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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Inside, Bianca got to work preparing for Chime's return. She had retrieved Chime's gifts from under her bed, and put them in the gift bag she had. She wrapped some cookies up in a little napkin, and stuck those in the bag, too. The whole bag with everything in it was placed in front of Chime's door.

In the dim light of the kitchen, with her headphones on and the CD "Best of the 80's" in her Walkman, she went to work to make a celebratory cake. Cake really didn't sound good, this close to a full moon-but she imagined it would be a nice breakfast or early morning snack before bed. She turned the volume up completely, and opened the back door to let in the crisp mountain breeze.


The way down from the Sounding Cave was not easy, and less so in the dark, but Logan knew it well, and respected the dangers of it.

Although her ability to detect scent was limited in places, she learned the landmarks by vision, touch and sound. There were manmade visual and physical cues she had set out at intervals to mark her way; a neat stack of rocks she had put down, a rope she tied around a tree, a carving on a stony slate. In other areas, there were auditory aids; the way the wind hit a particular stone, or a familiar pair of bluebirds nesting in an evergreen.

It didn't matter which form she took. On this part of the mountain, it made no difference if she went down on two legs or four; the slopes were narrow and rocky. Whether she lost her footing on two paws or two feet, the outcome would be the same, so she went with her first form and spear like a walking stick.

The defender reached her first landmark, a rope tied tree (which roughly signaled the first quarter or last of the journey), and was at an impasse...

Exacerbated by the activity of the day, the injuries she had nursed that morning had flared up tenfold. She had hoped that the moon would lend her new strength, and allow her to ignore them. And while it imbued her with energy, she did not have the means to apply it. From the waist up, her back spasmed with violent anger, and from the waist down, her legs pricked and burned on one side, and on the other she felt nothing. The numbness made the trek more treacherous, while the increasing pain made it hard to focus and make a decision.

Resting her head on the tree and with one hand holding the rope tied around it, she had to decide if she would go back to the sounding cave for the night, or continue down and risk revealing her vulnerability, or (perhaps...) worse  - risk perishing in the attempt.

"I'm twenty seven, as well." Liam laughed.

"Being a first generation is not easy, but I do not know firsthand. Our pack does not condone forcing the bloodline on outsiders. When the change does come over you, do you still possess your faculties?"


Jackie shrugged, "Yeah, more or less. Just with more cool smells to get distracted by".


"That's good, then you're doing well." he said, "I'm certain it will come with time. Still, you are not without all of the strengths of it-maybe you're restraining yourself by putting too much belief in the limitations between your two fleshes, which are fewer than you think." he pondered, aloud, but could not feel what Jackie felt.


"Uh huh," was all she said, in the voice of one that was not really listening but had found just the place to interject in the conversation.

Her attention had come to be preoccupied by a sharp decline down the rocky face. She had not come this way in ascending the mountains, but in taking a different path to avoid the phantom herb, they had now come to this powerful precipice. She scanned the horizon, but was growing concerned they may need to backtrack significantly to find an easier way to pass.


On two legs, the precipice would be daunting. Liam could see a way around and down, but it would be better navigated on four limbs. Further down, he could hear the gentle gurgle of a mountain stream... and he did not want to backtrack.

"We can get down it, but, I would like to change forms; the weight on my back would be better on four legs."


Jackie swept her arms impassively, a voiceless as you want.


Liam nodded. "But first," he said, and reached to his hip and began to unravel a length of rope tied to it.

He tied it off here and there, and there seemed to be no method to his work - until he was finished, and held it out for Jackie.

"It's a harness. I won't let you fall. It goes over your shoulders, and around your waist there. I'll hold on here, with my teeth."


Jackie smirked, “Heh, cute. But I’m not looking for a new fashion choice”.

She scanned the step cliffside. Indeed it was precarious to the untrained eye. Even to the trained one, it would take skill to descend.

“I was more worried about you and your goat than me. Take care of your own problems. I’ll take care of mine”


Liam looked skeptical. He took back the rope and unraveled it with a blank face then tied it into collar. “I am worried about me, you’ll catch me if I fall, yeah?” he joked, smiling.

