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Alpha Interviews - Saber: Reasoning with Men & Wolves (SP-RP17/18)

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This role play takes place on the timeline between on September 16th 1997, and is set between "Werewolves (RP17) Where the Moon Meets the Mountains" and "Werewolves (RP18) How the Mountain Greets the Moon."
It details the first conversation between prospective Calagathorm pack member Saber Chang and Alpha Kratos.

In the first cabin of the Calagathorm dens was a young man, still a stranger to most of the pack, who had never experienced the full moon in the presence of a werewolf alpha.

This young man had for the most part refused the hospitality of his hosts, and was for the most part starving himself behind a closed door of both food and companionship. This would be disagreeable behavior in the best of times and among the best of men. But this young man was not a man in his entirety. This young man was a werewolf. Not of his breeding, and certainly not of his choosing, yet he was a werewolf nonetheless. And whether he knew it or not, he was turning himself into a most deplorable problem. Come the full moon, he would lose control of not only his body to the change, but also his mind, to the insatiable, incurable hunger of his inner beast...

Kratos relented his secondary form before he got to the door of the cabin, and went in as a human. It had been an eventful morning. One would hope that it did not foreshadow a more eventful night. Yet, the alpha felt the invigoration of the coming night, and there was time before moonrise to breach the conversation with this young man, this young prospect to the pack.

Kratos came to the door and pronounced upon it two firm knocks. It was not a request for entry, but a forewarning that he was entering. Kratos opened the door, whether the door wanted to be open or not. It could not refuse him, nor could it's inward master.


The door found resistance at the bottom, creaking from the attempt made to enter. But whatever held the door closed was no match for the alpha's strength, and once the door was pressed against more towards the lower part, it gave way and slowly opened.

Saber had heard the two knocks but did not move; No, not until the bed beneath him starting moving.

The pillow on his face was removed as he angrily glanced to the door to see through the crack who was opening it. In a brief second his anger in his eyes quickly got swapped out for fear before he swiftly disappeared out of sight behind.

" What?" An irritated voice soon sounded.

Kratos carefully pressed the door open until he could deprive the room of its solidarity. The bed moved across the floor easily, for there were hardwood floors throughout the cabin and its weight was pithy in contrast to the arm that pressed it. Nonetheless, Kratos moved it from his path slowly, lest it cause harm to the room's occupant. Once the door was open sufficiently to allow airflow from the hall into the room, he filled the doorway with his presence and looked inside.

"Good morning." He said simply.

Saber was out of the way of the beds trajectory, now seen practically on the other side of the small windowless room. Although his hair was in slight disarray having been lying on the bed moments before, his dark eyes had returned to form as he glared at the alpha.

A snarky comment about how he couldn't possibly tell it was morning from the very clear lack of windows in the room to observe such was harshly swallowed, and an eye roll took it's place in response.

Kratos waited on Saber to say something. When he did not, the alpha set his eyes to casually survey how the room had been used in the short duration of its occupation.

"What is your real name?" Kratos said. He returned his attention to the young man presently.

Besides Saber's backpack, which was now out of sight having the bed pushed over it, mainly what could be seen of the young man's occupancy in the small room was a pile of belongings in the corner, mostly of clothes and a few toiletries. Beyond that, much of the room remained as barren as it had been at the beginning.

Saber's glare grew sharper, but he withheld the first remark that wanted to come out. He tried to reel in his anger but the words were not without edge. " ...It's a bit rude to ask without first introducing yourself, don't you think?"

Even before the alpha responded, Saber's body couldn't stop from tensing in anticipation.

"My name is Samuel Oldcloth." Kratos said. He did not seem at all influenced by Saber's own rudeness. He set his back to the doorframe to rest one leg easily and stuck his thumb through the belt-loop of his pants.

"If you have heard them talking of one, Kratos Shragron, that is my other name." He said. "Now, what is yours?"

Despite Kratos' posture growing relaxed, it seemed to do nothing to ease the fear that had risen in the young man across the room from him.

" Xiao-Lang Chang," Saber replied.

Kratos dipped his head in acknowledgement. "What do you prefer?" He said.

" Saber," he said.

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