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What Lie in Shadow (CA - Saber)

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Saber was about to open the door to leave before pausing and looking back at Sabrina. He saw she was closer now, as if she'd taken a few steps attempting to follow him. He glared at her with an annoyed smirk.

" Oh, so now you admit you're a criminal, because we're in human territory." He said angrily. He grabbed the door and opened it enough to let himself out. " Then stop stalking me, it's against the law!"


The door was angrily shut in Sabrina's face, as the sound echoed through the empty town hall.

…If there were any other shadows watching the two, and Saber's yelling hadn't alerted them of the two's presence yet, the door's echo surely would.

Sabrina rolled her eyes at the closed door. Sometimes she genuinely wanted to strangle him.

This wasn't one of those times.

This was a time that she pictured hitting his nerve points just right so he would temporarily lose control of his limbs. He'd hit the floor like a little ragdoll. Then she would carry his helpless body out of town to drop in a river somewhere. He could spit insults and swear the whole way. She took a moment to draw in a deep breath and dismiss it as a sigh, careful not to relish her dark fantasy too much.

He was in no way a rewarding responsibility. But he was her responsibility. And she always took her responsibilities very seriously.

So she opened the door and went after him, flexing the ache to do him injury out of her hands.

"Why would I stop stalking you after admitting to being a criminal? I think we've both made it very clear we're not worried about any... Repercussions... Haven't we?"

Saber was on his way to the front door when he heard Sabrina's question. He practically laughed. " Repercussions?" He repeated mockingly.

He stopped by the front door and looked back at her, his face annoyed now. " I bet you've never even been to jail before, with you're screwed up werewolf politics..." He pushed open the door and stepped out to leave.

Sabrina's hand shot out like a snake and caught him by the back of the collar. She yanked him back inside and whipped him around to press his back up against the wall.

She was uncomfortably close, looking down at him, as even in human form she stood almost a head and shoulders taller than him. "Listen to me, Saber, because I'm only going to say this once:" she leaned in closer, and the light of the street lamp  glinted in her green eyes, "If you want my respect, if you want me to trust you enough to leave you alone--you're going to have to earn it."

She shoved off from him, which required her taking a step back since he obviously couldn't.

"You don't want to answer the question I asked, so you deflected to the dismissal of our race to get a rise out of me. Congratulations. You've officially gotten under my skin. But here's the thing: I don't back off when you've made me angry. I will dig deeper."

Instead of moving forward out the door, Saber felt himself get yanked backwards. Before he knew it, his back was against the wall with Sabrina's menacing form looming over him. The fear that was in his pitch black eyes now was evident as he stared back into her green eyes. None of his anger or cockiness was present, his body having gone rigid.

When Sabrina moved away, Saber seemed to start breathing again. He stared into the void in front of him, seeming detached from reality now. His hands were shaking.

Several moments passed before his gaze finally moved. Slowly his breath seemed to carry out the adrenaline, his body relaxed ever so slightly as his head fell back to rest on the wall. His breaths grew soft and steady, looking rather defeated now. With his gaze cast low, only one word escaped his lips before he fell silent again.

" …Sorry."

Slowly his body continued to return to normalcy. His hands sliped into his coat pockets as he stopped relying on the wall behind him to keep himself up. He continued to stare at the floor solemnly, still quiet a moment longer.

" I wasn't trying to rile you up," he said at length. He paused a moment, carefully contemplating his next words. " We may both appear human, but I think it's clear we come from two different worlds. I don't understand yours, and you don't understand mine." He cast a glance towards Sabrina, meeting her eyes. " ...Do you think that's a fair assessment?"

Sabrina looked at him and smiled most unpleasantly. A Sabrina riled was not easily unriled. A frightened face and an apology wasn't going to do it this time. Once bitten, twice shy.

"What I think," she said, her voice just softer than a snarl as she crossed her arms, "Is that whether we look like humans or we look like wolves, we'd better start getting to know each other's worlds, shouldn't we? Our time together isn't ending any time soon, I can promise you that."

Now Saber looked annoyed again. He took a deep breath, trying to not act on his own anger, but that was far easier said than done.

" Fine. Apparently in your world you can boss anybody around and get what you want, but it doesn't work like that in my world. How's that for a start?" He said, staring down Sabrina's eyes intently.

Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "More assumptions. Why don't you try humbling yourself and ask some questions? I'll demonstrate." She smoothed back her hair and took an approachable stance. Even smiled, friendly, her straight pearly whites exposed in a way that looked completely warm and genuine. "Hi, Saber," she said, putting her hand out for a nice firm handshake, "My name's Sabrina. I'm from Dublin, Ireland. But I've been all over the world and I've seen a lot of things. Where are you from?"

Though her posture and expression didn't change, her eyes certainly said How's THAT for a start? as she waited expectantly for his response.

Saber looked disgusted now. " You're messed up, you know that?" He started, now looking angrier than before.

" You're accusing me of making assumptions while you're doing the exact dang freaking thing. You assume that if you push hard enough, you'll get what you want. You assume you have some freaking right to get me to know me, when you don't. Who the heck raised you? Because you act like a spoiled brat who's never been told no before. No. I haven't been asking questions because I don't care to know you, Sa-brina, and you haven't earned any right to know me. Keep this up, and you never will."

While Saber had no power to physically push Sabrina back and show her that a line was crossed, his black eyes burned with a fury that expressed it. He was done with her antics. A line was crossed that could not be uncrossed.

Cool as a cucumber, Sabrina withdrew her hand and slowly crossed her arms.

She raised her eyebrows and blinked. Wiped her face like he'd just spit into it. Maybe there had been a flying p or t in there. Hard to say in the dark. She looked at her fingers, rubbed them together, and made a flicking motion.

"Are you finished?" she asked, looking at him, unimpressed.

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