When Jackie looked back from the cliff, he would already be in his second skin, a great white and tan form with light, almost white eyes-all of which stood out against the black of his nose, lips and tear ducts.

He slipped the collar over his furry neck and offered a looped end to Jackie as a handle.


"Nu-uh, I'd let you and Monseir Chevre drop. One less thing for my friend to do."

She rolled her eyes, taking the rope if only to humor him. Suddenly, she had the image she was walking a very big, white, fluffy dog down a mountain. What misfortune that Liam had turned out to be such a fluffy werewolf.

She gave the wrap a nice flick until the tension made it to Liam's collar, "Now then, be a good dog and get going".


Any other man might have been humiliated at the little tug, or the comment, or the whole prospect of it all.

Liam, meanwhile, simply lacked the pride - he just started at Jackie with those big eyes and swished his tail once.

Overall, he was relieved she took the rope - after all, if Jackie lost her footing, as long as he could manage to keep his, she wouldn't fall.

Now he would have preferred she go ahead of him, so he could watch her footing, and react quickly if the ground or her step betrayed her. But he didn't want to push his luck, and began down on four feet with a soft step. He was mindful and sure-footed, and lead Jackie dutifully down the rocky slope with his ears swiveled back towards her, prepared to react at any moment.


-Jackie had no intentions of going first and indeed let him lead the way without protest this time. Yet this had its own ulterior motive. Though he could not see her as well in the descent, halfway through the rockface wall the rope went slack and suddenly came to hit him in the head! Higher on the rockface, some loose stones tumbled.


Liam's felt the rope hit his head with a thump and turned around, ready to move! His toes dug into the gravel and his muscles tensed with alarm!


Besides a few loose pieces of gravel which came to rest on his snout, nothing happened. Higher up the cliff-face, a small figure with bright-head hair clutched the corners of the rock like a small spidermonkey. Her concentration was too intent on her own descent to spare Liam so much as a glance. She breathed heavily, but in control, and carefully navigated her palms from the side of the large stone to the next.

Jackie was not particularly concerned in loosing her grip. Her arms were strong and the dirt from the mountains which coated her palms provided all the grit she would need. Yet she knew such work required the utmost attention, even if she'd love to offer a sarcastic comment in Liam's direction


When they reached the bottom of the slope--which was steeper than it was tall-- he turned to Jackie to examine her state, and then took the rope off his neck and stood.

"You dropped the rope." he said, his eyes returning to Jackie.


"Oops," she replied, entirely without remorse. Presently she seemed more preoccupied with surveying the surrounding territory than keeping her attention on Liam. She had made the descent largely no worse for wear, save a few minor scratches earned as she gripped along the harsh stones. Indeed, she seemed almost... gloating.


Liam tsked his tongue and shook his head. "That's fine, I thought we had a good friendship going, but I see you don't care about me." he said with a wide shrug, but concealed a smirk at her cockiness, anyway. Even if his heart beat all the faster for it - he didn't need a reason for the Alpha to kill him before they'd even met.

He shook the dirt from his coat as well as he could, then examined his surroundings.

The cabins were close by - more than before, he could detect all of the scents of the day, from the raw and cooked fish, the baked and microwaved foods, to the individual herbs and spices of the steaks made earlier.

More importantly, he could detect the coming and going of each pack member and how many were present at any given time. When he inhaled, he did so with his mouth and nose in turn.

Besides each unique scent, he would learn about their physical (and some psychological) traits without meeting them; he could discern their age and gender, their health, even their emotional state.

They only had to go a little further and cross the river surrounding the dens and they would be there. Liam's countenance visibly changed, and he became more somber. After all, both dominant men, and the males of the wolf species, were slower to take to other men. Even in his own pack, Liam had to prove himself over the other young fellows who vied for his position, and adolescent boys leaving his tribe to find another would be integrated at the lowest point in the order until they could prove themselves worthy of higher rank.

Liam did not know the customs of this pack, and they did not seem like traditionalists, but he could not make assumptions and chose to err on the side of caution. After allowing a moment for Jackie to catch her breath, he started forward on four legs again, but looked smaller for the way he carried himself now, with his tail hung low behind him.


