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Where the Apple Falls

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The orchards trees stood tall on the hill that overlooked the Chandler ranch nearby. The trees could be seen dancing gently along the breeze that day, above the crystal clear blue sky. The beginning September grass was soft still, but slowly was growing colder from the approaching season. The apples in the trees were mostly red and ripe, ready to be plucked right off the branches and eaten.

The two teenagers that had found themselves in the orchard that day were both still young, and did not understand much of the things of man and of werewolves. The strange rules and politics that came from the attempt of power and control to keep the two worlds from colliding were not of their concern. The difficulties of a soul to be stolen from one world and thrust into the other was something they did not understand. What hatred and fear led man and beast to hunt and hurt one another was a thing that was hard to fathom at their ages. No, the reason why the world worked the way it did was not something that could be fully grasped yet for either.

But one thing the boys did know was what connected them- their parents pack and it's heritage.


Dakota reached for another apple from one of the trees and pulled it off the branch, the branch swinging back and forth from the force. He put the apple into a bucket on the ground that already had two other apples in it. He turned back to the other teenager that had come along with him.

" Thanks again Toby for coming with me. I was trying to find Levi to ask as well, but I... couldn't find him," Dakota said, his voice trailing off. He then eyed another ripe apple and turned to grab it.

" I've noticed most of the pack seem to do their own thing, is... that normal for them?"

Toby rather enjoyed the simplistic task of gathering ripe apples from the tree. It was one task his mind wouldn't concoct a horrible scenario out of, and the day was beautiful. He had a little tune playing in his mind that he bounced his head along to as he worked. Only the sound of Dekota's voice summoned him back to reality.

"Oh. No problem!" He said with a smile. As Dekota continued, Toby shrugged. "It seems to be. They're a weird bunch."

Dakota pulled another apple off the branch. " I suppose that's one way to describe them," he said, staring at the apple in his hand but his mind was clewrly somewhere else.

" ...How many are first generation here? Do you know?"

"I have no idea. I know there are at least two, but don't ask me which one's those are." Toby replied honestly, reaching up to grab another apple from a branch over his head. "Sad as it is to say; I'm not even sure who is apart of the pack and who isn't. It's almost impossible to get everyone in the same room to count them."

" Two? So... Many of them were loners then, before coming here," Dakota stated as he put the apple away, and moved to grab another.

"I don't know." Toby said again, "I don't know where most of them even came from." This confession of how little he knew about his own pack was beginning to prick his conscience. Inwardly, he scolded himself. "To be completely honest with you, Dakota, I've avoided them for the most part. They kinda scare me-- And maybe they wouldn't if I knew more about them, but they don't exactly make that easy."

With his name spoken, Dakota's focus had turned from the bright red apples on the tree to solely on Toby. His brown-blue eyes watched his friend as he listened intently. " I see," he said. " I understand."

His attention was drawn once more to collecting the apples on the tree. With some time he spoke again.

" Toby, how far did you get in your studies before coming here? You were attending a... college last I saw you, right?"

Toby chuckled at the abrupt change of topic, but appreciated it. He didn't like to admit to himself that his negative view of the pack was probably his own fault, at least in part. Had he only ever seen Granny on her bad days, he'd think she was a feral lunatic too. Right then and there, Toby challenged himself to get to know each member of the pack; to take the opportunity for conversation whenever one presented itself and carry it as far as it would go. Then, at least, if he discovered the members of this pack were mentally unhinged, he'd be totally justified in thinking so.

"I've attended multiple colleges and finished my studies in all of them." Toby said, somewhat proudly.

" That's incredible, you aren't even eighteen yet. What did you study at the colleges?" Dakota asked, reaching and grabbing an especially ripe and delicious looking apple off the tree.

"Language, science, and biology mostly." Toby admitted, putting another apple in his basket. He avoided addressing the observation of his age, preferring not to underline his insatiable curiosity and freakish ability to quickly grasp and retain information. "What about you? You ever gone to school?"

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