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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Once the wolf was done eating, with the look in his eyes, it was clear he wanted more.

Ulric looked at Bianca inquisitively, but not without some reservation.

"I'm not going to get soaked, am I?" He asked seriously.


Kratos did not rise to reach the refrigerator. There was no need. He was still crouching in the kitchen, close enough to procure more meat with one arm, and thus employed himself. Then he held it out in front of him again.

"You say that like you've been dunked before." she said, raising up an eyebrow and then laughing. "You're safe here. If Kratos has bullied you, I'll yell at him." she said, laughing again, but had a look that she was at least half serious.  "Alright, so. You know how I come from a family of nurses and doctors? This is what we were told to do to make us happy when we're sad. You gotta follow my instructions exactly or it won't work. Doctors... not therapists... but, trust me." she said, standing in front of him but giving about an arms length of space. She shook her head to get her bangs out of her eyes.

"Alright, first step - put your hands out in front of you, keep them straight, palms down." she said, but did not demonstrate.

Chapman returned to the fence and peered down at Tiffany and Ionone again, but did not turn his body totally towards the arena. All about his disposition was alert, confident and prepared.

“You realize that you’re a liability by now,” he said, surmising a conversation that seemed to have occurred where it did not.

“Of all the places to come..” his steeley eyes watched the forest line, his ears swiveled.

“In any case… you’re better off letting them believe you’re dead.”


Logan listened over her shoulder into the room, and finally turned towards the door and knocked lightly with a knuckle.

Tiffany leaned off the wall as the salt-licked grey werewolf appeared over the ledge. Her dark brown eyes surveyed him warily, from his gun, to the way he watched the clearing, and the confidence in his stance. With a flick of her head she cast a cascade of wild curls from her face and cocked her chin up at him.
"What are you scared of, Argyros?" She said.

Tiffany's heartbeat had quickened, unheard by anyone but her companion in the pit.

Chapman had a hand rested on the belt near his gun, but did not wield it presently; it sat in it's holster, and the other hand was loose at his thigh.

"I never liked clowns much." he said, evenly.

"You and your friend are in a bad way." he looked to the Kitsune; her faction did not tolerate failure, and it seemed she had already paid the price for it in the past.

Tiffany's situation spoke for itself.

"I was never good at poker. I like fishing, and golf. Put your cards down and give me something useful to work with." his thick gray mane rested around the blue neck and shoulders of his uniform, and he turned his head to meet Tiffany's eyes sympathetically.

Tiffany had played cards with many dangerous men over the years. Trusting any man on his word was not her first, second, or third instinct. But knowing how to play up to a man's pretty words was one way she stayed in the game.

"Okay," she said. "We'll play nice. What are you fishing for?"

"I doubt that, but one good turn deserves another."


"Got kinda cheeky once." Robin said with a sarcastic smile, sitting on Chapman's back porch and watching the fields sway in the twilight breeze.

"How's that?" Chapman asked. Gnats swarmed around the porch light, crickets chirped in the distance.

"Took up this bartending gig at this place called El Blanco Lobo, outside of Pinerich." she said, with a chuckle.

"That's a little on the nose, isn't it?" the old officer mused, raising up an eyebrow.  He didn't mention that his wife had met the bartender.

"Yeh, yeh, I know." Robin muttered, taking a swig of her drink and shaking her head. "Wanted information on my husband, figured... best place to get it was closer to the source. Got careless, or stopped caring altogether. I dunno. Just tired by then."

"You find anything out, about him?" Chapman asked.

"No... ended up gettin' run out by some big city pups. Made the hair stand up on end as soon as they drove up. Tried to make nice, get 'em fixed up, see if it'd get them off our case, quick like." her hand tightened a little on the neck of the bottle. "Woulda probl'y stood my ground like a whole fool if Val hadn't been there, but he didn't deserve it the first time."

Chapman nodded solemnly. It wasn't a memory they could share the weight of, between all three of them. He watched Robin shudder it off with a cold breeze.

"Anyway... there was a blonde woman--someone too pretty to be in all that mess--she slipped off to powder her nose. I went in behind her, feel out the situation. She gave me an out, and we took it, not a minute too soon..."

"You get her name?"

"No-but you could pick her out of a million. Big, curly blonde hair and ash brown eyes--the kinda figure that probly started wars in ancient Greece. Called me sugar, real sweet like."

Chapman hummed to himself and looked out into the fields.

"Y'know, I hope she's alright. Maybe wastin' my breath, but I been prayin' for her every night since."


"I want you to help me start a war in Greece."



 No answer came to Samantha and Dakota's door. Logan resumed her post dutifully.

The kitsune said nothing.

However, she did sit up, pressing a forearm to her thigh and resting the other leg curled beneath her. She did not turn to Chapman as he spoke.  Though Tiffany might be a gambler, she was not. She was a creature of shadow and night. It was better, then, that even her thoughts would not betray her and reveal nothing until opportunity presented itself.

The wolf's growl grew stronger with Kratos' movement. The wolf eyed the meat, then barked. He continued to growl at Kratos in anger.

He was not going over to him to get the meat.

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