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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Jackie's question had been answered, for Sabrina was tired of being mysterious to those whose trust she wished to gain. She spoke, perhaps, more than Jackie had wished to know: of Irish countryside, of a pack whose roots could be found in times predating written history. She told her the legend of a White Wolf and a flower. She told her about a little girl who had always known she was a werewolf. Of the mother who claimed to love her, but sought to end her life every full moon. She spoke of pursuing the healing arts, hoping that one day perhaps she could fix that broken mind. But, perhaps, the one she wished to heal the most was beyond healing. And how it was wise to study both life and death, and know them intimately, so that one could be prepared for whatever outcome.

"One can reverse the decision to save a life," she mused, "But the decision to take one is final."

It was then that they heard the howls, of the Visitor, and the Alpha. Sabrina looked up, like one waking from a dream. Then she looked at Jackie. "Perhaps it would be prudent to return to the Cabins."

Jackie hadn't been expecting a full answer.  Yet on receiving it, she did her best to listen and to focus on the words she spoke. In some ways it was too much information. And in other ways, it wanted her seeking more. She wanted to ask when she had last seen her mother, and if she hated her for it. She wanted to know if Sabrina hated to be trained as a tool of destruction, even if she knew healing as well to balance it.

When she finished, she tilted her head upright and nodded.  By the sounds of it, plenty had occurred without them.

She went to gather the fish she had caught on the shore and put them all into her net. It was a sufficing catch - at least twenty fish, she estimated - although she worried it wouldn't be enough for the pack before the full moon.  Once her net was loaded, she set off with Sabrina to treturn to the cabins.

"No." Kratos said calmly. "I want you both to go get Saber. Bring him here."

"Preferably peacefully." He said to Ulric.

"But forcefully if you must." He said to Logan.

Logan’s eyesbrow went up and she glanced at the cabins, wondering when Saber got away, but realizing that must have been the reason for the empty feeling in the cabin.

She focused her attention on his scent, and began walking. He should not be hard to follow…

Bianca went into her cabin, clearly agitated, and went to shower and change into something for the full moon.

Ulric lifted his chin and lowered his brows. He would not argue. But what was this? That Kratos should send him on another odd errand and the first conversation be neglected for the third time. Did Kratos not have any curiosity as to why the strangers were here? Had he no concern for what was entailed in their presence? Ulric could have given it no more than that - a confused glance, as he turned away.

He went inside, naturally, and paid less attention to his emotional and spatial senses than he gave to the obvious. There was a smashed plate in the kitchen, and food that had not been eaten. Upstairs, there was a messy empty room, and a note with ten dollars. Ulric shook his head to see it and left the money where it was. Then he went back downstairs and joined Logan out back.

"I guess he took off, didn't he?"


Kratos, meanwhile, turned around and looked at Timothy. The lithe black and grey werewolf was still standing off between the treeline and the clearing with his tail between his legs. Kratos said nothing to him, but turned again.


Alpha Kratos stalked across the earth so near to the fence that Tiffany could see his back and hackles from where she stood inside the arena. It might have been prudent to wait for him to speak to her again, but what could he do from the outside of the pit that would intimidate her into silence?

"You have your hands full tonight, sugar." She observed out loud. "I can see that."

He answered her nothing, so she spoke again.

"We're not here to be a problem for you, just tell us what you want to know and we'll give it to you."

Kratos, again, did not reply. He walked around the corner of the pit and seemed to ignore the words. Then, he stopped, and approached the fence. His bright yellow eyes peered through the chains down at her.

"Your alpha." He said.

Tiffany waited and turned her chin to the side, as if to listen closely for the next word. But Kratos said no more.

Tiffany folded her arms and raised her chin. "What about him?" She said.

"Does he know you are here?"

"I don't even know where here is, sugar." Tiffany answered plainly. "I've been hunting werewolf hunters in the hills."

"Then does anyone know you are here?"

Tiffany felt the danger in answering that question. She hesitated.

Naturally, Logan waited for Ulric. The question he asked when he approached did not need answering directly - that Saber was gone was the reason Kratos was sending them on this task.

She was aware that he had left the cabins in the night previously before. Logan did not always retire to her room in the evenings, and less so now that she was a defender... if Saber had been alone, she might have alerted another or brought him back herself. He was not. Whether or not he knew it, he always returned regardless. It seemed to Logan, because he had nowhere else to go.

Logan would not speculate on the matter aloud. She didn't know anything about Saber to understand his intentions or purpose. On neutral ground with the subject and unwilling to spend her energy on it, she moved on, but did not broach the topic she had intended to before the interruption.

"Who do you call friend in this pack?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder at Ulric.

Toby watched the young lad shoo his sister away and was starting to feel perplexed. It increased as the boy demanded privacy. "Where did you have in mind? No where around here is really private."

Ulric followed Logan up around the retaining wall. His casual loafers and bell-bottoms were hardly mountain gear, but the hope was that Saber hadn't gone far.

"I thought everyone was?" Ulric said, not really thinking about the question.

Logan turned her head forward and concealed a smile from Ulric. It was all she needed to hear - not the answer itself, but the way he answered the question. The stark contrast between the way he and Sabrina had answered amused her. They were both genuine and honest, yet on completely opposite ends of a spectrum.

Saber's scent was not hard to follow, so it had not been terribly long since he had come this way. She followed the path steadily, but did not rush... she knew him to be sickly and easily frightened.

"Kratos said he trusted you - when the white wolves came on us in the mountain. Maybe you do not remember. I ask, because you did not feel as though you belonged, when we talked a long time ago.. now, do you feel you belong?"

In truth, Ulric did not remember much of that night at all. He recalled the flute, the cold, the fire... he remembered the hallucination of blood on Kratos's elbow. That much he did remember. But what conversation? What trust? Kratos did trust him, yes, to some degree surely. It seemed Ulric's heart remembered it better than his head did.

Ulric smiled and rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully. "It's kind of weird." He said. "I've been trying to see Kratos like my brother all this time, but he and I didnt grow up together. Sometimes it's easier to imagine that we did when he starts to sound like Resme, or when he acts like Abravious."

Ulric made a face at himself as he thought about it. "I don't know." He said. "I feel like... it's a weird life. Being a werewolf, I imagine its a lot easier to accept someone as a member of your family than if we were just... people. I guess. I didn't have a family outside the pack til I was ten."

Ulric chuckled and shook his head. "It's only been eight years." He said to himself. It was a statement made with a little bit of irony laced in disbelief. "Feels like a lifetime."

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