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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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It’s the night of another full moon. This one is different; the pack is keenly aware that a group of hunters is assembling in town, with permission to hunt on the Beta Zeit’s property. This will make the night especially challenging for the Calagathorm pack, as they have both new members and those who have only experienced the change once or twice before. The blood of many is shed on this night - all in the name of misunderstanding and  malice. However; not all is lost - new bonds are also forged in the face of adversity.

Roleplay Stats

ROLEPLAY DATE: January 2013 - April 2014

PAGES: 15 pages

TIMELINE: A month after the events that transpired in Danger on the Horizon

TIMEFRAME: Takes place over the span of a day (during a full moon)



Mae as Kratos/Timothy/Urlic

Kaqurei (Destny) as Sabrina/Levi 

Hourglass as Zeit/Hawkthorne

Amanda/Indy/Soar as Theo/Jackie

Cathannah as Toby 

Aim (Amy) as Chime 

Adriana as Logan



Zero as Kiton

Lynds as Alex 

Raven as Alice 

Celeus as Marcus

Kale as Kale

Cassie as Kaleb/Alice

Nequaria as Creorran/Savannah 

Mariel as Kieoki (final post on page 1)

Key Events

  • Page 1 - The last page that we see Kieoki
  • Page 3 - The townspeople begin to assemble for the wolf hunt
  • Page 3 - Katie Thompson is introduced (who later tends to the werewolves in the mountains) 
  • Page 4 - Jackie and Logan clash for the first time and Kratos is alerted
  • Page 9 - The pack sets off into the mountains to avoid the hunting party
  • Page 10 - Levi runs into the hunting party
  • Page 10 - Tammy falls off the hillside
  • Page 11 - Theo is shot
  • Page 11 - Timothy gives chase to the fleeing Logan
  • Page 13 - Toby is shot
  • Page 13 - Chime, Levi and Theo flee Mildred, Tammy follows
  • Page 13 - Kratos breaks up the fighting between Logan, Jackie and Timothy
  • Page 15 - Kratos, Ulric and the rest find Toby
  • Page 15 - Tammy leaves Chime a note

Memorable Quotes/Trivia

    • The townspeople mentioned are Thomas Clerk, Alfred Nickers, Albert Rich, Mildred McGordner, Mr. Trodder, Tammy Trodder, Jenn Peters, Robbie Gelton, and Harvey Bolt (Mae), as well as Katie Thompson (Kaqurei). Mildred was also later joined by Adelaide


  • Theo, to Levi, making banter: “Sometimes when I don’t know what to do, I think of what I would do if I got a magical wish. And I… well.. the best I’ve ever come up with would be,” he laughed nervously again,”Would be seeing Kratos in a tutu. I, er, dare you to come up with a better wish”
  • This roleplay was Tammy’s first, but not last, meeting with Theo, Levi and Chime.
  • Tammy’s note left with Chime read the following: "If I cannot, it must be returned - left in the place it can be found - if some spirit might take it and have it returned, either to him or to the mountain. Holding onto it reminds me of everything I once had. And the river cannot flow backwards."
  • This is the packs first serious encounter with the Phantom Herb


Detailed Summary

Ulric, Logan, Jackie, Chime and Theo are present at the cabins - meanwhile the captured spy, Levi, is trapped in the pit. Toby meanwhile, had stayed at his grandmothers and ventured his way back to his new home - and Zeit prepared for the night of the full moon by anxiously planning on where to keep her livestock safe. The townspeople were all too aware of the “giant wolves” that surrounded her homestead, and were set on finding and hunting as many as they could manage. Kratos likewise, went to meet with Zeit to plan the nights events.


Theo and Chime engage with the spy and find his company to be cheerful in spite of the circumstances. Logan meets with Jackie for the first time since she attacked her - and to Jackie’s surprise and disappointment, Logan doesn’t remember the night. 


In Reknab Bend, there’s a bustle as the townspeople prepare for the hunt. Some - such as Katie Thompson - are not so thrilled about the events, as she too has property on the foothills of the mountain. 


The previous calm interaction at the cabins becomes heated quickly - like a flame prodded with a poking stick - and Ulric calls the Alpha (and with him, Zeit and Toby) back from Zeit’s ranch to the cabins. The newest member is reprimanded, while Jackie slinks away, only to return when summoned moments later. In short time - the matter was settled and Kratos was gathering everyone together for tonights full moon. There was another wildcard besides the introduction of the werewolf hunt - Timothy was missing in action and they would need to be on watch for him. 


