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Captains (Uno, Lyra, & the Shepherds)

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Lyra wanted to ask a million questions. She didn't. She'd have to make due with what she had.

What she had:

1. Clay and Val were a team now, apparently. And they were moving into defensive positions on the building.

2. Clay armed Roger. He was expecting real trouble.

3. That real trouble had something to do with Reggie.

4. The power was out and there was a bar with several confused and possibly angry patrons around.

So she was on crowd control. It hadn't been said, but this wasn't her first manhunt.

"Everyone," she said in an authoritative voice, "We have a situation here. There may be an armed and dangerous person on the premesis. I'm going to ask everyone to remain calm and stay low and away from windows until our officers have assessed the situation and determined we're safe here."

Outside, Clay was quickly realizing Reggie's presence, while prominent, wasn't new... if Reggie had been back here, it wasn't recently - but why had he been back here at all?

Unless he wasn't hunting Lyra or himself. Clay's shoulders dropped. The realization struck a second too late-Tyranny started barking again.

He and Val had been intentionally misdirected.

Clay picked up the radio off his belt and began back inside with increasing urgency,

"Smith requesting backup-"

"-at Rocks on W Maple and Gardner"

Clay's voice could be heard over the static of the radio outside the front door. Tyranny's barking became more aggravated, and a shadow loomed just outside before the door was opened-Delgado stepped in.

Even standing there with all of the attributes of a man, there was something inhuman and dangerous in his presence. He looked over the bar, the red hue of his eyes more prominent with the glow of the exit signs.

"Hola, amigos." he said, his eyes landing on Roger and Lyra.

"Delgado," Lyra acknowledged cautiously, her hand having never left her holster when she'd touched it before.

She'd heard Clay requesting backup over his radio. Not hers. Lyra's eyes stayed fixed on Reggie.

"Didn't get to thank you for lunch earlier," she said. "Heard you quit. What're you doing here, hombre?"

Delgado's eyes went to the holster and he exhaled, "Relájate, chica." he said, holding his hands up loosely to show he wasn't armed. "I came to talk with my old commander." he nodded to Roger. Roger kept close to Lyra, now moving a step in front of her.


The string of tension grew taut - tighter, tighter, waiting for something to break...  Clay still had the backdoor behind me. Reggie had manifested out of thin air like a ghost. The dog barked. Backup was requested - but it would come too late for what was to happen next.

Reggie's posture loomed like a viper, swaying closer to both Roger and Lyra. My nostrils flared. I wanted to say Chapman's man wouldn't intentionally cause them harm, disagreements aside - but I'd also spent the better part of a car ride contemplating if Clay was a murderer. I was given no redeeming qualities, no bunny slippers - and as far as I was concerned, a threat. I took a step forward.

Ahead, the crowd mumbled in disjointed whispers. A father sat protectively at the front of his table, shielding his wife and children. An older man's eyes were dark as he watched me go past, unclear if I was threat or help. A baby cried. I felt unnerved in the center of an uncertain crowd.  Where Lyra had crowd control down, I preferred crowd avoidance. But there was nowhere to go. I was protecting this crowd of nameless people just as much as I was protecting Lyra and Roger. If I retreated, and one of those patrons tried to go out the backdoor to catch an eyefull of Clay - what then?

No sooner had I had the thought did an older woman stand to her feet. She was greying and her face hard-lined, but mobile. The glasses on her face reminded me of a grandma's. She probably was someone's grandma, the lady that volunteered to wrap Christmas presents for needy children. Right now, she was afraid. Her eyes were widened. The pulse of her heart quickened. She chewed the corner of her lips. Invisibly, I intervened in the path that would lead her out the backdoor. Her gaze narrowed on mine. I had the impression she would ram through me if given the chance.

"Ma'am, you need to sit down," I said in my most re-assuring tone.

"I have to go- go to the restroom," she was babbling, grabbing at the purse under her hands. I noticed her car keys were already threaded through her palms.

