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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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As soon as the meat was in front of him, the wolf did tear into it aggressively, large bite after large bite, watching Kratos carefully as he ate.

Afterwards his focus fully back on Kratos, his growl was still heard but was much quieter than before. His eyes drifted towards the fridge, then back to Kratos. He looked at the man expectantly.

Ulric ran on, as if he did not hear her, or as if his feet did not hurt. After all, if what Kratos said to him was to be believed, then the onset of the full moon would offset his present injury ... possibly at a cost, but Ulric was willing to observe the difference, - if one indeed existed. Thus, he ran on.


Kratos would have already turned to take more meat from the fridge, knowing Saber's hunger, if not for his willingness to test him. When Saber finished eating, Kratos observed his glances, then turned to acquire more meat. Once again the opportunity to attack the alpha was presented, this time, with not only his eyes but his face turned away.

Bianca did not pick up her speed to pass him, even if she was capable (it might have been a challenge, Ulric was faster than she realized). Whatever disaster, bloodshed, scolding or otherwise that lay at the cabins, would be easier to face if Ulric went first. She didn't want to see her grandfather, Kratos, Dakota, Saber... she'd even snapped at Jackie.

As they'd near, her pace would slow down to a slow run, then a walk.


Chapman opened his mouth to speak again, but his ears turned towards the forest. The steady approach of Ulric and Bianca caused him to withhold whatever it was he intended to say.

From the way Logan's countenance changed, Toby realized he must have said something wrong and it put a pit in his stomach. As Logan haltingly tried to convey her thoughts, Toby nervously tried to understand. Her words immediately recalled to his mind a paragraph from a book he'd read once:

'Dangerous!' cried Gandalf. 'And so am I, very dangerous: more dangerous than anything you will ever meet, unless you are brought alive before the seat of the Dark Lord. And Aragorn is dangerous, and Legolas is dangerous. You are beset with dangers, Gimli son of Glóin; for you are dangerous yourself, in your own fashion. Certainly the forest of Fangorn is perilous — not least to those that are too ready with their axes; and Fangorn himself, he is perilous too; yet he is wise and kindly nonetheless.'

It was a good point, to be sure, but... Well, Toby wanted to feel justified in his use of the word 'dangerous', so whether the innumerable dangers of the world were to be considered or not, Toby refused to apply it to his question about the new werewolf.

"I'm..." He began slowly, considering her question carefully. "I don't think I'm here to do either. My Granny made me join the pack. To be honest, unless they want to learn to be decent human beings, there's nothing I can teach them, and I'm not altogether interested in learning how to become a wolf. S-so..." He shrugged.

Logan did not hesitate.

"Then, you are here to be a friend!" she said in a spirited way, flashing a white smile warmly.

"That is good. There is a need for this. I am a friend," she said, pointing a thumb at herself. "But you do not have to mine, if you do not want it. Tell me, who does Toby call friend?" she asked, gesturing at the lanky teen with a flat hand pointed at him.

Ulric also slowed down as he neared the clearing. When he left, things had been heating up. What he found upon returning was anticlimactic to say the least... Theo was by the grill, cooking fish like a good neighbor. That was it.

"Hey, Theo..." Ulric said slowly. He made an obvious gesture to look at Officer Chapman across the yard, and glance for signs of Kratos. "Where is everybody?"

Bianca split off from Ulric and went to her Grandfathers cruiser. Without a word, she climbed inside. Her Granfather slipped in and was a man when he was in the seat again.

“You’re not alright,” he said, when the doors were both closed. “Something going on?”

“Yes and no,” Bianca replied, bluntly.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not particularly.”

“I understand.”

“….. Did mom struggle, with control?” Bianca asked after a moment, not meeting his eyes.

“… No, I can’t say she did.” Bob said, gently.

“Didn’t think so…”

“It can happen, anyway.”

“I’ll figure it out.” She said, stubbornly.

“You will.” Bob reassured.

“Grandpa… how did you know you wanted to be with Grandma?”

Bob raised an eyebrow.

“I didn’t think about it. I knew from the second I saw her smile.” he said, more warmly than before.

Bianca slumped into the seat.

“I think Ulric asked me on a date…” she admitted, covering her face.

Bob looked in the direction of Ulric, and back to Bianca. “Oh… Good! I think. That depends on you. Are you excited?”

“I don’t know, I told him I wanted to go out with him, but - I don’t know,” she said.

Bob laughed. Bianca uncovered her red cheeks and shot him a dirty look, as if to say this isn’t funny’.

“Hey, don’t give me that look. I’m sorry- you just sound exactly like your grandmother. She rejected me a dozen times before we went out the first time.”

“He’s handsome, and nice, and kind to me. He’s too good to be true.” she said. “I’d rather just be alone than end up hurt.”

“Like with, what’s his name—that Daniel’s kid? Yeah… you got burned. I was real disappointed in him. But you gotta have faith, kiddo.”

“Well, besides-it’s a small pack, and if it doesn’t work out, it’ll be… super weird. Ugh. It’s a bad idea. I should just tell him that.”

Bob said nothing.


“Your call.”


“Bianca Shragron…” Bob mused, playfully, with a hum. Bianca slapped his arm. The two resumed talking.

The wolf did watch Kratos' movements closely, his glancing back at the wolf, to opening the fridge, to him looking into the fridge to aquire more meat.

Although the arrangements weren't ideal, as long as he was being fed, the wolf seemed more willing to tolerate Kratos' presence now, waiting (somewhat impatiently) for more meat to be thrown his way.

Theo glanced up from his work. He missed the approach of his packmates, engrossed as he was with preparing the fish. He blinked twice to Ulric's question.

"N-not sure. It was just like this when I got here... just found a bunch of fish. Thought we could use a meal..."

It felt strange to use his voice, when he had spent most of it silent. The realization struck him just after the words left his mouth. The somberness of his vigil had been broken and once more he was among the movement of people.

Ulric took note of Bianca when she went another way, and saw her reunited with her grandfather. He looked at Theo.
"It smells wonderful!" He said, referring to the grill's fuel. "I wonder if Bianca has some lemons inside..."

Ulric's thought trailed with his eyes, wondering what Bianca and Officer Chapman were talking about. Briefly, he saw the officer glance his way. Bianca was covering her face. No doubt the old policeman was doing a better job at coaching Bianca through her anxiety. Ulric looked at the fence surrounding the pit and furrowed his brow.

"Keep up the good work!" He said to Theo, not knowing what else to say. Then he walked to the fence once again and peered down.


Alpha Kratos turned his face away, but not for the reason one might suspect. There were, after all, few pleasures like feeding an undisciplined werewolf from the palm of one's hand, and Kratos could not help but smile. Of course, it was a pleasure he was uniquely suited to enjoy; there were not many men alive who could boast doing so without peril.

Again, Kratos borrowed from the pack's cold meat supply, and tossed pieces to Saber. When facing him, the alpha's pleasure was concealed behind the natural gravity he always seemed to wear in some context. But so often as he had the opportunity to turn from Saber, at least some mild degree of hidden pleasure leaked through. He would feed Saber so long as Saber was willing to ask for it, in a glance, a lick, or any other benign way.

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