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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Logan withdrew her hand and waited for Ulric to finish removing his shoes and rolling up his pantlegs.

“It is Slovak.”

She said, then turned around and began back up the steep mountain path.

"Slovak..." Ulric echoed back thoughtfully. He walked behind Logan, still, but avoided her footprints - lest he sink further than she did with each step. The mud was quite sticky today. It seemed to want to cling to and climb Ulric's calves. Then rocks and root growth came under foot and the going became easier.

"Thank goodness." Ulric muttered.

Logan grew quiet and focused on the task ahead. She breathed in the mountain air and was certain Saber had not only come this way earlier, but was near. Too much further and she feared that she was likely to lose his scent altogether, due to the plants, and would have to rely on hearing and sight.

Most of the trees and bushes had let down their leaves, but the evergreens on the mountain provided ample coverage if you did not want to be seen. Her pace was steadier now on the more solid ground.

"He is not far," she said, quietly.


Ulric nodded his head and became quiet as well. He focused on his feet, content to follow in Logan's shadow, for he knew from the summer months that she was a better tracker than he.

When the two caught up with Saber, he was already turned to face them, watching them as they approached. His arms were crossed, his dark eyes watching both with a fiery rage. When they were close enough he spoke.

" Why are you following me?" He growled.

Toby nodded and headed for the stairs. He was getting the sinking feeling that this conversation was going to be one of those that he didn't want to have, and was going to wish he hadn't had. But Dekota seemed determined, so Toby wouldn't argue. He led the way out of the cabin and, with a quick look this way and that to make sure he avoided anyone who might be on the premises, strode swiftly several yards away before stopping and looking back to see if Dekota had followed.

Logan stayed back a short distance, and came to rest in a squat on the balls of her feet. She looked to Ulric and waited to see how he would handle the conversation.

Ulric expected that Logan would be the first person to answer. What was his surprise when she stepped entirely aside for him.

"Oh." He said. Then he stepped forward.

"I'm not sure following is the right word. We've come to find you, though."


When Tiffany failed to answer immediately, the great black werewolf, with his crimson overcoat and white-tipped ears, dipped his head and turned away.

Tiffany took a sweeping glance at her large, desolate prison. Who would have thought that standing in a twenty-foot-deep cement box, with virtually nothing to occupy the approximate 800 square feet of space, would make a person so uncomfortable? It was like being at the bottom of a swimming pool, but without any water. Tiffany had been at the bottom of a number of swimming pools, any one of them she liked better than this one. It was to the credit of the owner that the floor of the pit was not littered with leaves and twigs and branches - a number of which were caught on the fence that encircled the perimeter of the space - but the bottom of the pool, at least, was clean. Several small drains here and there across the floor attested to the fact that the box either could or naturally would be filled with water, but there was no faucet, hose, or spigot to convey it there.

"Hey, sugar!" Tiffany called out suddenly, turning back to face the ledge where she last saw the so-called 'alpha'.
"You said you're going to keep us down here all night?"

No reply came, though Tiffany waited for it. Thus, with no way of knowing that anyone was in the clearing above the pit, Tiffany thought herself alone.
Ami, she observed, was doing an amiable job at masking her pain and fatigue. But her face was pale and she slept chilled against the cement wall. It wasn't the coldest the two of them had been in the last ten days, but it wasn't ideal, either. Luckily, it was just about noon and the sun was high, shining straight down into the cement enclosure and offering a fair deal of warmth. There was just enough shade against one of the walls to keep the glare from becoming a nuisance, yet taking shelter in it gave far too much power to the autumn air.

Tiffany's eyes wandered up the wall. Not for the last time, she considered changing her shape and making a leap for the ledge. It had been a little over ten days since she last made the attempt to take her secondary form. Whether she liked it or not she would be taking it tonight. When the moon was above the pit, in the exact spot where the sun now sat, Tiffany knew all her cards would be played.

Of a certainty, a werewolf likes nothing better than open space under the light of the moon. What, then, would be more uncomfortable than being confined under that illuminating presence? Caught. Trapped. Forced to stand under the light of the moon without a place to go or anywhere to hide, the thought must surely be terrible. Was this any better than being bound, wrist and mouth, by werewolf hunters at the bottom of a mine?

"Look, sugar..." Tiffany called again, this time with less confidence. "If we play nice can we come out of here?"

Again, no reply came. At least, not at first. Then, over the ledge, two turquoise eyes appeared, and a very, very low growl was heard.

Tiffany's eyes sharpened. Her chin fell and her ears honed on the sound above the ledge.

'Yes,' Her eyes seemed to say, 'I heard them talking about you...'
The black and silver face of the creature stared down at her. It's coiled lips and ivory colored fangs outside the fence were the appearance of a monster - a real monster.. This, untamed, instinct-driven creature was called by the Svalnaglas Umpcrrmptin, which, like all the words in La'owl, could only be pronounced by the beasts themselves. The meaning of it was clear in the sound; a distasteful creature, bred from malcontent and driven by lust. Such beings Tiffany had seen and contended with before. Possessing no natural control of themselves, they were creatures devoted to and easily manipulated by only one; those who had claimed them in what some called mockery of exitiale morsum, and would have themselves to be 'alpha'.

"Someone hurt him a long time ago, before the alpha found him." Ulric had said. Before the alpha found him...

What was this creature's connection to these werewolves? Why would he devote himself to one who did not share his blood?

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