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Werewolves (RP19) "What the Moon Has to Say"

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Liam looked surprised. Weak? Easy road? Mastering your secondary form was a journey fraught with tribulations. One that for many, proved deadly, whether from the infection, or else their own ineptitude towards the dangers within themselves.

In all his years he had never seen it referred to as easy, or as a weakness-that is, unless it was misused. He had heard it said only in reference to "giving in" to your instinct and most basic desires-in truly allowing the beast dominion over oneself.

"Is that really how you feel?" he asked, gently.

"Merde..." she stumbled over another stone - or was it in response to Liam?

How had she envisioned this conversation would play out? Yes Mister Werewolf Sir, I am SO powerful I can take you with these tiny toothpick legs and arms - followed by Wow, I am so impressed.

She had known the lie a futile one when she said it - then why did she say it? The question seemed to grow within her, unfolding in warmth like the child that peed in the swimming pool. It would be easy to be angry at him. And it would be easy to deny him.

And there was a desperate part of her that wished Sabrina would intervene before she said something compromising, but as always, she was no more than a ghost besides her, visible only because she wished it.

Her nostrils flared. He wasn't an enemy exactly... or at least not yet. If he were to become one, surely Sabrina would take care of him before her own weakness became a liability.

"Nothing has ever been easy for me before, I don't see why this is any different," she said simply, not trusting herself with anything else.

Liam looked on solemnly, and those few words and mannerisms spoke volumes. He nodded, slowly.

"We have a saying at home-the harshest currents make the strongest fish. It's... simple, but, I think it's true." he said, and spared Jackie the explanation-not wanting to elaborate and make her feel stupid, for the metaphor was indeed very simple. In any case, it was meant as a compliment, but he did not know how it would be received.

He had only known Jackie for a little while, but she indeed had a strong energy.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, openly, and started walking again. Jackie did not seem to like to be perceived, so he put his eyes to other things while he went.

"Hm," was all she had to say on the metaphor, neither poorly nor well-received. Many things still turned in her mind.

His offer took her off-guard. She turned to meet his gaze, but his eyes were already to other places. She turned away, squinting her face as she mused, "We still don't know if you'll survive the night. My companion still might go all assassin on you - I don't know. Does it seem wise to?"

"Wisdom is not my strength," he said, shrugging and smiling, "Or maybe I would have killed something closer to camp." he added, meeting the vacant eye of the goat.

"If you do tell me, and your friend does take me out, is there any harm?"

"Hah! Or picked something smaller. Just saying, a cute belt of rabbits would have been a lot easier".

She couldn't help it. There was every reason that Liam wouldn't be on these same grounds in the morning... but she respected something in his earnest nature. There was no malice in it, though she kept looking for it, and it seemed every word was emphatically meant. It was both an alien concept to her, as well as a curious one. If she poked, what would she find?

"You have a point," she jumped from one stone to another, satisfied how the landing felt on her heels, "And only because I'm reaaallllly bored and might die if we have to go all the way back in silence".

She considered, weighing her options, and still glancing for any sign of disapproval from Sabrina. None, of course, was detected at a frequency her brain was capable of comprehending.

"Hm. Alright. I'm 27, I'm French-Canadian, I've been a werewolf for almost a year now, and I don't know that I could shift even this close to the moon. I haven't done it on like purpose-purpose".

"I'm twenty seven, as well." he laughed.

"Being a first generation is not easy, but I do not know firsthand. Our pack does not condone forcing the bloodline on outsiders. When the change does come over you, do you still possess your faculties?"

A wise man hears one word and understands two, so wrote the poet Edgar Allen Poe.

Tiffany heard Bianca's words and felt the sadness in them, and from it she understood that this little band in the mountains was not united, and a pack not united is weak. They had never felt what it was like to sing with one voice, to move with one intent; to hunt and satisfy the whole, to rest and fear nothing.

Now it was easier to understand how Bianca could ask so quickly why Tiffany did not turn away. If they were loners one and all, they did not know the deeper meaning of what they possessed; they had not accessed true power and purpose.

"Hm..." Tiffany hummed lightly.

"Gotta fix that." She said, and she cast a glance heavenward. The moon was not yet in sight above the enclosure.

"Yeah, well..." Bianca started, and didn't know where to go with it. The words died off in her throat and turned to a little sigh that escaped silently.

"Easier said than done" came to mind, and so did a lot of other quick retorts, but all in all, Bianca agreed. She wanted nothing more, but whether because of outside circumstances, interpersonal conflicts, or personal histories... every power in the universe seemed bent on keeping the little pack from achieving unity, and Bianca was no exception.

While Tiffany sought out the moon, the blonde looked at Saber's limp figure. Would he have turned if not for her? Now he lay a victim of the drugs her Grandfather administered. It was not the first time she'd lashed out at him.

Bianca's eyes and ears moved to Kratos, briefly, and then returned to Tiffany. "It's like you said, don't worry about us." she said, and departed on that word.

Bianca went back to the cabins on four legs and returned to upright and to her human form even as she alighted the steps to the door.

The moon may not have been seen, but it could be felt.

Ulric could feel it, even as he walked under the trees seeking Chime's scent. It was like a rush of excited energy, filling his limbs with power and readiness. He wanted to jump, skip, and leap! He wanted to run. But Ulric picked his way through the forest carefully, lest he lose his footing somewhere or collide accidentally into his query...

The loafers were left behind. Ulric's change suit was a bit worn from his last adventure in it, but it had been washed and mended in the month. It was as ready as he was for tonight.


Tiffany also felt the approaching moon. With every moment the energy that coursed through her limbs was mounting.

"Hmm..." She hummed, as Bianca turned away. The note left her lips like a bit of music, and she liked the sound that came to her ears off the cement walls. That gave her an idea, and she let the sound continue with a bounce and slight change in pitch.

"Aaaayyy... ooooh..." Yes, the cement confines suddenly felt much different. Suddenly, it wasn't an empty swimming pool so much as a stadium, and Tiffany had experience in both.

Tiffany smiled and looked at Ami. She didn't know how she was holding up. The kitsune had been as silent as the grave since being captured. But the look in Tiffany's eye was one Ami would surely know. Tiffany would make the most out of whatever life gave to her, be it a second chance or the echo off a concrete wall.

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