A group  of hunters likewise gathered and organized, with roughly five groups of five. Harvey Bolt, Mildred and Tammy among them - they set off to find the wolves that had plagued the town. 


The pack was soon as prepared as they could be and set off in groups into the mountains - with Kratos leading Jackie and Logan, and Zeit with Toby, Chime, Theo and Levi. 


Sabrina had been tracking Timothy, and kept within close enough distance to monitor him, and far enough that he wouldn’t flee. 


All of the werewolves were soon summoned by the transformation - and all handled it in varying degrees of confidence. Even the newly turned Jackie and Logan seemed to have things under control.


It wouldn’t be long until the pack met with their second hitch of the night - when Levi fled from the group and ran right into the gunfire of the hunters! Theo and Chime remained behind, wondering what to do - Zeit was occupied elsewhere. Levi had run into Mildred’s hunting group, which included Tammy and another young woman named Adelaide. 


The several shots triggered a change in Logan’s countenance, and she fled past Timothy, encouraging him to give chase! Jackie, Sabrina, Ulric and Kratos likewise followed, albeit further back. 


Theo would soon crash into Mildred’s hunting group in attempt to go after Levi, while Tammy had fallen in the chaos and was injured from her fall down the rocky slope. Chime had come and was attempting to rescue her - while Mildred was poised to shoot either Levi or Theo. Toby interjected at the last moment.


The fight between Logan and Timothy continues in the mountain - and Jackie gets in between them - Logan ends up biting Jackie and Kratos arrives to put an abrupt stop to the battle.


Mildred obtained a weapon that had been dropped (Adelaide’s) and was then quickly disarmed by Chime - and Levi works to quickly bind Theo’s wounds, while Tammy comes-to down below. More hunters approach and the situation looks grim - Toby ran off to distract them. 


Theo, Levi and Chime fled - although slowly - while Timothy was shot multiple times and howled to let Kratos know of his position. 


A few hunters found Mildred, who promptly directed them to look for Tammy - who was nowhere to be seen. As it turns out, she was on the same path after Theo, Levi and Chime, and would soon run into them. 


Kratos’ group, having been collected and united - to some extent - had begun after Toby and the others, and were thwarted when the Phantom Herb interrupted their ability to seek their friends, and avoid their pursuers. In time, they came upon Toby..


In conclusion, Mae’s post sums the chapter up:


“As Tammy returned to her companions on the mountain ledge she was taken into the kind embrace of her grandfather's friend. Though a stern and hard woman, Mildred had worried for Tammy's safety and was relieved to find her not too badly off. 

Adelaide awoke shortly after Tammy's return, and all six members of Mildred's hunting party took leave of Phantom Mountain on their own two feet. Later that night they would return to Town Hall and Albert Rich with reports of their alarming encounter...

Following the event, Tammy never would mention having seen the werewolves, nor of what happened beyond the ledge when she had fallen, only that she had found her way back up again with some difficulty. 

Mildred was the only person aside from Tammy to be certain that what she had shot that night was neither wolf nor bear. Though Harvey Bolt, whose own hunt concluded disappointingly and uneventful, tried in later days to discredit her, Mildred's known experience and honesty could not be easily disregarded. Her word was a foreboding to the residents of the mountain, but there was not another howl heard all that night; Phantom Mountain fell silent, once again concealing its secrets and slipping into another month of dreamless slumber...

As for the werewolves themselves, Toby was brought back to the Dens where Sabrina tended to him, and in time Kratos came to find Levi, Theo, and Chime. When the sun rose the pack was found once again united, having weathered the events of the Full Moon, and though haunting and terrible this night had been, all were yet alive to greet a new morning.


Dear Mother and Father Shragron,

Firstly, I apologize for failing to conform to the conditions of our agreement, that is, that I have not until now written you concerning my arrival and welfare. The reasons for such a delay will be hereafter explained in as much detail as I can manage before being obliged to return to my duties.

-It has been one month since I left the Svalnaglas and joined my brother among his pack, the Calagathorm. I arrived on the territory sometime during the night of the previous full moon and found to my surprise a great ruckus and aggravation about on the land. Many of the members of Kratos' pack are young and undisciplined as to their nature, others are mistrusting strangers whom are angry at their circumstances. Thus it was that I came across one member fallen and, unknowing of the whereabouts of her pack, brought her with haste to the local hospital. This, I learned later, was not the best course of action. 

