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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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The kitsune almost didn’t meet Tiffany’s eyes as they searched for hers. Truly, they were as unobserved as they ever had been. No one would see that glance, and none could take something valuable from it.  Yet she hesitated. Not in fear for what the pack might see in her expression, but in what Tiffany might see in hers.

Yet despite herself, she met it. In the shadows of the pit, her eyes were a dull blue.  She was not surprised to find Tiffany filling their prison in music - as though it were a thing worthy of such spectacles. She scanned her oldest friend's heart for signs of unease, yet she found none which matched her own.

A lesser person might have thought Tiffany had a plan. But Ami knew better. Tiffany was an opportunist. In the same way she made music because she had the opportunity to and it lifted her spirits, Tiffany would have no plan until the right cards came to her hand. It was her nature to gamble in such things, just as much it was Ami's nature not to.

It would seem strange such different people would find companionship in the other. Yet there was some part of Ami which had always admired Tiffany for it. Tiffany had been just as shackled in her own life as she had - in her family's expectations, in her nature as a werewolf, as a member of the Svalnaglas. Yet here Tiffany could find her joy in the middle of her prison - here she could laugh - here she could expend her empathy and interest in their warden's most innocent member.

Ami was certain if ever she had once possessed such abilities, she had lost them long ago. So it was enough to sit closely to it, warming herself as though before a fire.

One of Bianca’s ears flickered down to Toby.

Maybe he imagined it. Toby’s mind was always exaggerating truths.

But how didn’t he know who knocked? Why hadn’t they announced themselves, or left a trace? What was their intention knocking on the door of the most timid pack member?

If it was a prank-they’d get a tongue lashing.

Her ears went forward. The last she knew, Sammi had been in Levi’s room with Dakota comforting her. She had just been in her own room, and Toby’s his.

That left Ulric, Theo and Chime’s rooms. In normal circumstances, she wouldn’t enter without them present. With the kids across the hall, she felt justified that a quick look was safe. She started with Ulric’s at the end, and listened for other doors opening as she went in slowly and peeked around.

Ah, there it was - that hesitant glance.

Tiffany locked eyes with her friend. Pale, tired, up against a wall, Ami was sure to disappear if she could only but will it so. In the woods, that was entirely a probability and the element of a Kitsune, now, wasn't it? From nothing into nothing, - or so the story goes. But there was nowhere to go here and now. There was nowhere to hide. Somehow then, Tiffany had to make the walls feel less confining to Ami. For one thing, Tiffany needed to see the courage back in her eyes, - for her own sake. - But Ami had carried the weight of this drama since the mines, too, and the least Tiffany could do was create a safe space out of these four walls.

So, she let her voice rebound softly and made sure that Ami's violet jewels could gleam from charcoal brown to charcoal brown; 'Come, play with me.' Tiffany's eyes seem to say. 'Just you and me, let's have some fun.' And her body language said it, too. She faced Ami directly and began to move to the rhythm in her mind.

"Hm hm hm-hm--hm ~ " Tiffany hummed the familiar beat and let her voice play for the opening instruments, "Ba da-da-ta-ta da.. ~"

"When it feels like the world is on your shoulders, and all of the madness has got you going crazy," Tiffany started to sing and play, twirling her forefinger in a spiral by her brow. "It's time to get out, step out into the street, where all of the action is right there at your feet!"

"Well! I know a place where we can dance the whole night away," Tiffany skipped backwards and swung open her arms to suggest the arena, moving her hips and limbs as if to allure Ionone into somehow joining the dance. Her hands rolled to the sky as she sang, "- underneath electric stars! Just come with me and we can shake your blues right away. You'll be doing fine when the music starts ~"

Tiffany had a talent for making something look fun, even when it was at the bottom of a pit. Maybe it was her warm honey-kissed voice, or the way she could smile as if nothing else in the world mattered. Maybe it was just how each word could create weightless movement in her body, like there really was music in the air to carry her; or how she utilized the space, putting in some distance to make the arena look so much bigger. Maybe, it was just those wild curls that leapt and fell like a storm-tossed sea... Whatever it was, Tiffany could go all in as if no time had passed between that beautiful blonde high school girl on the swim team and the cunning, careful Svalnaglas spy that she had become.

