.

And then Jackie started thinking - which is always where the trouble began. Even as the subroutines had blipped out from the faulty hardwire in her mind, something remained behind.  Something lower, deeper.

Sabrina’s words buzzed in her ears.

“He’s not my employer, Sabrina….” she said quietly, not looking but feeling the words meet their target, “He’s my father.  Or, to me he was…. is”.

Jackie shook her head, unable to explain.  Yet to the final question, her own thoughts had begun to develop on the matter.  It need only wait for the next move.

Then it came - the cursive, rapid movements of the bank teller woman sensing something amiss.  Jackie supposed people in places like this had an ingrained sense for it.  Anything failing to comply to the procedures must be flagged if not by their “documented processes”, then felt in the very fiber of their beings.  The bank teller had come to the hall and found her misgivings well-founded.  She had not been summoned when her clients were finished.  And what was worse, the door to the security deposit boxes had been left wide open.  A horrific violation of procedure and security if ever there was one.

The woman rushed upon them, “What are you doing, you’re supposed to kno—“.

Suddenly two strong hands were on the woman’s shoulder, pushing her back until she struck one of the two, sloping walls of the safety deposit box vault.  From their vantage, the encounter would not be seen from the hall.  She wasn’t sure about the security cameras.  She was only guessing she was in their shadow, but found herself unconcerned about the repercussions.

“Don’t tell me what I’m supposed to do,” Jackie snapped in a hushed whisper, holding one forearm to gently brush against the woman’s throat in the event she might scream.  The poor woman trembled.

“Who’s been here,” Jackie's eyes were wild, “Who opened the box, and who’s been there since.  Tell me what they looked like, when they came…”

Jackie trailed off.  The bank teller had gone silent, her eyes wide with fear.  Nothing in her procedures had ever told the bank teller what to do about this.

Sabrina watched the turn of events with a remarkable degree of placidity. When appeared clear the teller was at a loss for words, she smoothed back her hair and said to Jackie,

"Dear, be wise."

And she looked up at the camera knowingly. Cheekily, even, we're one to view the footage and know that a teller was being assaulted by her companion just out of the scene.

But then she stepped into that same shadow, just in the camera's blindspot. Her reference to the cameras had not been to remind Jackie they were there. Not in the traditional sense, anyway.

"The tapes," she said to the teller, cool and matter of fact, as if they were simply meeting on the beach during summer holiday and there was not an elbow pressed against her throat, "Where are the tapes kept?"

It was hard to say who looked more nervous, Jackie or the bank teller.  Both turned to Sabrina with a startled look, although the latter had managed only a squeak and former had managed a harsh snort.

What… had Jackie been expecting? Not this, surely.  Her sister would have chided her and made the ‘misunderstanding’ all disappear into a wall of paperwork.  Kratos would have stopped her before she’d gotten this far. But Sabrina? She couldn’t be uncertain her problems wouldn’t disappear 6 feet under the ground.

“I… don’t manage the tapes,” the bank teller finally whimpered as her eyes flashed nervously , “That’s… security’s problem”.

Jackie glanced at the woman, still holding her tight, but the surety of her next move fled.  That was the trouble with her inspiration. It came to her all in one go, then fled just as quickly, leaving her to figure out what to do.  She wasn’t so sure the bank teller knew anything now.  The poor woman had probably been what she had seemed to be all along.  Jackie shifted uneasily on her feet.

She continued to watch Sabrina… what would she do next?  She was trying to read something in the woman’s face, but she may as well have been trying to read a wall.  There was no quiver in her expression. It was ice-cold.

Hesitantly, Jackie took a small step forward and glanced down the hall.  The bank teller was forced to move with her, but now Jackie was nervous the woman would start thinking of her own plans.  Sabrina was right about one thing - they’d need security tapes if they were going to cover their tracks.  She was pretty sure Melinda wouldn’t be around to bail her out of jail anytime soon.

Jackie weighed her options.  Didn’t like them.  And then just as simply, let go.  The bank teller staggered out of her grip, her eyes wide in shock that she’d been released.  There was a few moments before the woman would process what would happen and start screeching down the hall.

Jackie didn’t make so much as a move against the woman. She did, however, glance to Sabrina. There was something that had bothered her ever since this adventure began - and now was as good as time as any to get her answer.

The woman didn't have any time to go screeching down the hall, of course. Jackie no sooner set her free, she had no sooner recognized it and made a move to run, than Sabrina flew forward, striking her in the specific pressure points to both paralyze and stun her. She fell to the ground without so much as a peep.

As impassive as ever, Sabrina methodically searched her person for any sort of key or I'd badge that would allow them entrance to more secure areas of the bank. She didn't expect anything particularly high tech, given the size of this little town and how much trouble it usually saw (none), but collected anything that could be of use. Then she stood, looked at Jackie, and straightened her jacket.

"Whoever left that note for you," she said simply, "will be on the tapes, assuming they didn't beat us to it already."

She nodded her head at the unconscious woman on the floor. "She has only her word that we were ever here. Some witnesses, perhaps. But no matter. They won't won't find us. Now, let's go collect those tapes."

Jackie looked at the collapsed teller, watching just long enough to confirm she was still breathing. Then she studied Sabrina, as though a three year old trying to understand why their fingers burned when passed over a candle.  The metaphorical tumbleweed passed by in the silence that lapsed, Jackie neither moving forward nor objecting.

Finally she nodded to herself, motioning to the badge Sabrina had taken off of the teller's person.

"Lead the way," Jackie cocked an eyebrow, a mocking note in her tone that she did not give words to.


Sabrina noted Jackie's response with some kind of wistful satisfaction. She almost smiled. Ah, and I would, her eyes seemed to say. Out loud, her lips formed the words, "I am not here to lead, Jackie. You asked me to help you."

Jackie’s nostrils flared, her fists clenched, and her eyes burned so brightly into Sabrina’s it seemed like she wanted to burn a hole straight down the woman’s skull.  All at once the day had caught up, and she found herself exhausted, hungry, bedraggled, angry, and frankly tempted.  Now she was in the middle of the last place on earth she should rightly be, with a woman inclined to lead her over the cliff edge instead of take her back from it.

“Fine,” she glared, “If I’m leading…”

She walked straight down the hallway, stepping over the slumped body like it were an upturned rug.

“Then we’re going home”

Behind her, Sabrina genuinely smiled.

"Very well," she said. "I'll clean up this little mess and meet you in the car." She reached into her jacket pocket and withdrew a small, dried something. A mushroom, maybe, which she carefully slipped into the teller's mouth. It served a dual purpose, to speed her natural healing abilities and perhaps clear up any bruises by morning, and, she would have some interesting dreams... Nothing was stolen, so when she awoke, other than the anomaly of having passed out in the first place, what would there be to investigate?

There was still the loose end of the security tapes to tie up... She would see to that on the way out.

And so, it would seem, their little charade was over.

To be continued in ...

Werewolves (RP14.1): "A Precarious Road"

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