-The people in the town of Reknab Bend are suspicious and unaware of the Werewolves here; Kratos has gone through great lengths to ensure that the presence of a pack is not discovered - by werewolves or regular men. But it is speculated that his attempts might prove vain. 

-The day after my arrival Kratos found his pack member and I at the hospital and sent me back to the pack's place of residence to meet the approval of the two Betas in the pack. I am pleased that I have been accepted among them. However, while the Alpha was away from his pack, one member went rogue. I have learned that this boy was found in the mountains on the territory before the pack was organized and has had unusual problems since being rescued. Many feel that he poses a great threat while uncontrolled and unsupervised. 

-Kratos has been very frustrated by the loss of this boy, and has issued several searches since having returned with the woman I found that night. Some members are out right now looking for any sign of him, but no search as of yet has proven fruitful, it seems as though the boy has simply vanished. But there are other troubles outside the disappearance of this rogue; a spy of another pack was captured the night I arrived and has been held on the territory.. Kratos has not yet looked into dealing with him. Another thing to mention is that the same woman whom attacked the pack member I came upon my first night here, has been taken into custody of the pack, as she is also a werewolf. I witnessed one Beta tell the stranger to leave, but since having returned, Kratos has not allowed her to step foot out of the immediate area.. What she will do when faced with the one she attacked that night has yet to be seen.

-Aside from the above mentioned events, I have overheard Kratos speaking with his Betas concerning the scent on another werewolf which he detected in the hospital. He believes that the intruder was from another pack, but can find no connection with that scout and the spy we hold prisoner. And I will tell you something else, I returned to that hospital room and discovered a cryptic message crumbled in the trash. From what I have gathered, Kratos had been dismissed from the room and was searching for the scout when this message was dropped - I know someone else entered that room but I am yet to know who..

-Along with these troubling findings, the local town council has decided to send several hunting parties out into the mountains on the territory seeking 'viscous wolves.' I suppose a few tragedies in the area have been connected with the rumors of werewolf sightings despite all that Kratos has done. The first of the hunting groups will be here this evening to inform the ranch owner of their presence before they begin.. I believe Kratos intends to have some of us join them, however with the full moon rising tonight, I doubt the wisdom of such a decision.. Perhaps though, he sees reason where I have not; there is a werewolf rogue still at large, and from what I have heard of it, the hunting parties would not be a hindrance if they came upon him. 

Well, I will need to take my turn guarding our captured spy, and the search parties should be returning soon. I wonder if this day will see an end to some of the mysteries which the Calagathorm pack has been facing, but it is doubted.. In the very least I hope that all goes well for another day and that I will be writing to you again very soon. Until then: 

-Your son,


Ulric set his pen down and looked out his window at the bright noon light, it was twelve pm now.. At last he folded the note to his adoptive parents, set it on his desk, and left his room. He expected to find the woman Logan downstairs, but upon reaching the main room he found that she was nowhere to be seen.

"Logan?" Ulric called. He noticed the windows were open and a gentle mountain breeze was wafting through the house. The smell of fresh baked bread was still hanging around from when the Alpha had made some for the entire pack this morning, but breakfast had been put up and the house was now empty.

"Logan?" Ulric asked again, coming into the kitchen and looking around. Logan was nowhere to be found.

Now slightly frustrated Ulric went to the front door and stepped outside. The porch of the first den was very nicely situated, with planting-pots and two benches. To his right Ulric could see the second den, and just ahead was the 'training pit' where the spy was still held captive even after a month. His name, as Ulric had learned, was Levi, and he had been well fed and given plenty to rest on and under... Luckily there hadn't been any rain in the thirty days he had been there. 

Ulric left the porch of the first den and walked a short ways from the building. "Logan!" He called for the third time.


Ssshhrrk...He wasn't a law enforcer, nor was he a government leader. If he were, it wouldn't be so irritating; at least then he would be someone, someone who had earned his power. However, as far as Logan was concerned, he was just Kratos. A man who, in her opinion, decided to take it upon himself to be a hero. Which wouldn't be a problem, if she weren't a part of it. 


It seemed as though he just expected everyone to do exactly as he said, without question, without giving it a second thought even. Maybe he didn't need to be a law enforcer, or government leader - even if he were older, he would be easier to respect and follow. However, there was only a four year difference in their ages. Just four years! Which seemed very miniscule, far too miniscule for Logan to be at all inclined to give him any sort of respect. 

Chhk.. chk..

