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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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As Bianca and her grandfather spoke, she opened up more, and poured more of her thoughts and feelings into the conversation. Her mannerisms, too, changed. She was rather expressive, the degree of which was not usually seen among the pack. What they talked about was anyones guess, but her eyes often drew back to Ulric, with or without her head following.

Bianca had made a home of the cabins, but was not yet at home. She did not yet have a confidant to vent her mounting frustrations and to admit to her struggles. Chime might have been one such person, but presently, there were no young women her age, and the young men seemed too awkward and intimidated to engage her.

Toby, Ulric, Sabrina, Kratos and Theo had all seen some of her anxieties expressed, but although genuine, moments of panic are not always definitive of ones character. Surely she felt so, because she had interacted little with them since. The outbursts were a source of shame and caused her to close off and bottle up emotions. This clearly had not been conducive to her own happiness. While trying to meet the physical needs of the others bodies, she had neglected the needs of ones own spirit.

But now she spoke freely and her grandfather entertained it, asking questions that caused her to open up more. It came easy for him, as an officer and a father figure to the girl.

'Here to be a friend'? That was a nice thought. Certainly not an idea Toby was at all opposed to at all, but wasn't it a tad unrealistic given the extremity of feralness in the pack?

Who did Toby call his friend? That gave the omega pause. It was a simple question, and all he had to do was list names, but he didn't have a list of names. He couldn't even think of one name-- Not in the pack, not at school, not in town. Except Jenn. Wait. Did Jenn count? Does a girl you crush on but never talk to count as a friend? ...What was a friend in Toby's mind? Well, if he had to close his eyes and picture it: A friend would be someone he could link arms with as you went down the road. A friend was someone he could take to his grandpa's theater. A friend was someone who randomly storms into your bedroom just to tell you a joke or something they found exciting. A friend was someone with whom conversation came easy.

And quite frankly, Toby couldn't picture it. The more he compared his list of friendship qualifications with the individuals of the pack, the more absurd the idea became: A chain of werewolves, linked at their elbows; Kratos and Toby skipping down the road with their tails wagging. Sitting together in the front row of the theater with Sabrina and Logan, throwing popcorn at the screen. Jackie coming to tell him a macabre joke about bodies in the trashcan and head bouncing everywhere, or Sabrina wanting to talk to him about someone she just murdered and how exciting the rush was.

"I-- I, uh, can't think of anybody." He confessed awkwardly. "What about you? Who are your friends?"

"Ahhh... Chúďatko." she said the last word with pity in her expression, perhaps conveying the meaning of it well enough without translation.

She seemed to ponder his response for a moment. Clearly, by her previous conversations, he was not the only one who felt friendless.

"I am sorry. Do not worry, you will come to it by your honesty." she said, though  she must have meant come by it honestly.

Logan herself, although she had engaged very few pack members, had not felt lonely. Even in Blackridge where she had only two souls who cared about her and whom she cared about, she did not perceive herself to be friendless.

"Maybe, there are none. But this is my home, these are my family-if they do not want my friendship, it is there anyway." she said, but a certain tiredness seemed to come over her features, even though she tried to conceal it behind a little smile. "Go to rest, we will see each other soon, ah? Maybe tonight, we will shake the stars with our howls."

The trees here did not tower as tall as the ones in the wilderness of Liam's territory. Although many of the same species of predator and prey could be detected, it was not in the capacity that he was used to. The mountains were not as tall, and the lakes did not shine as blue.

The landslides had stripped the mountain of it's natural fauna in places, and where they might have adorned ferns and other greenery, they were barren.

Back home, fat salmon were being preserved for the winter. Elk and reindeer hides were being stretched and sewn together by the women to make coats and boots for the villagers. Men were out hunting, and when they returned, great bonfires would be made, around which singing, howling and dancing would happen for days and nights under the starry skies. As son of the Alpha, he would lead them in those songs and prayers which they offered up to their forefathers, and future generations, to the earth and the creatures in it, and to their Maker.

