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Wooden Beads and Borrowed Fables (SP-RP8) 06/2017

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This role play is to take place during the same timeline as the role play (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers.

It is set in the upstairs windowless bedroom of the first house in the clearing by the Calagathorm Training Arena, detailing the conversation between Tammy Trodder and Theo while the pack confronted the Svalnaglas intruders outside the dens. (pages 14 through page 22 of the main plot line.)


In the upstairs bedroom, isolated as if from all reality without even a window as a reminder of a world beyond four walls, a chiming ring beckoned to be answered.

The bright and beautiful song, as if fairy's music rang out, seeming a miracle for the promise it brought and calling out to be answered at last by anyone with the desire for a wish granted. Yet where its kind had seldom ever been heard of or seen, in the very dominion of the Phantom that held them captive, ruling the shadows, lulling the wanderers into chains of mystery never to be found; it was a promise all too hard to believe.

Difficult to explain, impossible to understand, and even more impossible to resist the song brought dread to the hearts of its hearers until at last the dresser drawer was opened, and a single touch opened a portal through which a voice was heard...


Theo did not reply immediately to Tammy’s query. Rather he narrowed in upon the sound as if summoned. A frown furrowed as his hand slid to open the drawer, and spied the illuminated form of the phone. The first ring faded almost as quickly as it had erupted; yet Theo was wary for the second.

“I don’t understand… Whose is this ? None in the pack have things like this.”

His frown deepened, his fingers dancing around the ‘answer’ button as though entranced. The second ring faded to oblivion, yet Theo’s eyes were becoming wide at the side of it.

As the third ring swelled, a queasy feeling filled him and Theo’s fingers flinched as though he had been shocked. And in doing so, struck the button to answer this call. At first no voice could be heard until at least and Theo waited, frozen in terror…

Melinda ? ….krrttt….where….krrttt… devil are you?!” in the static which tarnished his voice, little could be discerned of the caller’s attributes, only that he was not grievously old and he sounded very irritated.


Tammy stared wide-eyed at the phone in Theo's hand, for a moment glancing between it and his face as if she did not know what to do, and then quickly she took the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" Tammy asked into the device.

Dare it even be asked? What did it matter? Tammy considered explaining that the person on the other end had dialed the wrong number and then ending the call as quickly as possible - whether or not the story would be believed - but she held off, kept her voice even, and wondered if any of her words would get through the static, willing to repeat her words if necessary and simply waiting to see what would happen next.


Theo was relieved when Tammy took the phone from him. He’d still been frozen at the sound of the man’s voice to so much as utter a simple ‘hello’. He exhaled quietly, yet still the air felt cool and ominous. He could not dare to relax yet.

Meanwhile, the man on the other line had grown seemingly impatient to the voice on the other end. That, or his reception had cut out for 10 painful seconds. At last…

“Melinda… where… she ? Blast th.. woman…..... get… careless”.

Despite the static, the voice seemed to narrow dangerously and for just a moment the distortion seemed to settle, “I don’t negotiate. Tell me who… are, and wh….....wolves done to Mel..da”


Tammy strained to hear the speaker on the other side of the phone but it was no use, the static bit out key words and left the conversation in fragmented pieces. Even if a guess could accurately put the meaning back together and more than a few words would get through to the caller, Tammy had a bad feeling about explaining anything to him.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you. You'll have to call back later. Everything is fine."
The call was quickly ended without the caller having the opportunity to respond and immediately the phone was shoved back into Theo's hands.

"What were you thinking?" Tammy asked glancing at Theo with wide eyes as she made a grab for her bag on the bed. "And who is that lady who was here? I can't be sure, but that last bit sounded like an accusation and she's not one of your kind. What is she doing here?"


Theo was glad Tammy handled the call. She was at least more polite than he was; although maybe that didn’t matter much if the speaker only got every third word anyways.

He was just about to let himself settle into relaxation, obvious crisis averted, when Tammy suddenly renewed her interest on him. All his muscles went tense and he was suddenly very interested in the color of the wall.

“I, umm… I’m not sure exactly. This cabin it’s… far… middle of n’where. I’ve never heard a call get through,” he shook his head to cut off his ramble and return to Tammy’s question.

“That lady, something… not right. Kratos got her from the road from, the other night. I don’t know why, but… she was somewhere where she shouldn’t be. I don’t know”.

A nasty idea popped in his head. The kind of nasty idea that wouldn’t be ignored, and probably was half-way reasonable if it wasn’t so terrifying. He gulped solidly.

“We… could always ask… her. I mean, she’s only down the hall and everyone is… busy. No one would, um, mind”


The suggestion was innocent enough, just go across the hall and ask. Tammy could not think of a good reason why it was a bad idea, but she was not sure it was entirely safe either. There was something peculiar about that Melinda woman, and Tammy couldn't help but remember her previous interaction with her as she looked toward the door.

Had Melinda been misjudged? Tammy began to doubt her observations while taking confidence in Theo's presence, and after all, he had been the one to make the suggestion.

"I don't know..." Tammy said at length, looking to Theo carefully. "There was an unnatural smell on her that made me think of a weapon."



Those who do not know what it means for a forest to have a natural quietness would take much comfort in the forthwith tranquility of the surrounding scene. The forest of Phantom mountain felt peaceful to the undiscerning; it was a perfect place to escape the cares of humanity and rest within the wooded wonders of nature, far off from the strife and conflict of a more domineering world. But so far from the truth was this lulling mask of the Phantom, concealing the far different face of the mountain beneath.

Did they not know, they who wander here? There is no such thing as a peaceful quiet in nature. So excitable is the news of the native birds to tell, so persistent is the insect's romantic ballad, so full of life is every space beneath each leaf that nothing but the compelling force of instinct, the motivation of self-preservation, indeed, only fear could quiet all of nature's creatures at once. The silence therefore was nothing short of a foreboding sign of distress.

Whether it was the conflict of the werewolves some short distance down the mountain or some other danger presently unknown, the chilling rustle of the trees and the rattle of the branches was all that could be heard in the nearby area. Further away on the mountain birds still sang out their clear, high notes, but here the watch-cry had sounded and fallen silent long ago... now, there was nought but an uneasy wait.

Amid this restless scene, the heavy clop of a horse's hooves is heard breaking apart small twigs heading down the obscure mountain path. It is not long, however, before even that noble beast quiets his obtrusive stride and stops with his ears erect and his nostrils wide, blowing quick and restless breaths.. He will presently go no farther. Thus alighting down from his back his master takes up the road but does not say anything to comfort or coax him along, for known to the master, as to the horse, is that dreaded odor which to the one more than the other was cause for frantic consternation. Lo, the smell of death lay just ahead.


Theo frowned thoughtfully Tammy's comment. "Can you smell her that well, like that ? Er... like a perfume you think ? Almost..."

He shook his head, processing, " Maybe we should just go in and see what she knows".

He made half a step for the door, seeing if Tammy would agree and follow him.


Melinda waited patiently in her room, drawn back from the curtains. She sat in lotus-pose now, much like a machine which turned itself off when finding it had no further function to perform. Her eyes were half-closed, as though she truly were unaware...

Yet unaware she was not. She was listening intently. Though werewolf she may not be, a human's ears could still hear the conversations which carried in the walls of the same house. She could not make out all of it, but there was enough there to imply it was worth her time to listen. She waited not like a machine that had been shut off, but like a spider in her web.

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