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What Comes Next

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I was getting ready to reach for the dollar in my wallet and leave, except for what he said next. And if I were to sum it up in one word, it was this: Complicated. Why couldn't he have just been some hot-headed kid looking for some glory against some werewolf hunters? Now it's all a tangled web of interpersonal connections - and that had gone so well for me last time.

I settle back into my chair. The waitress comes by and I offer her no more than a quick grunt of thanks as she refills the cup.  It's only 8:30 and I'm already onto my second cup. Clearly a good sign of what's coming next.

I sigh, "That's a good reason, but. There's a few issues. First, werewolf hunters aren't unified. Yeah, certain groups know of each other, or maybe on occasion will collaborate, but there's nothing consistent that unites them. They could be the town next door that has prejudice for the 'monsters that have stolen their grandaddy generations ago'... or they could be a highly trained ex-military fighting group that catches their prey for money.  Whoever took your mother may not be in any way related to the hunters in Reknab bend.

The second issue is a numbers issue. Hunters work in groups. You're a group of one. Even if you manage to isolate one of them somehow and interrogate them for answers, they'll be sending buddies after him or her and you'll have no backup.  It's like sticking your hand in a bee hive for honey and being mad when the swarm comes out".

I pause. It sounds an awful lot like I'm coming out mid-lecture - and I guess I am - but that doesn't mean I'm heartless. I'd meant what I'd said. If there was a good reason, I'd do what I could. But anything less than that, and I'd already have paid for the coffee and left.

"How was she taken, and when? Where? How many, with what tools? Were there any distinguishing details? If you want to start narrowing down who has her, you need to figure out what kind of group did it".

Ethan stared at Uno and sighed. He had gone so long without having to relive that day. It hurt him just to think about it. This guy seemed like he actually wanted to help, so maybe it was time to come clean, for real.


“It happened about 7 years ago.” Ethan wanted to keep this short. No need to dredge up all the painful emotions that went with it, if he could help it.


“The hunters found my family. I’m not sure how. They caught us completely by surprise. As soon as they broke through the door my dad pushed me toward the secret exit he had installed, so I don’t know many of the actual details, unfortunately. I do, however, have a name. Harvey. He’s the guy I’m really after. It was his group that came after us. They took my mom and killed my dad.”


Ethan had to consciously suppress the tears that threatened to come to his eyes. He had left out a little bit of information. He didn’t think that this wolf needed to know that his dad was a former hunter just yet.

I took it all in like a fire hydrant, my insides crawling with ice no matter how much hot coffee I'd sloshed down.  I guess there's a few universal experiences out there for werewolves - and even if you don't ever deal with a hunter directly, you quickly learn to fear well enough of them. And I'd had plenty of experiences directly.  To be honest, this was just a Tuesday where hunters were involved.

I try to keep my expression clinical besides. It's not like he needs the fresh heap of my own traumatic personal experiences to add to his. As the young man finished, I give it all a very proper nod.

"I don't know anyone named Harvey, to be honest with you.. they might be someone living in Reknab bend, and they might not.  I wouldn't just look for the first hunter hive I can find and poke it, hoping the right hornet comes out.  Even finding a member and peppering them for information would be tricky.  In close quarters like a prolonged conversation, a hunter will probably figure out what you are quickly even if you disguise yourself".

I fold my fingertips together, "If you really insist on going down this path, I wouldn't recommend it as a loner. If you haven't figured it out by now, being a wolf in a world without backup and without resources is not an easy road to begin with. And if you're adding hunters to it, there's no way you can tackle that alone. You need allies and to build up your network so you can be strategic".

I'm sure if Robin could hear what I was about to say next, she'd laugh me all the way to the next world. The irony didn't miss me. But in a world of bad-choices like this kid had, may as well advise on the least terrible of them all.

"Look, this sales pitch didn't come from me if anyone asks, but there is a pack down there on the Chandler ranch.  Maybe they know more about this particular crew and they'd be inclined to at least share information.  They're at least," I wince, "Decent.. which is more than most packs. But they are new, so you can't just go walking in either and expect a warm welcome. I'd send a letter or see if any of their members have a presence in-town you could interact with.  That would be my two cents on how to go about it".

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