Even now he could hear in his heart the sound of their drums and flutes. While he was separated from them, for a short time or forever, he carried the culture and all contained within it in his spirit. As long as he did not forget his heritage, he could be at home anywhere.

After all, the wind does not ask where it goes, or why, or wonder if it will be unhappy in the new places it sees. It is constant, and carries with it the breaths of billions, drawing about a collective voice in the land. The sigh of a mourning mother, or laughter of a child. The wise words of a grandfather, and first breaths of a baby, the last breath of the dying, are all united - to be inhaled and exhaled, joined in life and death, time after time, for as long as the heart shall beat and the trees rustle, from the beginning until the end of time.

The water too, poured from the ocean and mountains in lakes, then into clouds - carrying with it the blood of past wars, the baptism of billions, the means of life and livelihood. All things were connected, and one need to only stop to consider where they stand in the vast weave of life. Pluck a thread from any point and you will find your way back home, and your way forward from the same strand.

He was unafraid to leave the threads that he had known for so long, because of this. His heart knew no distance that his legs could not cross, and his mind knew no stranger that he could not find a common cord with.

Bravely he went forward. His eyes were cast out on the ranch at the foot of the mountain, and he continued, resolved.


Speak of the devil, and up she pops. Even though Toby hadn't really said Sabrina's name out loud, perhaps he might have thought as much when a voice as familiar as it was unwelcome declared his.

"Toby," she said, her voice like honey--too thick, and too sweet. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

She afforded Logan a hope I'm not interrupting anything nod and looked expectantly at the omega. "Well? Have you had a chance to look into our little... Science project?"

Logan's face betrayed no expression as Sabrina, materializing like a phantom, stepped into the conversation. Logan had left the conclusion of the conversation to Toby's discernment, but it seems that the end of it was decided for both of them.

Or was it?

The defender seemed to debate something for only a moment, a twitch in her jaw. Then Logan stepped quite abruptly between Sabrina, with Toby behind her strong, scarred back.

"Takto pozdravujete tých, ktorých podporu si prajete?" she asked, raising up her chin a little and crossing her strong arms across her chest. Her tone was even for Toby's sake. "Musíte to urobiť lepšie. Dokonca aj v mojej dedine, kde každý nenávidel toho druhého, sme si povedali „dobrý deň a veľa zdravia“. "Vidíš sa nad tým?" she asked, lowering her chin.

"Budúca „beta“, skúste to znova." she said, with a quick jerk of her head over her shoulder in Toby's direction.

There was a flicker of annoyance that started at the base of Sabrina's spine, but she did not twitch.

She did, however, blink slowly, and leaned back on her hip. She delicately crossed her arms and tilted her head to one side.

"Prepáčte, obranca, zdám sa hrubý? Nemýľte si ma. Záležitosť, o ktorej chcem hovoriť s Tobym, je naliehavá. Teraz, ak ma ospravedlníte?"

"Videl som, ako si sa dnes správal k mojej rodine. Hovoríte, že byť beta znamená viesť. Ale vďaka vám sa cítia malí. Lídri nedávajú svojim ľuďom pocit, že sú malí." Logan said, with growing anger.

"Neodvážil by si sa so mnou takto rozprávať. Tak prečo sa tak správaš k Leviemu a Tobymu?" her nostrils flared up.

"Nemáš moju podporu. Povedali ste, že sa rozhodnete nosiť masku? Prečo ste si vybrali takú násilnú?"

"Ak ma chceš naďalej považovať za nepriateľa, Logan, je to tvoja voľba. Rešpekt sa získava. Tvoje, ich, moje. Teraz, ako som povedal, musím s Tobym prediskutovať niečo dosť dôležité."

Yet she made no move to pass Logan. As dismissive as her words might have been, her stance remained focused on Logan, her gaze intently fixed upon the larger woman's.

"Ako som povedal, skúste to znova, inak ma neprejdete." Logan said, seriously.

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