He never even made a mention as to how long she had to stay. That alpha - their alpha - was sorely mistaken if he planned for her to remain present in his pack much longer. Or at least, Logan had every intention of leaving after this full moon. Already, one long month had passed, and that was more than enough time spent idle in one place. The menial tasks she was given were hardly enough to keep her busy, or at least not as busy as she'd like to be. 

However, as much as she hated to admit it, it wasn't all terrible by any means. Having a place to stay was nice. Here she was guaranteed food and shelter. Despite this, the cons outweighed the pros. She would gladly take rain and a little hunger if it meant being free. Then there were the other pack members. She was.. mostly tolerant of them. Tolerant meaning quiet, avoiding them more often than not. There was really no feeling of spite (for the most part) nor attachment but rather indifference. Since her arrival, the words she spoke to the pack members were few, and actual conversations fewer yet. Mostly, she asked questions. 

As for questions, there were a few she had yet to voice.. what would happen tonight? Where did they expect her to go? Did they not fear another attack? Thus far, there seemed to be little urgency about the matter, or perhaps she was just ignorant to it?

For a long while Logan ranted, reminisced and pondered to herself. Presently, she sat with her back to a tree, one leg extended in front of her and the other pressed up to her chest. Ssshhhhhhk... another long, thin strip of wood was carved away by the tireless blade of her pocket knife. The woman had occupied herself by attempting to carve a wooden dagger, as she had seen her grandfather do once before.. although, she remembered his coming out far more clean and smooth, while hers was rough and jagged, with many angles and notches. He commented once, that she had her fathers roughness to her, and that comment came to mind whenever she tried to do something that required this kind of precision and patience. Ah, her grandfather... 


She was snapped out of her thoughts, though made no move to get up, and instead pressed the knife into the wood once again. This time, the blade was angled awkwardly, and before she corrected her mistake, she had cut into the dagger, adding a deep crevice to the makeshift weapon. At that point, Logan deemed the dagger beyond salvaging and tucked her pocket knife away, before standing and beginning off towards the cabins.

Being only a short distance into the surrounding forest, it took her no more than a couple of minutes to reach the dens, where she was greeted by the sight of Ulric. "Did you call me?" the woman asked upon approaching the man, tucking her hands into her pockets and raising a brow just slightly. 


There is so much to reflect upon when looking back at the past month of one's life. That is, unless one has been spending said month in a ditch as a prisoner. Levi had spent most of his time in wolf form; as a half-breed, especially a half-breed of Sabre's pack, he could do that for extended periods of time with little to no effort. In fact, during the course of the entire month, he had spent maybe two days total as a human, and it was usually in the dead of night when the Calagathorm Pack was asleep. 

His words had been few. When questioned, he had stated in his rich Irish accent that his name was Levi O'Connell. Further than that, he had held his peace. The wounds he had sustained in his skirmish with the one called Logan had all but healed now, though the one on his neck had scarred some. He had not tried to escape his prison. He ate the food hey provided him quietly. And he sat in the middle of the "detention ditch", cross-legged and placid with closed or half-closed eyes.... for hours. In fact, that was exactly what he was doing now.

His large, dark ears errect, he sat there, his palms resting on his furry knees. Listening to the birds, the wind... yes, his had been a very boring past month indeed.

As for the Gamma Sabrina, though she had vowed not to that fateful night of the Full Moon, she had indeed disappeared again. Neither hide nor hair of her had been spotted since Timothy escaped.


The full moon shone into her bedroom window brightly as she sat on her bed and leaned against her wall with closed eyes. She sat silently as she felt the gentle tug of the moon on her soul. But she didn't follow what it was asking from her. She was waiting to see if he was going to call them all together. She wasn't sure what would happen though, considering all that had happened in the last month.

And yet despite all that happened, Kieoki felt no more part of this pack than when she joined it. Granted, she'd managed to slip out and grab some proper clothes after a few more days long ago, but that didn't help her much. It was probably her own fault for causing bad situations to fall apart when she'd first joined and her brash nature that caused her to feel this way. She really didn't have good social skills. She never could remember anyone's name, or the reason why someone was still in the pit by the cottages...or why he had vanished after that night around a month ago.

After he'd vanished though, Kieoki started to keep herself in check because she wasn't hearing her wolf anymore. She bit her tongue whenever something opinionated came up in conversation, and she forced herself to smile and listen when other members were talking. She followed most of the rules in general, and she stopped going off into the woods herself even though she noticed another scent going out and back as often as she would've like too herself. She was really trying, though it hurt.