"Oh! Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night, dance til the morning light!" Tiffany winked, adding encouragement. "- Come on, sugar. - Forget about the worries on your mind!"


Both of Kratos' ears fell down and back as Tiffany began to sing. Conveniently, that was the same moment Jackie came out of the woods looking so smug.

Timothy stood up immediately.

Kratos was standing in the clearing, between the dens and the training arena.  He adorned the crimson cloak over both shoulders, and though he was near nine feet tall standing upright, it hung low to the ground at his heels. Even now, he was not standing at his full stature, but idled on his feet. His ears were laid down and back, as though he were angry, but the rest of his features were peaceable and calm. His clawed hands and arms were beneath his cloak. His tail hung behind him.

The object of Jackie’s glee came into view shortly after the red haired woman, once he had unloaded his belongings and having put them just out of view in the treeline.

What an atmosphere to come upon the pack! The singing was beautiful, and contrasted powerfully against the solemnity that Liam carried into the meeting.

He approached the clearing cautiously, his eyes meeting the Alpha long enough to acknowledge his position, rank and power, before he stopped and came to drop the goat, not within three yards of Kratos.

The stranger knelt on one knee and lowered his head, with his eyes low and ears back in gentle manner, and his strong body bowed forward over his knee. His tail was tucked just slightly.

It was not customary in his pack to speak before the Alpha unless permitted, so he waited with his white fur catching the breeze and the moonlight.

It was hard not to enjoy the singing (and wonder who the voice belonged to), but he maintained his focus with resolution..

His chest and feet were bare, and he still wore the thick baggy pants, tied at the waist with a white rope.

Apart from an open window in one room, the story of the hallway held true with all the rooms; nothing was disturbed, no smells nor signs of intrusion.

Toby stood anxiously in the kitchen for several minutes, listening for a sudden crash or some kind of tussle taking place upstairs, but there was nothing. Everything seemed pretty quiet. ...Maybe too quiet? How would one determine if things were too quiet in a house that was always pretty quiet? ...What was he supposed to do if things were suddenly not quiet anyway? If there was a crash or a tussle or growling all of a sudden, then what? He knew what his first instinct would be, but what if that only made things worse? Should he go for help instead? Was there anyone to go for help to?

Toby ventured toward the back door that Bianca had left open and looked out into the yard; hoping to see someone within shouting distance. He hadn't forgotten Bianca's instructions though, so he made sure not to leave the kitchen while peaking outside.

Bianca's nose twitched towards the open window. She crept up to it and then stood against it, leaning out with her palms pressed on on the sill. She turned her head and looked up at the eaves of the roof... that would be a terrible hiding place, in plain sight. Could you see the roof from down below, if you stood far enough away? Maybe not--but here was a thought she hadn't considered--if you could get on the roof, maybe you could leap to the retaining wall - or vice versa.

With the initial anger having died down, she decided to relent her hunt with a sigh.

Cake's needed baking, Chime's needed finding, and Jackie was back, so there would be enough problems to go around-what foul, furred things did she bring to put in the kitchen now?

And anyway, passing out beatings was supposed to be Logan's job, right? Bianca rolled her eyes at the thought.

'Logan can't even run. She's too slow to be a defender.' she thought, recalling when Logan tried to catch her just earlier.

"It's fine, Toby! There's nobody up here." she said, towards the hall.

Then blonde listened out the window for a moment, and lent an ear to Tiffany's singing.

"What's she got to be happy about?" Bianca mumbled her thought out loud, putting her furry elbow on the window sill and her jaw on top of her palm.

Being on edge for any sound upstairs, Toby was quick to hear Bianca call down to him. He didn't think there was anybody up there, why had she gone searching for them? ...Or-- Wait a minute. He'd seen this in a movie once. Was she just saying no one was upstairs because she was being held at gunpoint?

He hurried back to the stairs and called up: "That's great! Uh... You were making something down here, right? You'd better come down and finish that." For a moment, he considered bluffing about Kratos looking for her, but if she wasn't being held at gunpoint that would backfire really badly.

