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The Phantom Herb

The Herb of Phantom Mountain


THE {Phantom} Flower of the North Mountains is a rare and mysterious plant that has been noted to have a curious effect on werewolves


Known effects on werewolves:
- Scent causes a stupefying effect on werewolves.
- Flowers prepared in an herbal tea aid the transformation of werewolves via relaxation. (Prima Pack lore.)
- Long-term intravascular use of the flower causes permanent discoloration in the fur of werewolves, possibly due to a form of argyria. (Enigma data.)
- Leaves are deadly to humans and werewolves.

Characters to use the herb:
- Theo & the Prima Pack to aid transformation.
- Sabrina & Levi to mask their scent on Phantom Mountain.
- Sophia to hide objects at the antique shop.
- Enigma to create an addictive drug for Jackie.
- Diane to disorient Kimberly's dogs.
- Possibly Silas in his experimental drug.

- Other; Ulric is allergic to the phantom herb.

Unknown knowledge:
- Tammy knows the secret to remove the toxicity of the leaves and create a healing poultice; it helps increase healing rapidity in werewolves, but only following the change from werewolf to human.



Diane lifted her chin just so. "The plant's Latin name is Exspiravit Herba. It is called in the Greek Lycaons Lachtára. It was brought to Greece in the 6th century BC by maritime traders. Previous to that time it's origins are unknown."

CA Onyx and Ivory

Melinda sighed.

“The vial you hold in your hands, Alpha Kratos, is a secret not known to many. I did not design it. I do not know it’s implications, and I suspect you will have questions I cannot answer. However, what I can tell you is this.

It comes from the wild places of this world, from a flower which is known to some of your kind there… for ages it was used as traditional medicine, as a way to ease their transformations and gain better control, particularly in their young and newly turned.

In a more recent time, the many very interesting properties of this flower were discovered by those of more scientific discipline. With some experimentation, a serum was made… it was thought to exponentially increase the effectiveness in this purified form. However, not without consequence

To say it is highly addictive is moreover assumed… the body grew dependent upon that which it thought it needed”.

Melinda pursued her lips, "Yet there is more to it, as well… while the petals of the flower granted control, myth said the leaves would grant the opposite to those who partook in them. Death, I presume, though we are fortunate in that it has not been tested”

RP 8 A Time for Questions and Answers

“The Flower Festival” Theo blurted all at once, as soon as Bianca paused, then turned bright scarlet when he realized what he’d done.

“But uh, yeah, the Flower Festival,” he coughed to clear his throat, and suddenly the words didn’t feel so awkward in his throat,” I wanted to share earlier, when we were talking about howlings and everything. In my birth-pack, the Flower Festival was held at the end of every year for at least a week. Everyone made food, people took days off work if they had it, people played music and made little crafts, and there were so many fun games and dances from evening till dawn… See, it was then that this well, uh, flower was ready to be cut and harvested and brewed into teas. It was a… uh, special flower and we had many legend’s about it and stuff… it was important. So yeah, just wanted to share, um thanks and stuff for listening.”

Associated myth & legend with The White Wolf of the Prima Pack




Kratos swept out his arm and caught a handful of white flowers from one of the bushes growing nearby.

"Tell me the properties of this plant -" He said, pulling blossoms off the raceme into his padded hand. "Tell why it grows on this mountain but nowhere else."

Kratos closed his hand and squeezed the petals until light blue liquid poured through his fingers. "Reveal this mystery to me," he said. "Then perhaps I will better know this land and its people." The crushed petals were cast on the ground where a warm yellow beam from the house covered the plodded snow.

RP 11 A Mystery Revealed

While Levi slept, with his eyes cracked open, and the wind blowing outside, a strange change was coming on the forest. Trees' leaves were being shaken from the branches. Wind and rain were remodeling the mountain slopes. The thick, dark bushy foliage that covered most of the mountain's southern face seemed to hold on to their roots like desperate people in the storm. But while they all ducked their heads and cowered, other figures in strange white dresses arose. They came out of nowhere, dancing like maidens above the leafy heads of their frightened neighbors; frolicking like ghosts between the trees.

A thousand and one blue-painted faces were to meet any onlooker in the storm, for every white stalk was patterned the same. Though the tempest was tough and terrible, the hauntingly beautiful forms seemed the least of all disturbed; in fact, they appeared to relish the violence. Some of the boughs of the trees nearly touched their own roots in back-bending anguish, while other great giants were brought down in catastrophic defeat! But the White Maiden's Flower never lost a single petal to the wind.

SP The Fairy Paths