"Just wait a little while longer, backup is on the way..." I took another step forward, resting my hand on her shoulders. She visibly flinched. I almost withdrew, but I held the pressure. Instinct, maybe - or the sense that any rapid movement might just frighten her more.

"Can you be brave for just a little while longer? I promise, we'll have you home by dinner..." even as I spoke, my eyes were still on the front door - watching, waiting. Ready to move at the drop of a hat if Reggie did anything remotely more threatening than talk.

Clay had come back in-he'd never had to switch forms to follow Reggie's trail. He watched Val but he himself had moved over to the bar, and began quietly ushering people out the backdoor, with the aid of the staff.

Not every patron would leave, but the bulk of them filed out quickly and without complaint-nobody, not even the early drinkers, were up to arguing with a man of Clay's stature or rank.

As people moved away, Clay moved in at the end of the bar closest to Reggie and Lyra, although he didn't feel the need to conceal himself-Reggie was well aware of his and Val's locations.

Lyra just waited. She was in the dark, figuratively and literally. Clay was in charge. Val seemed to know what was up--more than she did--and he was following Clay's lead. She'd do the same. There wasn't so much as a pin drop in Rock's that escaped her notice, though she kept her eyes on Reggie like he might vanish in a puff of smoke if she looked away.

The bar was emptied, but not empty. The stragglers seemed to be those who had appreciated the night's festivities too early, and at present were in no condition to make the steady escape of the more responsible counterparts. Nonetheless, I regarded them all in a pass - assuming nothing of their backgrounds, and presuming any one of them could pose a threat if given half the chance.

Satisfied by some degree, I stepped several paces closer to the gathering of Lyra, Roger, and Reggie. I didn't crowd the scene - not wanting to cause Reggie any concern to outwardly attack - but leaving myself in a better position to react quickly if I needed to. At present, I could have my gun pulled out and aimed in two seconds. Or if need be, in my other form and at Reggie's throat in three.  It depended, I supposed, on what Lyra already knew and how badly this situation would unfold.

I glanced only vaguely to Clay's direction and waited for the linchpin to set the entire situation askew.

Clay waited unmoving from the end of the bar.

Waited for what? Everyone was suspended, somehow each of them perceiving that there was danger. Yet Reggie appeared unarmed and his open body language was not that of a fugitive. Backup couldn’t be far off.

Val moved closer to Roger and Lyra. Clay and Reggie both noticed but neither seemed surprised.

Reggie was the first to break the silence,

“How’s your face?” he asked towards Clay. Clay did not respond nor react.

“What’s your play Reggie?” Roger asked, raising an eyebrow. “What’s going on?” he asked, and although he could extropalate, he feigned ignorance in order to catch Reggie’s attention. It seemed to work.

“What were you talking about?” Reggie asked, looking to Lyra, then Roger.

“We were just having a couple of drinks and catching up,” Roger responded evey.

“I see, I see.. that’s it?” He cocked his head just so, “She wanted to know what she saw, right?” Reggie turned his eyes back on Lyra. “Or didn’t. You passed out, right chica?”

Roger watched Reggie’s eyes darken on Lyra.

“Lástima que ella no era la cobarde que eres. tal Vez ella todavía estaría viva..” he sais, raising his chin briefly. 

(Disclaimer, do not Google translate Lyra's first comment; Google translates the intensity of what she said, so some four-letter English words may be rendered. Granted, what she calls Reggie is equally offensive in Spanish... Just don't want anyone to get smacked in the face with those unwittingly if you plug it into Google translate.)

A wave of rage flushed over Lyra, gathering white hot in her face and chest. Rapid fire words exploded out of her before she had the chance to think them through--"¿¡Cuál es tu problema, maldito culero!? ¡Estás totalmente mal de la cabeza! ¡Vete a casa, culero!(basically: "What's your problem, you freaking jerk? You're completely sick in the head! Go home, idiot!"

She caught herself. Stopped herself. Set her footing and squared her shoulders. "No sé quién te crees que eres, o qué te pasó hoy. no me importa Te he perdido todo el respeto, idiota. Nunca hables de ella, nunca."

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