Considering all that was happening now though, Kieoki truthfully didn't know if Krat was going to call the pack together tonight or not. She didn't want to sing tonight. Oh if he called, she'd come. She'd raise her muzzle to the sky and let her voice ring out to mingle with the rest of the pack, but her voice would be soft. Not quite her own. She'd listen to the others this time, not the other way around. No, not this time. 

Everything was just so confusing and conflicting that she was starting to have no idea what to do anymore just to fit in. This was her last effort. She opened her eyes then and glanced at the open window to her room, hoping that Krat would call them all together and wouldn't call them together at the same exact time.

Hour Glass:

Ziet paced, a furious kind of pacing that was beginning to wear away at the dirt under her feet. She was confused on what to do, and how to work with the pack that had thrown at her doorstep. How to keep every wolf safe during this run of the full moon.

The ranchers had come, and told her her worst nightmare. They'd be hunting members of the pack tonight, and knowing them, they were out for blood. The members of the town would be persistent, and wouldn't stop until they caught something. Rather, they killed at least one wolf.

The worst part was, if she refused to allow hunting on her land, they'd become suspicious. At least, that would be for the first hunt, if Kratos helped keep the pack safe, then she could use an excuse to get them off her land during the next hunts. Maybe if she managed to make it look like a hunter hit one of her cows, she could get cash and protection from hunters straying too close to the pack.

She sighed, frustrated by everything, having had to round up her stock away to keep them somewhat safe from the night, while trying to work on a plan to keep the wolves safe. She needed to talk to Kratos about what to do, how to try and control the pack during the night of the full moon. The pack acted mindless at times, and it often felt like trying to herd cats.

She huffe,d yearning to run out her frustrations, but now was not the time. She began to search for the pack leader, knowing he might have some plan in store to protect the wolves. Or she would end up trying to patrol the borders of her land, maybe even working as a moving target to keep the hunters away fromt he rest of the pack.


Sitting on her bed, still in her pajamas, Chime's not so nimble fingers worked, sewing together the modifications in the new clothing she brought a few weeks ago. Though it was an annoying task, and boy did it frustrate her, she was happy to nearly be done with it. Her poor, sore, needle poked fingers were also happy. 

She had kept the whole thing a secret, sneaking the clothing into her room and then disappearing there for hours, all the while not allowing others into her room and blocking the window her bed sheet as she worked on it. Now, all it would take is one more stitch... "Ow!" Dropping the needle, she stuffed her finger in her mouth, glaring at the the dull purple outfit. "You just had to have the last laugh, didn't you?" She, with her somewhat muffled voice, muttered.

Once it was completed, Chime hurriedly slipped it on, putting the adjustable, rather stretchy, belt she had brought around the same time, around her waist, quite happy with it. Of course, she also had her yellow, red spotted handkerchief too. Happy with the really baggy fit, Chime hurried to her door, neglecting to pull off the bed sheet from the window.

Outside her room, she stopped, closing the door slowly as she fixed the paper sign on her door, it said Chime's Lair, in case anyone was confused on just whom dwelt there. She wanted something a little more permanent, like a wooden sign, but, alas, she didn't know how to make that sort of thing, nor had the money she could spend on one. So, paper it was. 

Smiling, Chime ran down stairs, she couldn't wait to get outside! And now she could get around without worrying about not getting into bigger clothing before the moon was up, well around 12 am that is, the thought brought on even wider smile, the clothing she had worn two earlier months where now more of PJs then anything now.

Walking outside, she noticed Ulric and that stranger, who Chime still didn't know the name of. No longer did she feared her, she mainly stayed away. Though now that the full moon was coming, she couldn't help but be a little nervous. But she trusted her pack and her Alpha, they wouldn't allow the uncontrolled wolves get outta hand, she knew it.


Toby had spent the weekend at his Grandmother's house, above her antique shop. It was very relaxing and orginized compared to his new life with the clan. The constant peace had even given him more time to study, unlike the ever eventful life up on the mountain with the others. Truthfully, Toby was sad to have to return to the group today. He'd been a member for at least a month and still hadn't made any friends at all. The others hardly ever talked to him; even Sabrina and Timothy seemed to have found away around communicating with him.

Toby didn't like being apart of a pack. Packs were something dogs did, and in a dog pack there always had to be omega.. Simplistic manners and meek temperament made Toby an omega by default. He didn't like it. At least in the human wold he mattered; his IQ would at least get him somewhere. 

