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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Ulric had his hands on his knees to catch his breath. As the moment prolonged itself, his thoughts came back to him, and a heavy sense of discouragement began to hang on his chest.

Would Ulric let Bianca go? Where would she go? When would she come home? Why had not her grandfather followed? Perhaps, he simply didn't have the stamina...

Ulric listened to his own breath rise and fall as he looked over his shoulder and examined his surroundings. Was there any rhyme or reason in her direction? Was she going home to Middlecrest? Who would she encounter along the way? Would this night see her carrying such a dreadful burden as the one he carried of Mercy?  The thought prompted him to raise himself up and walk in pursuit of her. But what of Saber? What about Dekota and Samantha? Ulric stopped once again. His shoulders sank even as his chest continued to rise and fall.

It was a terrible thing to be torn so many directions. Ulric, in his faithful heart, could not find choice between the multitude that seemed to need him. And yet, here he was, in the forest without anyone at all. If he stayed here, or walked to find Bianca, she would come into trouble well ahead of him, and the others would make due without him. He could serve no one. Nonetheless, Kratos was there at the dens. Bianca had no one. And if she came to trouble, she would still need someone come the light of dawn. So, Ulric did walk. He walked and followed her trail, though it was certain to do no better good than that he tried.

Perhaps not as far up as it might have felt or seemed, and still a fair distance on two legs, Bianca was curled up beneath a giant blue spruce.

On one side, the skirt of thick, piny branches was sparse and created a kind of cove wherein the blonde wolfe hid, tucked nearly against the trunk of the tree. The opening was no more than three feet high and two feet wide, but the spread at the bottom of the tree was almost twenty feet in diameter, making for a dense yet spacious covering.

A quiet, trilling whine could be heard from the makeshift hideaway, quieting a moment as she plucked small glass fragments from her paws with her teeth, before licking the blood from them and whining again. Her back legs trembled and her body occasionally followed, while her tail was tucked beneath her, but her ears were up and alert.

The sound of scratching was coming from Saber's door.

The beast did not know how to get out from the closed door. Whether this was a good or bad thing, only time would tell.

Crunch, crunch...

Two fish went down much easier than Jackie had expected, and with far little scrap left behind. She had discovered her teeth a better tool for the fine bones than her pocket knife, and almost everything edible if she put her mind to it. The scales were spat out, however, and left in a little pile per her interpretation of Bianca's instructions.

She watched as the chaos unfolded around her with the barest awareness of her senses. It came to her as easily as breathing. When she glanced up, she turned to the direction Bianca had left - and had been pursued by Ulric. Then again towards the cabins Kratos had entered and the uncontrolled were turned, and then to where the strange police man waited...

She considered and then with a shrug rolled the fish towards the shade of the BBQ. In the cool weather, she was not concerned it would spoil anytime soon. Then she began to lightly jog in the direction that Ulric and Bianca had gone.

That was... Odd.

Toby stood there, staring at the empty road like a deer in headlights. There were a lot of things he was afraid was going to happen when he told Kratos about the mountain. Never in his wildest fantasies would he have expected Kratos to respond to the news by... Running off...

Still, it wasn't a disagreeable result. Toby shrugged and continued along down the path toward the cabins.

Kratos listened. There seemed to be no urgency in Saber's resolve to escape the room... as yet, he had not attempted to open the door. It could safely be assumed, then, that he had not yet "woken" from the initial change and was acting purely on stimulus. If that were so, it seemed his subconscious mind felt safe, not trapped. An interesting conclusion.

Now that Kratos knew something of Saber's present condition, he walked softly but less cautiously to the kitchen. There, he took the broom from the closet and swept up the glass. It mattered a little less that Saber should hear him now, nonetheless, Kratos kept an ear out to hear what Saber would do.


Ulric walked steadily along Bianca's trail, listening, sniffing, and searching... He lowered his head when he heard her whimpering, and slowed his pace til he could see the tree where she hid through a network of bramble.

Now, Ulric stopped. There was a careful balance in being near someone, and still giving them the space they needed to thrive. Ulric knew this was not the first time Bianca had run away, but she had not gone as far as he thought she would. So, for the time being, he would be here... just out of sight.

Ulric crouched slowly and softly on the ground. He looked at his muddy bare feet and noticed they were bleeding. He couldn't remember what he had run through, but it didn't much seem to matter. For the moment, he listened. His heart was still pounding in his chest, but he could hear Bianca, softly whimpering beyond the trees... The rest of the forest seemed quiet.

Under the tree, amongst the old fallen needles and twigs, Bianca continued to whimper for a while longer. Then the whimpering turned into more distinguishable muffled groaning, however still unintelligible.

She wiped her eyes and nose with her wrists and paws and continued to mumble in a blubbering voice. When that subsided, the last sound that could be heard for a moment was a heavy sigh....

It was a good thing Ulric was there. When anger and sadness subside, there is an empty space in the soul waiting to be filled by some other emotion. Apathy, remorse, guilt, and self hatred were all contenders for that spot, and none of them were to the benefit of the heart that held them.

Yet Bianca could tell Ulric was near, and he was hurt, too... it was enough to bring her to look outward instead of inward. Eventually she crawled out from under the hide and even as she moved to stand she changed forms, then turned to face him, although her eyes stayed low. She held one arm with the other hand and looked like a shell of herself standing there across from Ulric; one with bloody palms and the other with bloody soles.

Logan moved near to Dakota's bedroom door and stood resolutely against it. Where the children were involved, nothing would get past her. However she did not know what words to say to comfort them, and left that piece to Dakota.

The defender considered all that had happened during the day with discontent. Always she had been too slow or too clumsy or not in the right position to prevent anything from happening that should not have happened. To dwell on her shortcomings would solve nothing. Already she knew what her next steps to resolve it would be, at least in part, but she was unhappy with the thought.


Chapman took the folder off of the dash and casually perused it as if looking at a magazine in the waiting lobby of a doctors office.

The noise of scratching and a clank from the door knob being struck sounded on the second floor of the first cabin.

The beast growled at the difficulty he was having with the door. Soon however after a few more feeble tries to get his paws to grip the knob, the door clicked open- he was finally free.

Kratos casually walked to the refrigerator and opened the door as if to survey its contents. He listened still...


Ulric stayed down and out of sight til he heard Bianca's breathing change, and knew she had returned to her primary form. Then he came out and looked at her. There wasn't any need to say anything. Ulric walked as if ignorant of his own wounds and embraced Bianca full and well.

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