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Of Wolves and Women

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The sun was slowly sinking along the horizon. Up high on the mountains vantage, it would be some time before it dipped down out of sight.

It had been nearly a month since the pack had taken their new residence. While some might have mourned the last traces of modern civilization, others had taken to their new lifestyle with such reckless abandon it might have been concerning had they been a member of the human race. Even as a werewolf, the ease with which a particular redhead had found her home amongst the dirt, insects, cold bathing water, hot days and cold nights, and hunting for her own food after an apparent lifetime in civilization was still moderately disturbing.

Presently she gnawed along the edge of a rabbit foot she had caught only that mourning. No preparation had been taken to prepare it properly. While indeed something might have been done to greatly improve its taste, Jackie found the steps in food preparation an inconvenience separating her from a full belly. Whether someone had bothered to mention werewolves needn't cook their meat - or she had decided it on her own - was difficult to say. In any case, her teeth gnashed along the tendons and sinew with horrific prowess.

Logan had recently woken up from an afternoon slumber.

When she was dressed, she went to the river to wash her face-she was never too far from water, and the mountain had several suitable large arteries as well as smaller brooks for her to utilize.

It was to her good fortune that a trout had managed to get itself caught in a groove of riverbed where the water had evaporated too much to return to the main vein of water..

The creature was devoured within moments, bones and all, and after she'd had plenty to drink from the stream, she went to a suitable pine tree and took off a handful of needles to chew on. They were digestible--and she had eaten her share in the past--but unless the need arose, Logan used them primarily for her teeth and breath after a meal.

With her hunger satiated and feeling more refreshed today than perhaps other days before, Logan began to branch out in search of better hunting.. when the first beast she came upon was none other than the red-haired Jackie.

"Mám sa čudovať? I am thinking there is a dying elk here, but it is only you. Voniaš ako horúci hnoj." Logan commented with a smirk.

Jackie looked up without expression, giving the eerie impression of a predator interrupted from its meal. Then she dropped the remains of the foot from her lips, drawing forth a smirk with far too many teeth to be friendly.

"Mmmm, quelle pétasse a fait une bêtise?" she tilted her head back, "Or are we insulting each other with languages we both know, today? I can play it both ways".


[[[OOC - mildly offensive language if translated. Proceed at your own risk ]]]

Logan watched the foot fall from Jackie's mouth and returned her eyes to Jackie's face. Her toothy smirk was telling, and Logan knew the next words were unkind. Regardless, she shrugged.

"Nie. Not insulting, only saying what I am seeing." she gestured broadly with a hand to Jackie, "Ah, I mean that I have smelled it first. Come take a bath, maybe you will not be always by yourself."

"Mmmm," Jackie was slow to look up when she dropped her head.

Logan had not spoken much to her this summer and thus found nothing to trust in the woman's sudden 'kindness'.  She fiddled with the rabbit foot. Suddenly, nothing felt lucky about it.

"No thanks, go," she paused, and adding for flavor, her own spicey rendition to inspire Logan's promptness, "and deal with your own stink".

"No," Logan responded, stubbornly, and began towards Jackie with resolve in her eyes. "You think I will let you scare off good prey, smelling like the backside of a dead ox?" she loomed over Jackie and pointed again towards the river.

"You will go by your own choice or I will make you. Choď. It is a wonder you do not have your own ravens above you."

"What, you think just since you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child you can make dictations?" she stood up, none so appreciating Logan's shadow as it fell over her.

She brought her hand to Logan's shoulder, as though to give her a pat on the back - but by a sudden gesture in her fingers, it was clearly meant for immediate offense.

"Go talk to someone that's listening. Byyyyeee"

Now there was a gesture Logan recognized. The woman's nostrils flared up and she caught hold of Jackie by her hair, then turned to haul the woman off to the river!

"Máš špinavé ústa. I will wash it, too."

Her long locks in Logan's hands, it was the one attack Jackie had not anticipated. There's a certain kind of pain - and control - that comes in hair.  She could no more pull back than feel her scalp try to rip up along with it. All she could imagine was a stream of curses on her lips, which commented upon Logan's parentage in relation to a cross of an oxe and a rock - before realizing likewise the same power could be hers. She reached for Logan's ebony locks likewise and began to pull.

Logan ignored the insults--and in fact, had expected them--but paused mid step when her hair and head were yanked back!

She twisted, letting go of the red hair, and quickly caught both of Jackie's wrists in her hands. The redhead was lifted to her feet, and no sooner had she been upright, did Logan swoop to a squat and catch her under her knees!

Jackie was tossed over her shoulder like a sack of wild cats and carried to the river, where she was lifted over Logan's head and dropped into the deepest part (which was to her neck, and Logan's mid-upper arm). Logan crossed her arms and waited for Jackie to surface.

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