Yet somehow Toby found himself packed and starting out toward the pack once again.


Ulric had walked over to the training ditch and looked down at Levi through the fence. He saw the werewolf spy laying somewhat lazily against the cement wall, and Ulric couldn't help but wonder at the calmness of this posture. 

Logan then entered the clearing and Ulric turned to face her.

"Yes, I was just wondering where you were." Ulric replied, turning from the ditch and approaching her. "It's been a pretty quiet morning, almost unnerving considering what tonight is." 

He scratched the back of his head for a moment, trying to think of what else to say and turned his gaze around to the woods before catching sight of Chime and briefly waving at her. Then he looked back at Logan with his brows slightly furrowed.

"Do you know what you'll be doing tonight, though forgive me if the question is out of my place.."


Meanwhile, down the mountain some ways and standing in the apple orchard was Alpha Kratos. His naturally yellow eyes cloaked beneath brown contacts as he stared out over the fields. He had seen the townsfolk come and go from Zeit's property but had not gone from where he stood; he was standing as a solemn giant in the shade of the trees, leaning with one arm on a sturdy branch. His hand was rested on his chin as he contemplated on the last few weeks. 

Earlier this morning Kratos had been up by Gathen's den, in the scarce hopes that he might locate Timothy, but there had been no sign of the boy's passing and all that the visit had accomplished was to fill the Alpha's heart with certain anguish.

It would be dishonest to say that Kratos did not at that time doubt, for indeed he felt the weight of his responsibility and looked back at many of his decisions as foolishness. The further he looked into the past, the more his heart was burdened - for his history had not began with that of the Calagathorm pack. 

Kratos' thoughts played across the events which had lead him to the place where he was now, he remembered his youth spent carelessly and the consequences of such he felt were now being unraveled. Had he been less careless and had minded the council of Alpha Abravious, Kratos would have been able to do something that night several years ago in the alleyway, and in turn would have been able to prevent what happened to Timothy.. and Gathen.. And if he had but stopped Jackie or accompanied her, she would not have been hurt..

Though Jackie was recovering well since returning to the territory, there were many matters still unresolved. Sabrina had not been seen since Timothy's disappearance, neither had Kale. The two other Founders, Marcus, and Kiton had rarely been seen around the territory for several months now. And with only Zeit and himself, the Alpha knew that changes would have to be made if the pack was to weather the night.

At length Kratos pushed away from the small tree and began walking down the steady hillside back toward Zeit's Ranch. He looked up toward Phantom Mountain and the sun high in the sky above the territory. It was midday now, and they had the rest of the evening to prepare for what was coming.. There were many leftover uncertainties from the previous month, and how the rest of the evening would play out could only be guessed. The only thing for sure now was that if things did not align perfectly, the pack would be in grave danger.

As the Alpha passed beneath the tree standing outside the fence of Zeit's yard, he stopped a moment and looked at the cottage. He furrowed his brows, gazing beyond the cottage now and visually scanning the pastures for sight of Beta Zeit, she would be the first person he needed to talk to and consult with.


Logan couldn't help but smirk, if only a little. She felt something like a teenager being babysat by a ten year old. Still, she understood Ulric's concern. The last full moon didn't quiet give anyone a reason to trust her on her own these nights. "Don't worry.." she began, walking past him and ruffling his hair as she did so - a playful gesture, though one that was meant more or less as a subtle reminder as to who was the older of the two - and made her way to the porch of the first den, where she took a seat on the steps. "I'm not going anywhere, not yet anyway.." that being said, she pondered briefly on the other things he mentioned. Logan was used to the silence, traveling alone for so many days and nights, and yet there really was something eerie about it tonight.

She hunched forward, arms rested lazily on her legs, and looked off into the distance as she constructed her reply. "About that last thing, I've been thinking about it.. but I don't know. I don't really have many options." she tucked a stray lock of dark hair behind her ear, gaze shifting to the training ditch. "The only idea I have that seems sturdy enough, is for me to stay in that ditch for the night. But even that idea has pitfalls.. You would have to find somewhere else to put him, a room probably? And have someone stay and guard the room. Still, so much could go wrong." the woman was quiet for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, but then spoke up again before any reply could be made. "I guess you could always just leave him in there with me, then you'd have a weight off your shoulders?" she was only joking, but deciding that her tone of voice probably didn't speak for itself, so to say, she soon added, "I'm joking." to relieve the man of any uncertainty he may have had.

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