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What Comes Next

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Not unpredictably, I didn't sleep the rest of the night. I checked the locks on all the doors and windows, contemplated a motion sensor and barred windows for not the third time since we'd moved in (Robin, of course, had always stopped me - although truth be told, I'm sure she would have found it just as comforting. It just might have violated our lease).  After that, I just paced a while until my mind settled things.

I took a long shower and tried to sleep after, but it was no good. Instead I just turned on the TV and flipped it onto cartoons. Some kid with a car? Speed Racer - and it just so happens Racer X was his evil brother. It was no Dragonball, but at 4 am it would do.  I let that run in the background till my brain fell into a coma - not exactly sleeping, but as good as I could hope to get...


When I woke up it was almost 8 am, I knew I was late before I even looked at the time. Call it my sixth sense to always know what time it was. And despite having "slept", it didn't feel that way. I mustered energy to rise to my feet, threw on a clean shirt, tossed water on my face, holstered the handgun under my shirt and jacket, grabbed my wallet, and rummaged the energy to get in the car.

Ideally, I would have scoped the place ahead of time.  At this rate, it was just a half-baked plan and I'd already accepted it at 2 am. Beggars couldn't be choosers. Yet I did for good measure opt to take several laps around the block before I parked, checking for any suspicious looking vehicles that might be lingering nearby. Besides one 80 year old granny starring out the window looking at birds, nothing stuck out.

I arrived a little past 8, glancing down the dinner and noting many 'regulars' from the group of old men that liked to play a game of cards, the moms that met up after dropping their kids off at school, and a lonesome gentleman I always saw around people watching. Then I saw something that didn't belong in the far corner - just shortly after my nose told me what I needed to know.

But first thing was first: if I didn't get a cup of coffee, this conversation wouldn't survive the light of day.

"Black, as big as a cup as you got," I mumble without greeting to the waitress, then slump down in the seat apposing from Mister Two AM.

I could smell him the second he walked into the diner. He actually showed up. I think that surprised me even more than the fact that he had an eyepatch. He moved carefully, taking in his surroundings. It was obvious that whatever he had been through had left its mark on him. It was also obvious that, whoever he was, it wasn't a hunter. He lacked the almost signature swagger that most of them seemed to sport. He was careful but not overly confident. In fact, he seemed like he would bolt at the slightest noise.

"You're late. I'm honestly surprised you even came, all things considered."

I don't say a word till the waitress brings the cup of coffee. I don't care how uncomfortable the silence stretches, I don't operate without caffeine. She delivers it, scalding hot beneath my fingertips, and I clutch the ceramic mug as it steams over my face, a tiny lifeline between myself and the real world. Only after I have the first sip do I take a good look at him.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I was expecting. Maybe not much of anything, because bad news can come in any shape or form. He smells like wet newspaper, sweat, and halitosis. I don't miss the haggard look in his eyes of someone running on more desperation than sense - nor does the bravado in his tone.  He's either faking it with a brave-act, or he's still cocky in spite of being kicked in the teeth.

"You slept in an alley, didn't you?" I remarked, drawing in another sip, "You're riding a lot on this conversation. Why?"

"Of course I did. I couldn't exactly check into a hotel now could I?" Ethan replied somewhat sourly. "I was telling the truth when I said I was from out of town. I didn't have much other choice."

Ethan had noticed this guy was sizing him up while they had waited for the coffee. In all honesty, he was pretty sure he looked and smelled like a trash heap. It hadn't been the easiest past couple of days.

"I'm looking for someone. The trail went ice cold a while ago, and this guy Steele is my next possible lead. But before we get into the heavy stuff, why don't we start off with names? What's yours?"

It's funny how his answer isn't much of an answer.  He's looking for someone, he says, like it's not another question masquerading as an answer. The coffee hasn't caught up to me yet, so my humor is thin - but I decide to let it go for now and take another sip.

I glare him down with all that one eye's worth, "To you... Uno. And your name is Two AM".

The glare that this...Uno directed his way indicated to Ethan that now was not really the best time for a joke. So he let the one that was about to fall out of his mouth pass by unsaid.

"Uno, huh? Good to know."

Looks like he wants to keep his distance. Or he just doesn't care what my real name is. Probably the last one. Definitely the last one.

"So you obviously know, or knew this Steele. Is he even still alive? Are there any other hunters in the area I can....question?"

I take another sip. It's not the best coffee in the world, but it's usually better if it isn't. The bitterness can wake you up all on its own.

"Steele has been gone for five years," I hold the mug in my hands without moving for the next sip. A simple answer, to a less-than-simple question. But it's not as though Two AM is being any more honest.

At least the next is an easier question, "Other hunters? Sure, poke your nose where it doesn't belong and you'll find them. I'm not sure why you'd go looking for them - they're already looking for you. There's a group of them somewhere in Reknab Bend, I'm told".

Five years? Missed him by that much. Oh, well. I knew my info was out of date.

"I doubt they're looking for me. More than likely they don't even know I'm here. I've gotten very good at keeping my trail hidden from them."

This Reknab Bend place sounded promising, though. If there was a large enough group,  there was more than likely someone there with the information Ethan needed.

"So, where exactly is this Reknab Bend? There must be quite a few wolves there too, if there's that many hunters."


I give Mister Two AM a steely dead-man's grin to his earnestness, daring not to choke on my own coffee as those words tumble out of his mouth.

"They are always looking for you, whether they know you're there or not," I snort at last, "Being what you are, they are trained to find anyone like you. Your hair, your eyes, the way you move, the way you interact with the world - all of those things give you away, whether you know it or not. Meanwhile, you will have no idea what they are until they have the shotgun to your head, because they look, act, and talk just like humans - because usually, that's exactly what they are. If you haven't had bad run-ins yet with a hunter, count yourself lucky".

The cup is empty. Nothing more to give. I push it aside to the edge of the table, hoping the waitress will notice soon and refill it - or better yet, leave the pot. My earlier apprehensions about this kid are gone, but replaced by entirely new ones.  I don't think he's a hunter, and I don't think he's Svangalas either. But he's someone way in over his head, playing at the shallow end of a pool filled with sharks.

"What's so important you'll risk your life for it?" I ask him. I hold up a finger, "And answer well, because if I don't like the answer, I'll walk out right here right now. I'm not sending someone on a suicide mission".

Looks like its about time to reveal a few more of my cards. I don't think I'll get much more info out otherwise.

Ethan leaned back slightly in the booth chair, trying to get a little more comfortable.

"It's a bit more than luck. I know exactly what they look for, and I know how to hide the parts of me that tend to stand out. I've stood right in front of hunters and they never had a clue who or what I was."

Just how much can I say though. How much can I trust this guy?

Ethan sighed, leaning forward again and placed his hands on the table, folded together.

"The hunters took my mother. I don't even know if she's even still alive, let alone exactly where she is. I need to find someone high up on the totem pole, someone important enough to have the info I need. Is that a good enough reason?"

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