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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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In Bianca's room, Dakota's guitar was propped against the wall from his presence earlier, along with a calendar Samantha had been looking at and her finished plate of roast beef, both sprawled on the floor in a corner of the room.

As Samantha had refused to leave Bianca's room earlier after the incident with Saber changing, it was a bit strange she was not there now. But having checked all the rooms before, Bianca would have already known where she had gone.


Samantha had finally found the book she was looking for amongst papa's belongings when she heard Bianca's outburst in the other room. Startled, the book was dropped as Samantha cupped her ears.

...She had no clue what Bianca was upset at, but her little heart was pounding now. Despite covering her ears, the door slams felt almost painful to her ears, as she stood frozen in fear. Then slowly, she uncovered her ears, turned, and listened.

It sounded like another pack member had said something that had ticked Bianca off. At least that's what it sounded like- she was definitely mad at someone. But she sounded furious, madder than Samantha had ever seen or heard her be in the past month. Unfortunately Samantha didn't know what to do when someone was angry, as Dakota and Papa rarely were, and never to the degree Bianca seemed capable of. And so, not knowing what to do, she kept to Levi's room amongst the boxes of her father and brothers stuff, hiding till it passed.

The white wolf did not hesitate in his reply,

“I am Liam, son of Rakiram and Eliška. I’ve come alone, from my pack in the north, which is commonly called ‘The pack of the Midnight Sun’. I am the son of the Alpha, but here my name and birthrite are forfeit until my return.”

He said, in a single long breath, yet in a manner that was respectful and concise; it had been practiced dutifully. He continued to ignore his surroundings; the striped werewolf’s anxiety, the singing, and the window slamming, with steeled focus. He was not finished, and still did not meet the Alpha’s eyes. Inhaling, he continued in the same manner.

“I am grateful for the safe passage. As a sign of goodwill and gratitude, by the law of my fathers house, I am to submit my being-strengths and talents-to your will—so long as they do not violate the Covenants of the Divines—and to be released no later than spring that I may return to give my status.” his torso still bowed under Kratos’ gaze and his head lower than his shoulders, he continued again in a third breath, but a little softer.

“I have come seeking one to whom I am bound by promise, to know if that is to promise will renewed or dissolved. I’ve come seeking a woman I know as Logan Ash, who was to be my bride in the spring past.”

Jackie, for her part, managed to keep a straight face up until the final sentence.  Right at the word 'Logan', her whole face erupted into barely restrained glee. A snort or two escaped her fingers. It were as though she was a small child witnessing a fantastic piece of drama in the schoolyard.


The meal long-finished on the table, the fish smoking on the grill, and the day's tasks done, Theo was nowhere to be found. He was not in the cabins, nor was he immediately exterior to them. The only sign of remiss was the wicker basket full of processed herbs had been retrieved...

In fact, Theo had one more task yet to complete. Yet this one proved the most elusive of all. Finding Sabrina on purpose was just as easy as finding a leaf in a storm.

Formality was not one of Jackie's languages, and it had been some time since Kratos heard it spoken himself. At Liam's last sentence, Kratos' eyes sharply narrowed, but it was impossible to tell if it was Jackie's eruption or Liam's admission that caused it. He turned his face away and let out a low howl over the tops of the trees, informing Logan that she had a guest at the dens. Then he turned his face toward the nearer cabin.

"Bianca," he said, loudly. He could hear her ranting through the walls and knew she would be able to hear him. "Come to me, please."

"Sabrina!" He called out, focusing his ears on the woods. She was sure to be within earshot... whether or not she would listen was another matter.

Now Kratos turned his attention back to Liam and more particularly Jackie. "Wait here," he said. But he did not go from their presence. He folded his arms under the heavy crimson mantle and waited before them.

"I will hear more of this promise and covenant."

Kratos' voice seemed to be a bit different depending on who he addressed in the clearing. To Bianca, his voice was gentle. To Sabrina, his voice was insistent. To Jackie, it was firm. Curiosity, with a fair amount of reserve was given to Liam, and something else that was hard to place.

All the while, Tiffany sang on in the training arena.

"So come join the fun! This ain't no time to be stayin' home. Oh, there's too much going on!" Her voice was a sweet mixture of low warm notes and happy high tones. She really did sound as though she had forgotten where she was.


But Tiffany hadn't forgotten. She'd simply transformed where she was. It was easy to think of the confines as a prison. But presently, it was as safe as Tiffany and Ionone had been in over a week; Prey guarded by werewolves is certainly safe.

On top of that, there were other reasons why Tiffany felt to sing; a part of herself she'd never known to be out of touch with was coming back to her out of the darkness where she left it. It was surging forward with advancing strength such as she hadn't felt since the first time it came over her. Back then, it was frightening and foreign, but now it was welcome and longed for.

"Tonight is gonna be a night like you've never known. We're gonna have a good time the whole night long!" Tiffany sang, and the rich warm depth of her voice was in full effect, as if she were calling someone "sugar" or saying "I love you."

Smooth, waving movements carried her barefoot across her stage. Yet at every beat she switched with sudden motion to let the music carry her in the opposite direction. Her curls jumped at each turn to follow her. From soft, rounded bends to sudden strength and stiffness, she expressed both carefree and control.

