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On the Other Side

It was dark.

Trees loomed stripped of their foliage dangled their sharp branches to catch unsuspecting bystanders. There alone she stood. Confused and alone, and ever so wary. 

Standing at a crossroad, she looked left then right, left again. Before she could choose, it melted away as the wind flew in, bring with it fear and uncertain. She fled! Running through a never ending maze, branches scratching and roots rising, twisting! And then- there he stood. 

A smile broke, at the eye of the storm, he held his back to her. A large and imposing figure. 


She called and called but he didn’t seem to hear. She ran and ran, coming closer and closer. As she reached for him….


Chime’s eyes snapped open, she let out a gasp, her heart pounding against her chest. Confusion overtook her briefly as she returned to reality, and then last night flooded back to her. She had smiled and told Levi and Theo she’d be back before they knew it as Tammy led them away, but now as the sun rays lazily let themselves in through the window, her bravo had all but faded.

Nestling her face into the blanket, she wondered what her pack was up to. If they had gotten up and if they had eaten yet.. Shaking her head, she pushed her homesickness away, they were lucky Tammy bumped into them when she did! And she would be back on her feet soon and back to the others, there was no need to feel sad!

Rolling back, she looked over the her accommodations now that it was bathed in sunlight.

It was a beautiful little cottage. One, single round room. Everything inside it was either made of wood or stone, or wool. But there were rectangular windows, and the sunlight through them was bright.

Outside, autumn colors were dancing. Birds were singing, grasses swaying, and a bit of blue could be seen yonder in the meadow. The forest on the other side of Phantom Mountain was nothing like the forest surrounding the Chandler homestead. Near the dens, and across the Phantom's dark exterior, the trees were thick and black, and knotted; all twisted together with branches extended from the canopy to the forest floor. But here, light cascaded easily through the trees and scattered on the grass. Line upon line of white barked trees stretched around the meadow, and the little cottage sat nestled among them at the meadow's edge.

Inside, there were no walls separating the bedroom from the main room or the small kitchen. The beams supporting the roof spiraled upward toward the center. Everything, even the house had misshapen, natural features, as if it were all made by hand - from the stoneware to the embroidered blankets, and from the wooden beams of the bed to the hanging lanterns.

Tammy slept on a little woolen cot by the bed.

It was so lovely, Chime found herself lost in imperfections that displayed themselves in such a wondrous way. Slowly she prompt herself up, to look at the details she couldn’t see while on her back and marveled at the design of it all. She had never seen such a round house before.

Her eyes finally wandered down to where Tammy was sleeping, a smile immediately broke across her face. She considered Tammy a good friend, even though they hadn’t had too much time for chatting. If Chime had to be away from her pack, she was happy to be with her.

Not knowing when Tammy had gotten to sleep the night before, Chime was content to let her sleep. Which wasn’t a problem in itself, but noting her growing thirst, it might grow to be a little bit of one.

Looking at kitchen, she decided it wasn’t too far, and looking back at Tammy, she decided that to get off the bed, she would have to scoot to the end of it. Lifting off her blanket, she carefully place it to the side. Her ankle looked angry, she would have scolded it if she was alone and not trying to be quiet.

Carefully she made her way down, stopping to wince at every creak the bed produced. Sitting at its edge, she looked down at her feet. This was a dumb idea, she really should just wait. Taking a breath, she started with her good ankle, holding on to the bed frame to balance. Good, now all she had to do was see.. she bit her lip as she put weight on her other leg...


Alright, that wasn’t going to work without a staff or something.. As her next idea struck, she made her way down to floor, she’d just have to crawl over to the kitchen! While very proud of herself for thinking of it, she’d hoped Tammy wouldn’t wake up to witness it. Then with her first stumble she discovered just how clumsy her human form was when on all fours.

The first stumble brought about the inevitable. Tammy awoke. She lifted herself off the wool blankets and furs that cushioned her head from the floor.

"Chime," she said. "Do you need help?"

Freezing up, Chime took a moment before slowing looking back, giving a nervous smile.

“Good morning, Tammy!”

Chime slipped in with some pep, perhaps a subconscious attempt at a distraction. ..Though she was still was left with her predicament and it was unreasonable to expect Tammy to simply forget what she was seeing.

“.. Yeaah, probably.” She replied sheepishly, “Sorry about waking you up.” Was added a little quieter.

Chime was down on her hands and knees, but her paws were absent. That fact should be noted.

Tammy rubbed her eyes and pulled her wool-wrapped feet out of the blankets. "Here," she said, and she got up to offer Chime some help off the floor.

Graciously, she took Tammy’s arm. Leaning on her while hobbling back to sit, Chime curiously glanced at her before looking back to what her foot was doing. She could only hope at this point that Tammy wouldn’t mind too much that she was awoken from how much slumber she ended up with.

As she was sat down, Chime’s mind wandered a second before her head shoot back up, “Oh! Thank you.” She said, dawning a smile again.

Though she hadn’t forgotten what started her ill fated adventure to the kitchen, she stayed quiet. Maybe Tammy would like to wake up a little more before more words were exchanged.

As Chime leaned into Tammy's arms, she would find herself sinking into the warm layers of wool that covered Tammy's person. Tammy took Chime's hand and embraced her shoulders as the two gently returned to the bedside.

"I'm sorry for sleeping so long," Tammy said. "Were you trying to get somewhere?"

Tammy was still crowned with many dark brown braids, folded one over the other over her ears as if she never took them out. Her hair belied the length of the night. She was not wearing as many layers as the previous evening, when she came flying out of the wood at her cousin, nonetheless her garments were all thick and heavy. Her hands were ever wrapped in leather and wool, yet her fingers were always bare. Her feet were covered in thick brown wools, but she wore no shoes. Her clothes, also, were made of wool, white wool, adorned with many hand-embroidered flowers and strange designs.