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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Tiffany's eyes narrowed and her brows knit together. She didn't know what the old man meant, but she knew it didn't sound good.

"Well, I'm listening." She said.


Ulric extended his hands, trusting Bianca. He was willing to play, despite the nagging feeling that he should get back to the clearing. But regarding Kratos, he said nothing. Kratos and Ulric had not grown up together, Ulric sometimes wondered what their relationship would be if they had. His experience with the nature of play and bullying came from children much like himself who were spread out on the wind, whisked to and fro from house to house and from foster family to foster family until fate should find them a home or they were too old to be carried by it.


Kratos waited patiently with the meat held out. He did not move, nor show any affect to Saber's growling.

Bianca nodded.

“Good. Now turn your palms up to the sky.”


Chapman turned his eyes away, and then his head and body in turn. If she was clever, and he believed she was, she would extrapolate enough from his words to discern the meaning of them, however ambiguous.

Dropping onto all fours, with his tail held out straight behind him, he opened his mouth and inhaled the mountain air.

The wolf was not pleased by the Alpha's insistence on keeping the meat in his grasp.

Still growling and watching the alpha, the wolf turned and began heading back up the stairs to see if he could find something easier to eat elsewhere.

Ulric obeyed and turned his hands to the sky.

"You better not drop a snail or something gross on me." Ulric said, only half joking. The nagging feeling persisted.


Kratos listened to Saber return up the stairs and could make a fair assumption as to what he was after, but as for himself the Alpha did not move.

"Ew.. no." Bianca said, visibly disgusted. The thought of even touching anything that created it's own slime, or had more than four legs, was enough to make her reel.

"Now, cross your arms over your chest and put your hands on your shoulders."

Because of the design of the cabin's hardwood floors, the wolf was not hard to keep track of even though out of sight. The claws of the wolf could be heard taping and scraping the wood as he walked down the hallway of the second floor.

The wolf came upon the small windowless room first, breathing in the air intently for that he sought. But his backpack and usual rations were not found, angering the wolf further. So, he left.

The next room he came by held a familiar scent that made the wolf growl. He did not dare enter the room, and so it was passed by.

The third room’s occupants' scent was less familiar, but one he still had smelled around the cabins before. He opened the door to the room. After sniffing around a bit, no food seemed to be present there and he left.

The fourth room that he approached held the most familiar scent. He growled loudly at the smell of Sabrina, as he quickly passed the room by.

Lastly, the room at the end of the hall was checked for food, the door opened for a closer look…

Slowly, the wolf entered into Timothy's room, breathing in the vast array of smells to be found there.

Kratos listened to Saber crawling about from room to room... the lost boy seemed to give no ear of thought to any room he passed by, not til he came to that one room at the end. And what would he find there? Timothy hardly ever spent any time in that room.

Kratos rested his arms upon his knees as he waited. Listening up through the ceiling and floorboards.

Timothy's room was empty, save for a little bed and a blanket, a pillow and a pair of socks. Timothy kept nothing in that room that he valued. And what did the boy value? Perhaps, in some corner of the clearing, or a nook in the forest, or somewhere else entirely one might find something of interest. But this was not that place, and there would be nothing here to entertain or intrigue.


Ulric grimaced playfully and crossed his arms.

"Like a mummy?" He said. He stuck out his tongue and made a face with a haunted moan, then laughed.

Internally, he was having a terribly hard time trusting the process, and felt more gullible with every moment. But, he did as instructed and tried to sound lighthearted and confident regardless. Perhaps his uneasiness would not be detected.

Bianca laughed and smiled broadly, nodding.

”Yep, like a mummy!” she repeated cheerfully. 

She then tried to conceal her joy and look more serious. Ulric was a victim undeserving of such silly games, and that’s all it was. And yet Bianca revelled in them, transported in spirit back to her highschool days. 

“Last step, I promise. Put your hands on your head. If you don’t laugh after that step, I lose.” 

The room was practically empty. It seemed an odd thing for the wolf to have entered, but after breathing in the scents alluding to all the areas Timothy had traversed previous days, the wolf turned to the one thing that was of interest...

He went to the window and with his front paws he put them on the windowsill, standing up. He opened a small section of the blinds with his paw and peered out into the front yard of the cabins.

Chapman's car was noted and the old werewolf himself was seen too. Saber growled. He was trapped.

The beast stirred inside.

The wolf turned to leave the room, but was growling aggressively now. He slammed into Timothy's door with his body out of anger. Soon, he was in the hallway, scratching and thrashing about, his anger vocalized loudly through growling and barking.

When Toby returned to his own cabin, he was a little surprised to find Logan standing in front of the children's room like some sort of bouncer. He stared at her for several minutes, trying to figure out what to ask and how to ask it.

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