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Werewolves (RP 9): The Song of the Mountain - Part 1

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Her eyes held steady on the flame, yet from the corner of her eyes she watched her packmate. In Ulric’s expression she caught something unfamiliar; or rather, it was familiar, yet never before had she seen it arrayed so clearly on his face before. Yet she did not acknowledge it by looking at it fully, as though in some ways it would crumble away once pinned.

Instead, she watched her tangerine flame swiftly devour the dark, nylon chord. It were as though she was teetering over a precarious precipice in more ways than one; as the flame rolled another soupy droplet of the nylon chord to the cold cave floor, the lifeline that kept her so perfectly balanced seemed to slip from her fingertips. The flame chewed on the chord just as storm beat the mountain and the moon steadily worked her bones. It were as though she was being torn apart from several directions at once.

Her hands trembled, her mind not daring to ask the question her eyes sought as she looked to the dark and unrevealing masses of the clouds.

A voice caught in her throat, "Ulric… I can’t st— "

Yet just like that, the balancing act was shattered ! The mountain inhaled, the water rushed in, and the flame that was held so tenderly on the cave floor was extinguished. The stream of water drenched her torso entirely, and wave of terror swept her as the call of gravity to the very real precipice below called. The flame now abandoned, her hands reached to steady her on the rough texture of the rock.

Then, in that dizzying moment when reality had yet to settle, she had the sinking feeling she’d been right; something was being torn apart.. yet her body, every sluggish to her mind’s desires, could do little more than hug the earth as her heart thundered. Only too late did she realize that it was not her heart, but something outside that thundered and raged, growing ever closer. There wasn't time to escape, but it was not too late to drag her pack mate by the leg further into their prison just as a dark, semi-viscous mass sealed them inside.


Saber didn’t say a word, but his anger continued to silently grow with Sabrina’s dismissive attitude. Now Sabrina was sitting by the fire, as Saber decided he was done. He tossed the towel given to him on the ground and cracked opened the door to leave. The wind blew hard as Saber slipped out, making it a bit of a struggle to close the door behind him. The icey rain greeted him once again as he turned to face the dark woods that surrounded the small isolated cabin. Within seconds he was drenched and shivering again as he began to take a few steps forward, the wind battering against him threatening his balance. He pressed on a few more unsteady steps before he could feel a sensation creeping up his spine; He knew what was coming but something deep within him continued to fight it. But the time of resistance was running out, and he knew it.

The pain was sudden that hit Saber and made him fall to the cold ground. He cried out from the overwhelming sensation as his mind continued to fight, unwilling to surrender. Unfortunately all it accomplished was prolonging the inevitable and drawing out Sabers suffering. Slowly but surely his body started to shift, finally relaxing after the change was complete. The wolf that lay in Sabers place now was dazed from the pain that still covered its body.


Theo nodded glumly. The rain and wind penetrated even the thick fur of coat. The air was so thick, it was almost impossible to see more than a few, vague shapes to guide him. The water washed away any hope of scent, and the steady pound of rain drowned out anything further than Toby's voice... they were beyond blind !

He pushed ahead where he'd thought the voice had come, but try as he might he saw, heard, and smelled nothing. Maybe he'd imagined it.

Meanwhile, they were both at a very real risk of being washing off the mountainside. He looked apologetically at Toby. Hopefully he didn't think him a bad person for wanting to leave the probably-imaginary person out to suffer in this rainstorm. But they were two very real people that deserved not to suffer too, right?

"A-actually... let's find shelter instead," his voice quivered in the cold, squinting ahead for the promising shape of refuge.

Concluding post:

In the height of commotion sound is lost. When the storm collides with the peak in the distance, there is no one to hear the sound. Violence and chaos transcend the countenance of the suffering; it is with men and nature the same. The wake of destruction is all that is seen when the storm clears.

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