Kratos turned an ear down and back as Tiffany tested the rebound of sound on her confines. He considered it as with all his thoughts in silence. Then he looked at Timothy. Timothy was laying passively on the gravel now, a little closer to the fence. He looked calm.

Kratos lifted his ears and nose to the wind as it carried down through the trees. The nightly creatures were singing in earnest now. The birds of the morning were growing quiet. Wherever there was a predator, the silence was deeper. The wind carried the scents of friends and strangers. But it's direction was changing, pressing up from the valley instead of down from the peak. Kratos did not favor it.

As the hush came nearer the clearing, Timothy turned his ears to it and lay his head near the ground, watching the treeline.

Kratos likewise turned his attention toward Jackie and Sabrina's approach.

Toby, having finally left his room, descended the stairs into the first level of the cabin and looked around.

Bianca made no indication that she had heard Toby come down, and continued to mix batter with her back turned and her headphones on.

Drawn by the noise, Toby wandered into the kitchen. "Uhh... Bianca? Were you the one who knocked on my door upstairs?" He asked, gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb.

Bianca took one headphone off and looked to Toby now, setting the bowl down. "... No, I just came in. It had to be Dakota or Sammi - Ulric and Theo are outside.." she said, her voice growing quiet towards the end, and the hairs on her neck pricked as she did. She took off the headphones and turned off the sound.

She remembered a time when the safety of the cabins was invaded by Svalnaglas intruders, who crept in without a sound--or a scent--and had perhaps spent hours undetected right in their rooms. The memory haunted her, and even now she checked the closets and windows every night before bed.

"Stay down here. I swear, I'm so not in the mood today." she said, and took the floor, shifting back into a werewolf. She began to creep up the stairs, low to the ground and without a sound. There was a dangerous light in her eyes as she crept into the hall and began to inspect the rooms with her nose, ears and eyes. Her first priority was making sure the youngest members were alright...

"If I die, it was nice to meet you. You're kind of crazy, but, in a good way. I think."

Liam said, and waited for Jackie to go ahead of him.

Toby was ready to shrug it off. He hadn't even asked Dekota or Samantha if they'd been the ones to knock because he hadn't heard any of the other bedroom doors open or close, so he figured whoever it was must've just gone downstairs instead. And it wasn't as though he had answered right away either. Toby had actually told whoever it was that he was busy and to come back later. When the designated 'later' came and the whoever it was hadn't come back, Toby's imagination started to get the better of him: Was the person spurned by his dismissal and now plotting to ambush him somewhere? Was it someone with a sensitive soul who had worked themselves up to reach out only to be utterly crushed by his dismissal and run off broken hearted? Was it one of those 'Congratulations, you've won a million dollars' deals for the first person who opened the door? Honestly, he didn't know any of his pack members well enough to even guess, but the second hypothetical instance ate at him until he decided to go find out who it was and what they wanted... Maybe apologize profusely and promise to take them out for dinner depending on how torn up they were.

All that said, Toby was quite prepared to shrug the incident off when suddenly Bianca ordered him to stay in the kitchen. "What?" came his response, but then she shifted and went up the stairs. Her reaction was unnerving and Toby began to worry he'd missed something.

"It wasn't a mean knock!" He called, trying to reassure her that no one was bullying him in case she was pulling a Logan... But he didn't follow her either, in case she pulled a Jackie.


The hallway upstairs was completely undisturbed. There were no strange smells, no muddy foot prints, nothing messed with. There was no evidence of any intruder at all.

Jackie flashed an easy smirk, happily taking the lead. As she looked behind her to catch Liam's eyes, she flashed a wink and pointed a finger gun at him.

"Back at you. Oh man.... Logan's long-lost fiancé... barging in on a full moon.... carrying a dead goat for some reason...."

Suddenly her voice fell to a scarcely restrained laugh. It would be hard to maintain serious composure when introducing their latest 'intruder' to the alpha, so she didn't try. As she approached the cabin's she was still snickering to herself. She looked up as it came into sight, unsurprised to see how waited for them.

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