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Wooden Beads and Borrowed Fables (SP-RP8) 06/2017

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Tammy was hesitant to follow and hesitant to answer, for behind those dark eyes her thoughts seemed faraway and her gaze as gently scoping about the floor went at last again to the little bag of herbs on the bed. In her mind a warning, in her heart a decision... What danger would she be putting herself in by venturing out that door? Tammy could not wonder, for oh! How much worse was the question of what kind of danger she was leaving behind! Could she go without asking? Could she content herself to walk out and never look back, knowing what she knew?

No. Tammy's heart had decided, but it had decided in many small moments before now that had brought her closer and closer to danger. The weight of the danger hung gravely on Tammy's mind, for truly she of all people knew what it was, but Theo's soft, innocent suggestion, so full of his own trusting nature brought out Tammy's own, and at length she followed him to the door.

The supply bag was not forgotten, and the borrowed pages of that old myth would come along, as with the enchanting hand-carved beads upon which that haunting white figure bid them go - go! to whatever end, go!


Theo held his breath as he walked down the hall. It wasn't intentional, and he didn't notice it until he was half-way down and wondering why his chest was constricting so much. He still didn't want to exhale. There was an old warning he'd been told on occasion, and it was that if you did not breath then the dark spirits would not be able to find you. Or perhaps it came from a far more primal place, wherein if you could not sense anything bad, then surely it could not see you. When he finally exhaled, he did so extremely slowly and drew up air in the same silent, almost undetectable manner.

He was looking at Melinda's door, and his hands froze at the knob. Entering the alpha's room uninvited was a poor idea... yet he had good intentions didn't he ? Wouldn't Kratos understand ? His hand hovered atop the knob, and ever so delicately, touched it's cool surface. He applied the slightest amount of pressure, looking back briefly to Tammy for some sort of approval or comfort.

Yet such comfort would not do him much good, for he quickly discovered the door was locked. Of course, it had been silly to think Melinda would have been left to have free reign of the house. And Theo knew that although the alpha may understand the entering of his living spaces, he surely would not understand the breaking down of his door. He shuddered to think of the punishment for that

His gaze fell down to the door, disheartened and out of ideas. He removed his hand and leaned away, wishing at once to follow instinct and not have anything more to do with this door or the woman inside.

Yet at that moment, the room's occupant stirred almost imperceptibly. She had heard the approach of footsteps to her room. And she cleared her throat to indicate she knew she had company. Theo froze at the spot.


Naturally, had Tammy been alone, she would have shrunk away from the door like an unwanted visitor, but it had been Theo's bravery that had brought them to the door, so it would be Tammy to brave the knocks.

Tammy glanced at Theo's face and saw his hesitation, and just like that, in the same moment hers was gone. All timidity erased from her countenance, resolve took its place and fear like a disenchantment was banished from the young soul's eyes. Two knocks struck wood, and then Tammy spoke.

"Melinda? It's me... could you help us?"

The earlier smell of meat which Tammy found so detestable was now cleared to a sufficient degree as to not bring about a coughing fit, yet like anyone who had smelled warm-death, Tammy found that the smell lingered in her mind more strongly than its actual presence.


The voice on the other side of the door swallowed and paused a moment in consideration.

"Perhaps..." she replied slowly, "Come in. It's not locked. The door sticks"

Theo, meanwhile, had recovered some of his wit, and with more force applied pressure to the doorknob. It creaked open.


Tammy pressed gently into the room ahead of Theo but the moment she could look inside she was confronted by a problem - there was a blank; Tammy very suddenly could not remember what they wanted to ask or indeed even why they wanted to ask anything.

Returning to mind was the presence of a stranger who had an eye for precise detail and the mind to expose weakness. Tammy felt like she had willingly gone searching for a puma, found it, and had not the slightest notion as to what to do next.

Tammy's blank reaction would be perceived as a sudden shyness, for she lost a good part of her resolve as she came into the room and just seemed unable to get her words out.


Melinda smiled of all the charm of said puma, if the puma had found itself comfortably seated on a wooden floor in lotus position. While her posture was unassuming, it was that small attempt of a smile which was pointed and sharp. She watched as Tammy entered the room, silence having done away with her voice. Theo followed closely behind her, though did not approach any closer to her. Interesting.

“I would offer you somewhere to sit, but alas I’m afraid unless you wish to sit on the bed, options are limited…”

Finally she saw it. The flash of silver, clasped in the large wolf-boys hands. Melinda’s gaze settled hard on it, and suddenly the boy flinched as though he suddenly realized he was still holding it. He gulped solidly, offering her the phone, which she took as calmly as she might an apple off the counter. Yet the boy pulled away almost as soon as she touched it, like she was a viper instead.

“S-sorry,” he whimpered softly, “We didn’t mean… I mean it’s fine… I mean…s-s…orry”

Melinda smiled, this time taking care to ensure the smile was smaller and far less pointed. “It’s fine. I gave it to your friend Tammy for safekeeping anyways. I appreciate you returning it to me”.

She glanced over at her messages.

“The caller on the other end… did he say anything interesting?”


Tammy watched the interaction with a reserved countenance and her attention appeared to consider Theo's submission with wariness. As Melinda asked her question, however, Tammy was quick to respond.

"There was too much static." The girl replied promptly, taking quite a step forward as she did so. Tammy pulled her bag's strap up on her shoulder with a casual air and came to just a little in front of Theo as she addressed Melinda.
"Thank you, for letting me use it... But it didn't do much good."

Tammy forever seemed to speak with a sublime tone of respect, regardless of who she was addressing. That characteristic had not gone from her in all the time she had been present, and perhaps it was as natural to her as the acuity of Melinda's personality. But at any rate, there was always something that sounded to be in reserve in Tammy's voice, for while she never spoke loudly or asserted herself, there was a firmness ever-present and easily taken for granted behind her every word.

"If we may, I guess we came in to ask you... if you would like to go with us to town." Tammy spoke while looking into Melinda's eyes, again, not without reserve, as it was manifested in a downward tilted chin and a cautious forward gaze. The presentation was quite sincere, however careful.


“Into town?” Melinda posed it as a question as though she sought clarity, yet it sounded far less a question and more an accusation.

Theo, meanwhile, was very very surprised about this turn of events. He didn’t remember Tammy mentioning town. In fact, he supposed Kratos might not like him wandering off in the midst of pack chaos. He looked down at his fingernails, uncertain how to navigate such a conundrum.

Melinda looked carefully at the reserve in Tammy’s eyes, and the confusion in Theo’s face. She seemed to consider the offer for some time, or allowed an uncomfortable amount of time to pass in any case, until at last she moved to answer.

“No, though I wish you luck,” she replied simply, glancing at the unlocked door, “I have an appointment later today that I can’t afford to miss".


"Melinda... Why are you here?"

There must have been some air of formality, some subtlety or unspoken rule whenever it came to speaking about a cursed people, for previous to now neither Tammy nor Melinda had directly addressed that secret they both knew. But Tammy's question in few words removed the barrier. There was no reason to pretend. They both knew where they were, and maybe they did not know why they had been brought there, but for their own part each knew why they had stayed.


Melinda calculated her response, noticing how Tammy’s words alone seemed to set the wolf boy’s hair on end. The truth had rarely been her weapon of choice… and yet, she wondered how far it might take her to wield it.

“ One of the members of this household is of relation to me. Her wellbeing is a concern of mine, and I will not leave until I can see to it,” she replied simply.

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