A slow stretch, a fast pirouette; a gesture and then a leap; Tiffany skipped and raised her hands as if in a cheer as she sang, "Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night! Dance until the morning light! Forget about the worries on your mind! You can leave them all behind ~"

The sudden slamming in response to Toby's wanting Bianca to prove she wasn't being held prisoner filled the omega with adrenaline. He turned back and forth with his eyes wide and and fingers splayed in a fit of panic, unable to decide what to do. Before he knew it he had a rolling pin in his hand and was bounding up the stairs, two steps at a time.

Then Kratos howled. Toby froze mid-step in the hallway, with the rolling pin above his head.

To Jackie’s laughter, there was an almost imperceptible twitch in Liam’s ear. Then the Alpha made his call and his commands. Liam noticed the different tones with which each member was addressed and wondered..

In his solemn bow, with his eyes turned down or altogether closed, no expression or thought could be seen.


Bianca paused mid rant, first at Kratos’ howl, and then his command came and she snapped her jaw shut. Her ears went back.

Anyone else would have been ignored, but even in her sour state, she didn’t want to test the Alpha. She left her room gingerly, and began down the hall. That’s when she paused, finding Toby with the rolling pin ready and high over his lanky figure.

The blonde wolf stared and blinked, and her expression was impossible to place. After an overly long, overly awkward moment, she walked past him without a word.

She left the cabin, approaching the Alpha on four legs, with her tail low and her mannerisms guarded and tense. She only broke the expression in passing Liam, as she observed him and his offering, before continuing towards Kratos in the same manner as before.

She came within three feet of the Alpha and stopped, sitting back on her haunches and not meeting his yellow eyes. Her furry brow was knit over her baby blue eyes and she held a wrist with the opposite hand.


Liam was inspected by Bianca, but he didn’t need to make an effort to pick up signatures from her. Her anxiety and anger filled her pores beneath her shampoos and perfumes-which were telling in and of themselves. Still he gave no outward indication of his thoughts.


While Ionone’s hand drummed the cement walls of the pit to Tiffany’s fervent tunes, elsewhere on the mountain, the defenders heart beat against her chest with rapid pace.

Logan heard the Alpha’s call, and it drew her from her inward state. It was informative more than a command, but the meaning of it was confusing and she was certain she misunderstood. However, a howl was not the same as her broken comprehension of English, and without words to muddy it, it could rarely be misconstrued even between two people who shared no common language.

It did not matter. She did not know how to return. The spasms relented, but even standing and meditating on her breathing took a great effort, that sweat dropped off her brow. If she were to sit, she was sure she could not get back up again.

She brought the side of her fist into the tree that bore her weight, softly the first time, and harder a second, as she turned her forehead pressed into the bark down. The autumn air was gathered into her lungs and she cried out, loud and long, as though with a battle cry! The rage, and weakness, and frustrations among other emotions were poured into it-but it was not with anger towards the pack.

When the cry ended, she stood as a beast, breathing heavily, with her shoulders tightly hunched up so that every muscle was tensed. Her claws were embedded deep into the flesh of the tree. The whole forest had grown silent around her, and even the cricket did not dare strum his instrument.

With tears and sweat coming off her nose, she gathered her strength to make the effort down the mountain.

Toby too just stood there and stared, even blinked a few times, until Bianca walked passed him. Once the sound of her footsteps had retreated beyond the base of the stairs, Toby slowly lowered his hand and relaxed. His face and ears felt hot with embarrassment, but at least there was no hostage situation. He turned to go put the rolling pin back where he'd found it, when suddenly he heard a very distinct noise behind him. Turning around quickly, he was just in time to see his own bedroom door go from being slightly cracked open to closing suddenly. There was no slam; the action was swift but incredibly quiet. Was somebody in his room? It had to be one of the pups because Bianca had just investigated and said there was no one here.

Toby walked to the door. "Dekota? Samantha? What're you guys doing?" He asked, turning the knob and walking in. Then he froze and felt the hairs on the bad of his neck stand up. Nobody was there. There was no smell or indication of intrusion. None of his stuff had been messed with. He stood there anxiously for a moment.

"Dekota? Samantha?" He called, a little louder, hoping they would answer from inside his closet or under his bed.

" Toby?" Samantha's voice responded quietly shortly after he had repeated her name. However the directionof her voice was not from anywhere in his bedroom, but down the hall from Levi's door. Her two amber eyes peered out from the door that remained more closed than opened.

Toby turned in the direction the voice had come. It greatly unnerved him that it was not from anywhere within his room. "Oh, hey Samantha!" He said pleasantly, hiding the rolling pin behind his back. "Where's Dekota? Are you up here alone?"

Kratos waited a moment. His arms were still folded over his bare chest and he said nothing. His ears swiveled, listening to the surroundings.

Then Kratos turned aside and looked at Bianca.

"Bianca," he said softly, "Can you tell me what is wrong?"

There was no point in putting distance between Jackie and Liam's ears. With the heightened senses of their kind, and the dawning of the moon besides, there would be no secrets on the mountain tonight.

Tiffany's solo performance carried on in the background, echoing on the cement walls and out under the dusky sky. Her vocal music created a moving atmosphere, even sung acapella. Kratos did not give any outward indication that it had his ear. That voice would have had the attention of every member of her pack, and the heart of every member aching to join in. But here, in the Phantom hills, it was a lonely song. The Calagathorm werewolves did not join in. The Svalnaglas woman sung alone.

Meanwhile, with Kratos' back turned... the striped shadow at the edge of the clearing moved and vanished away.

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