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Alpha Interviews - Logan: The Weight of a Word (SP-RP16/17)

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That was a good point. For Kratos, it was not a laughable one. He breathed a deep breath and that mighty cage that housed his massive heart and lungs rose and fell against stone. Then he gathered his legs under him and stood to his full height in one, fluid motion, and without the use of his hands.

The alpha turned and looked at Logan. His long hair-like hackles were blown now in the other direction.

"When words fail," he said, "There is one language we can all turn to."

With this word, Kratos' large ears flopped up and down, then flopped one at a time. He wore a very serious expression, and then his giant tail wagged from side to side. He nodded and raised his brows to see that his point was made.

"I was not trying to intimidate you."

Logan watched Kratos with a vacant expression and blinked a few times in response. She pulled in a deep breath and tried to compose herself. Kratos's serious expression while demonstrating ear wiggles and tail wags wasn't helping.

Finally she turned her face away and shielded one side with a hand as her shoulders forsook her and shook with quiet laughter, "I am very sorry-" she said, collapsing to her knees, "Please, I do not mean disrespect-" she said, "I am understanding-" she laughed harder still, "Ah, but how can I speak that language with only a stupid stump?" she said, wiggling her hand in a fist to imitate her tail, which was also, to Logan, incredibly funny.

"Ako ste si zachovali rovnú tvár? Ako tvoja tvár, keď som ti vylial vodu na hlavu.. Oouuch, my stomach..." she wheezed, crumbling forward until her forehead touched the ground. She laughed til she cried, then she laughed some more, until it became almost impossible to breathe, and only then did she begin to recover.

Kratos, towering over her, tilted his head to the side as if he couldn't see what on earth Logan found so funny. When she imitated her tail wag, however, he broke and looked away.

A moment later the alpha shook his head and looked at Logan again. With her black hair pouring onto the white stone like oil and her naked knees beside her chin, she looked like a little Indian. He sat down on the ground beside her, with his elbows on his knees, and waited for her to recover herself from her laughter.

Logan stayed doubled over for a little longer, until she could wipe her eyes sufficiently and perhaps look at Kratos without setting off another fit.

Finally she scooched herself into a sit and turned to face the alpha, mimicking his pose.

"I am fine now," she said, resting her elbows on her knees.  She straightened up her expression and resolved her composure, but the ghost of a dimpled smile was still present on her cheeks.

Satisfied with his small victory, there was one last thing Kratos wanted to amend.

He lifted his massive black paw above Logan's face, and ran the rounded back of his claws gently over her scalp, brushing the rogue locks of hair from her face.

"Logan," he said, interlocking his fingers in front of him. "You are a defender. You always have been. What else are you to call someone you barely know who is willing to lay down their life for yours? Do what you have always done. Defend this land and those who live here. And when you find that you need a defence, call to me, and I will make your enemies pay their recompense."

Logan looked seriously on, and her countenance seemed to rise, although in a manner different than it had been previously. Risen yet solemn, for duty was not something Logan took lightly.

And no responsibility or title would have brought her more pride! Her chin raised up with her eyes fixed on Kratos,

“Death only can relieve me from this title,” She said with a nod, “I will not falter in this. Thank you.”

Kratos nodded, satisfied. He closed his golden eyes in that same motion and for a moment the expression on his face was as peaceful as a nightly slumber. Then his eyes came open again.

"You are free to go." He said, and he motioned to the path down from the ledge.

Logan nodded and stood. Turning away and pacing a few steps, she paused and turned her head towards her shoulder.

”… Do not think I stay only in obedience.”

She continued onward and disappeared down the path.

Kratos considered Logan's words in parting, but said nothing. When she had gone, he returned to the ledge and laid down with his shoulder on the stone. He stretched his legs out behind him, and, with his arms folded under his chin, he looked south once more...

The weight of a word unspoken can sometimes out-measure the burden of the spoken word. What exchanges in these weights are made must be carefully and thoughtfully done, for a word that is given cannot be retrieved. What harm words can do, and what good - to both enrage, and subdue; to bring laughter and tears.

Kratos closed his eyes once more, considering those words which his father once said. The pain that burdened him yet remained. For now, peace, his amends were made. He closed his eyes and slept.

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