Ordinarily the unobserved being, it was indeed a strange sensation to be sought for and found all without her own involvement. As Tiffany’s voice swelled, her eyes never let the little shadow on the wall go. Certainly she might have looked away – yet this would make her no less observed. Met with something so novel, the kitsune could not decide what next to do…

And in the meantime, Tiffany’s voice had created warmth in the cold. From nothing we come, from nothing we will go…Yet here in nothing, Tiffany had made something. That was the joy in being the observer, the participant. Her grandfather would never understand it…. But perhaps Ami did. Because despite herself, the rhythm would not relent itself from her mind. There something turned at the edges of her lips, something she might assume a smile. And there her head swayed with the beat…

And there her hand smacked on the wall to the soft, easy swing beat of Tiffany’s voice, the ‘instrumentals’ adding a subtle depth all their own to the melody. There within the echoing chambers of the pit, it were as though they were somewhere else entirely.

"What?" Bianca's ears went up and she looked back towards the hall. Did Toby really just tell her what to do? Timid Toby? You'd better come down here and finish that?

She scoffed, her ears went back, and she slammed the window shut, before leaving the room, slamming the door, and going into her own. That door, too, was slammed.

"See if I cook anything else for this pack! You'd better come down here and finish that, my tail end! He was lucky I didn't go down there and dump it all over his head! Of all the ungrateful, selfish-"

Bianca was very much fine. Anyway, if she had been captured, her captor surely would have relented by now. She continued to rant and fume while pacing around in her room.

Tiffany's smile filled her eyes as Ami picked up the beat. Truthfully, she had no way of knowing if Ami would join her. It had been a long time since they played together. Like everything else it was a gamble, and Tiffany was rewarded by chancing it. So, she continued to sing, "You can leave them all behind!"

Stepping to the beat of Ami's echo off the walls, Tiffany sang, "Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night! Oh, the rhythm of the night! Oh, yeah ~"

Music had a power Tiffany understood; the power to create unity amid diversity, and in the singularity of the mountain pack's prison, unity with the one pack member within the sound of her voice. Now that Ami was engaged, Tiffany could open up the arena with the energy she felt in the surge of the moon. She would make it appear as though the prison were the safest place in the world to express oneself.

"Look out on the street now," Tiffany sang, tossing her curls and turning in a wide circle, inviting Ami to remember those rainy days under neon lights. "The party's just beginning. The music's playing, a celebration's starting. Under the street lights, the scene is being set."

The music had choreography, and Tiffany knew the steps. Her feet moved to Ami's beat, one soft skip at a time, followed by the roll of her shoulders and a batting wink of her dark eyes. She let her voice rise on a coy smile, "A night for romance! A night you won't forget!"

The Svalnaglas, as much as any other pack, had used music for more than a hundred years to unite their ranks. It was a powerful feeling to be united with thousands of voices in one stadium, after all, and such a feeling a werewolf craved whenever it was without - or, at least, Tiffany did. How did the mighty Kitsune clan celebrate the coming of the moon? In Tiffany's experience, having sung for many different kinds of characters and audiences, music banded the schism between factions. It created a bridge over opinions and past histories. It was, withal, universally appreciated, not simply to enliven the spirit, but to meet the measure of one's purpose. Would Ami feel it, too?

Kratos' body language changed when the stranger came into view. His ears stood erect and his stance leaned out of idleness. His yellow eyes seemed to radiate with the light from the cabin windows, gleaming unnaturally out of the black shadow of his brow.

The situation was to be surmised. Jackie looked quite pleased with her find. The stranger had made no offense, save to come into the territory in the first place, but it was to his credit that he was the first to ever do so under formality. He smelled of the wilder country of the north, and a foreign pack somewhere beyond the mountains. But more than that could not be discerned... both he and Jackie had passed by the phantom plant on their way down.

Kratos looked at the stranger's offering. The timing was appropriate for such a gesture, given the coming moon, but it was not a formality he had ever been given. He looked again at the man - the werewolf, - now bowing under his gaze, and wondered.

Kratos was not ignorant of the effect of Tiffany's song, and while the Svalnaglas made themselves more comfortable in the training arena, an upper window in the cabin was slammed shut, announcing Bianca's growing agitation.

Kratos breathed a hot breath into the cold autumn air and glanced briefly at Jackie, who no doubt already knew what he was going to say.
"You requested safe passage through our lands and it has been granted," Kratos said to the stranger. "Who are you, and why have you come?"


Timothy was laying low to the ground. His eyes and ears kept shifting from place to place, as if no one thing could hold his attention. His broken tail and long hackles were slowly bristling.

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