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 Zeit Chandler

Age: 20 years

Blood Line: Half-Blood

Background: She had lived on her ranch, now the home of the werewolf pack, all her life. Her mother left her and her father at a young age, many rumours go about the town about what really happened when she disappeared. Ever since, her father trained her hard about being a werewolf, making sure she would prepared for anything when it came to the subject. Sadly, he dieded around when Zeit turned 18, leaving her the ranch to run on her own, since she didn't want to be adopted by some other family. Since then she has worked hard to keep the ranch running, never really leaving her home, which is at the edge of town. Behind her back some of the locals question who she is....

Personality: Hmmm.... a hard one to fill out. Zeit happens to have a short temper, though she doesn't turn when she gets angry, she will act, sometimes not for the best. She has one major rule around her home, never ever touch her livestock, she doesn't care if the person is a werewolf or she os herself, never touch her animals... Zeit does have a knider side to her, and doesn't mind letting some strangers in her home, but she is prepared to face most things, just not most werewplves, she doesn't leave he rhome unless needed, which means she doesn;t get around. Lastly, Zeit tends to rush head frist into things, often finding trouble herself, one example was of an issue with a werechild..

How they came to join the pack: It mainly started when Zeit lit a lamo on her porch, a sign she would open her home to weary travlers in need a of a place to stay. Then, slowly allt he mebers began to show up at her home after a deal that she would join the pack, but keep the deed to her land.

~Noting here, on a slight Hiatus, planning to be back and rping soon!~

*Hacker voice* I'm in!

Gonna be doing some updating, but the stripey gal is back!

Hey!! Since this post is mostly just a placeholder anyway I thought I'd comment. I'm Logan/Bianca's roleplayer and I'm currently working on summarizing all of the previous main plots so that new members, or rejoining members, can easily catch up. I've summarized up through "A Time for Questions and Answers" and will be working on the rest tomorrow.

If you need a reference point on what you've missed: The last roleplay you were in was "Echoes from the Past", which fell around May 16th 1997. The subsequent two roleplays occurred May 16th and 19th (so a whole three days).

Our crew (the werewolves) took a hiatus in the mountains to avoid some nasty hunters, that spanned June and July. We have no in character (main) roleplays for those two months aside from some Character Arcs/Side Plots.

The subsequent main plots where we pick back up, begin August 18th 1997, and go through August 20th (the day we're currently on) over the Song of the Mountain through the Waking Dawn (the current roleplay).

So, as far as the main roleplay goes, Zeit has been gone for about three months, but you have only missed a total of five days that we've roleplayed in character.

Obviously a lot can happen in that timeframe and I'm excited to see what Zeit comes back like. The subject of her disappearance has been mostly sidestepped but we're all sure she had good reason and were wondering if she would ever return! This is 12 years in the making now and a lot of us have gone from teenagers to adults but nonetheless it's still a hobby that we all love and share. We're so excited you're back!

We have a discord server for all of our OOC discussion so shoot one of us your discord number or post it here and we'll add you ASAP ? mine is Adriana#8792.