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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Bianca accepted the embrace, tenatively for but a moment, then tightly, as if he were a lifeline thrown at stormy seas.

To be approved of and liked by the many had, it seemed, been her goal, one that she felt was utterly decimated by her own actions today, and in previous days confounded by perception.

In the process, she had forgotten the souls need to be seen, deeply and truly, if by one alone.

She tucked her head into the nook beneath Ulric’s chin and held tight. As the forest was silent, so was the tumult of her heart. She found much needed comfort in his embrace and in his scent, and was reluctant to relinquish it. 

The beast crept out of the room, down the hallway to the stairs. He breathed in the scents of those that had past, the air of the mountains Kratos had let in earlier through the door, and Bianca's blood that still lingered faintly in it.

There was injured prey somewhere- Unfortunately the giant of a man downstairs was not it. The prey had gotten away.

As the beast began to descend the stairs, a growl escaped his throat before he even saw Kratos. When he came into view from the stair railing the beasts near black eyes were glued to the alpha, echoing the same threat his growl spoke-

" Leave me alone or I'll kill you."

Ulric held Bianca for as long as she needed it. He was in no hurry to get back to the dens and see what chaos had created there. In fact, he felt himself fortunate to not have given up the chase, or left Bianca to face her feelings alone. All things pass in time. The troubles of the moment cannot reflect on the souls that carry them. It is in overcoming, growing beyond a moment of pain, that jewels of a human nature are made.

The beauty of collapse is in the aftermath. When human hearts accompanied by human hands lift the fallen walls and dig the children out of the rubble. So it was in disaster, and so it was in times like these.


"Ah, he speaks." Alpha Kratos said as he turned. Two large, wet slabs of meat were in his fist and between his fingers. It was not ground meat, nor packaged in any plastic or paper. It fresh red meat, and it dripped on the floor.

"Well." He said solemnly. "You can try."

He held the meat out in front of him and crouched down on the balls of his feet.
"Come." He said plainly, and he tapped the side of his neck with his unoccupied hand. "Put your fangs in my throat, if you can reach it."

A sense of safety and warmth engulfed Bianca; the anxieties became numb, and a sleepy, contented feeling replaced them. In spite of the day that Ulric had, he had pleasant, familiar smell that the mud and blood couldn't cover up. Even when she found herself relishing it, she didn't want to let go, but nonetheless would, in time - if only for Ulric's sake.

She took a small step back and met his eyes briefly, then looked past him with an emotion that was hard to place; the way she rubbed her wrists said that she felt guilty, while there was a little soft sigh of near relief on her lips even as she turned her head to the side. In the absence of the warmth of him, the cold air felt worse than it had before.

"I don't... um.." know what to say. Know what happened. Want to go back. Want to leave. Know why I'm like this. Mean to scare you. Want to let you go.

She couldn't find the words, so with those two quiet words her thought trailed off.

The scent of the meat in Kratos' hand was strong, and the beast couldn't help but lick his lips as it breathed the smell deeply through his nostrils. He did not like Kratos' taunt however.

The beast angrily barked. " Don't test me," it seemed to say.

The beast made his way down the last step and carefully began to move towards the front door, eyes still staring with violence towards the alpha, his voice ever growling his continued threat against him.

Kratos watched Saber approach the door, and then he warned him. He did not move, but he looked at the door and then at Saber again. Low, steady, and without changing his expression or body language at all, his growl was heard in human form.


Ulric offered Bianca a fleeting smile to let her know it was alright, and that even when the sky gathered blackness the simple things would still be there.

"It's okay," he said. "You don't have to."

It seemed awkward to leave it at that, so Ulric ventured further.

"Your grandpa came to pick up Saber... or the Svalnaglas. He doesn't know which." He said.

Bianca saw the smile and nodded at the simple words, and for a second she was warmed by them. Then her brow knit when her Grandfather was mentioned. She couldn’t guess at his behavior anymore than anyone else’s. Everyone seemed some manner of off kilter today.

“Yeah.. I have so many questions…” she said, defeatedly. Maybe with a little clarity and a little less uncertainty, she could feel safe. Less overwhelmed.

”Ulric, can I say something?…” she paused and met his eyes seriously, “Just between us?”

The beast stopped at the alphas warning, his own growl faultering and growing softer. He stayed by the door and did not move, but continued to watched Kratos' every breath.

Now that he stood still, the slight tremble of his legs from fatigue was evident. Oh how thin he must've been under all the human clothing that tried to cover up his vulnerability.

Jackie came behind Ulric only by minutes, yet she did not arrive upon the scene. Rather, upon noticing Ulric had stopped and found what he sought, she remained a great distance away. She sensed she had come upon something delicate, and knowing herself not a delicate person, had opted to not impose upon it.  Her concern had been only in ensuring Ulric did not once more cause unnecessary harm to himself once more.

She was far enough away not to catch the details of their conversation, although could tell by tone that neither were in distress. Pleased enough by the revelation, she instead set her attention to a magnificent tree.  It seemed as good a time as any to climb high into its bows and see how far she could survey the land from its vantage.

Ulric met Bianca's gaze compassionately.

"Yeah," he said, uncertain for himself and yet sure of the answer. "Of course you can."


Kratos' growl subsided with Saber's compliance. Then, he tossed the meat out, softly. It landed on the floor, which was hardwood all throughout, and left quite a splattering.

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