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Name: Willowman (epithet), "IRS man" (previous epithet), Arthur (birth name), Tom (fake alias), Sam Willows (fake alias), Atlas (given by another character), Lowry (not-confirmed)


From RP 8: A Time for Questions and Answers

An unfamiliar man knelt on the ground hardly more than a mile from the hunter’s location. At first glance he seemed almost a comical and cheerful sort. His frame was of the limber green bean variety with arms and legs that scarcely appeared to fit his torso. He wore a duster length coat that blended into the browns of the undergrowth, jeans, and a crumbled fedora that had seen better days. From the fedora, his appearance quickly deteriorated. The harsh circles under his eyes, the grimace on his lips, and the scrutinizing gaze which studied the faint passing of what had been a very large truck spoke of harder days. It were as though the lightness of his frame had been weighed by a burden it had not been meant to carry.

History in roleplay: 

From "An Ode to a Willow":

"You know," he said to her in a languid voice matching his posture, "Most of my problems in life have been because of a woman".

He's a man on a mission - or he used to be, until a series of cosmic bad luck left him in pieces.  This strange fellow was first seen in Middlecrest, doggedly pursuing the likes of Melinda Channing with determined suave and keen interest in her activities.  Perhaps he ought not to have followed so closely... he caught sight of his first werewolf, and from that point onward struggled to keep up with the manners of reality.

From "Riding Bearback"

He was so unlike his earlier charisma; it seemed that had vanished at the first sign of danger. He no longer seemed willowy and graceful, but awkward and broken. His face was shattered into a thousand expressions she could not name.

He was next seen as the mysterious voice on the other end of Melinda's phone. When she failed to answer, he trekked his way deep into the Calagathorm wolves' territory to hunt her down.  He instead became the hunted when he stumbled into a group of Hunters- again seeing what he not ought to have- and was taken to their clutches.

Several months later he re-appeared as the the skeletal man trapped inside an old mine. He had survived experimentation and isolation at the Hunter's hands, although not with his sanity intact. He tried to help in the rescue mission of the Svanglas woman Tiffany, but failed to save her. He managed to reveal the exit to the Svanglas Silas, who incapacitated and rescued him if not in mind then surely in body.

He's spent the last several months recuperating at a mysterious facility and under the care of the werewolf woman Bethany.  He has become an avid consumer of literature as he seeks a new name for himself.

Roleplays and Aliases Present inRiding Bearback "IRS man", "Tom"|| RP 8: A Time for Questions and Answers "Sam Willows", "Willowman" || Afterthought "Atlas", "Willowman", "Arthur" (mentioned) || Ode to a Willow "Willowman", "Arthur", "Lowry"