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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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"I am only curious." Logan said, sensing Ulric's weariness. "Have you eaten?"

Ulric was happy to put the subject away. Trying to answer the first question for himself was futile. Making any attempt to answer it for Logan would surely end badly.

"No... but weirdly, I'm not really that hungry, either." Ulric said with a shrug.

Logan looked at Ulric, but concealed her thoughts behind a blank expression. She knew he should try to eat, regardless, but she respected Ulric's agency of himself too much to push the matter.

"Do you remember, in the mountain - the flute I found?"

Ulric thought for only a moment.

"Yeah," he said quickly. "It was pretty cool."


Meanwhile, Timothy's ears came up from where he lay in the brush. A shallow wind blew over his black and grey hackles. The branches and shadows swayed all around him. His stripes blended in with ease. His turquoise eyes affixed on Logan and Ulric in the clearing.

"I have heard you - playing music in the house..." she raised a hand towards the cabin lazily, "You have said, that you "performed"...." she trailed off as was fairly customary to her speech, and although both topics seemed unrelated, she had a point.

"Do you know where to find something like it?"


"Oh, I don't know. It looked handmade to me." Ulric said. He looked thoughtfully for one moment then added, "The guy who I knew with a native flute like that might still live in Pinerich, but it's been years since we've played together."

"You mean one of them indie flutes, sugar?" Tiffany called up from the pit. "I might know somebody."

"I was not speaking with you." Logan said, and her voice had taken a tone that, while not a shout or a yell, and not particularly loud, was harsh in a way that even in her anger she hadn't used among her packmates.

"Sú všetci Svalnaglas takí neúctiví?" she almost sighed, and then placed a hand gently on Ulric's shoulder, beckoning him that he move away from the pit and towards the cabins.

"Well excuse me, sugar." Tiffany said with a smile in her voice. "I'm only a captive audience. You carry on."

Ulric made a face as he followed Logan away from the pit. He dare not ask her to repeat or translate whatever it was she said... but come to think of it, that was the first time he had ever heard her speak that language which must have been her first.

"Is that - what's that?" Ulric asked in wonder.

“Ah, still she speaks.” Logan mused, “I am not sugar, why does she call me that?” Logan asked in an annoyed tone. Then listened to Ulric’s question, but didn’t understand the reason for it.

“I am wondering if all Svanlagas are disrespectful.” she said, and did not care if the stranger heard her as they left.

”I think, the flute is important for Timothy..”

"H- Oh!" Ulric coughed so as not to laugh and tried to look very serious. He hastily focused on only the last thing Logan said.

"For Timothy? Why?" He asked.

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