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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Logan had reacted, and in fact, had done so as soon as the commotion was heard from the back door. She had moved to intercept Bianca, and yet the blonde slipped easily past the bulky defender! In the process, the younger female snarled and snapped back some nasty wolfish words in Logan’s direction, that roughly translated to “leave me alone”!

It was surprising enough to give even Logan pause and utter her own curse. Her trajectory rapidly changed; she was not at ease with Ulric going to meet Saber alone, having seen the tension between them earlier! Knowing she would be unable to catch Bianca, she decided instead to intercept Ulric, and with a few heavy bounds and a long leap, she crashed down in front of him and barred his path! Her ears swiveled back to the cabin and she listened for trouble inside, but her violet eyes were fixed on Ulric.

Surprisingly, the elder Chapman made no move. He waited in his car, and his steel blue eyes observed the scene unfold as if with passive interest.

But Ulric was not after Saber, and perhaps in that assumption was the shortcoming, for Ulric bypassed Logan as easily as Bianca had a moment before.


Kratos arrived in the clearing in the form of a man, and stood to survey the presences there. Briefly, his eyes met that of Officer Chapman, then he looked away.

"Logan, guard the children." He said, "And don't let anyone get passed you this time."

The alpha alone would enter the cabin, and what he would find there... was anyone's guess.

Logan looked befuddled; did Ulric think he stood a chance at catching up on two legs? Surely he was not so foolish.

It didn't matter; she heard Kratos' command and obeyed. No sooner had she stepped foot in the second cabin did she change forms. She was shortly after up the stairs to watch the rooms of the children..

Chapman returned the glance and continued to wait in his vehicle, with all of the doors closed.


Bianca went with her ears back and her eyes set sharply forward. Mud caked her sandy blonde pelt up to her elbows and heels and her white uniform was likewise dirtied.

She swiveled around brush and trees with foxlike agility, and kept her head low, occasionally lifting it and looking over her shoulder. Someone was following.

Dakota nodded to Ulric's command and headed towards the second cabin. He soon found Samantha in his room, who was hiding in the closet after hearing the commotion outside.


Ulric was determined in his pursuit. He threw himself into every step. With the dawning of the moon, he was ever nearer his full strength and power. He was quick, light of step, and faster than any human man his same size and weight. Yet, on two legs he was disadvantaged against his own kind. And, it was not long before he lost sight of Bianca.

"Bianca...." Ulric panted. His heart and mind were pounding hard, but it was no use. She was gone.

It was not a total loss.... a trail, made with a few drops of metallic crimson hither and thither, might lead him onward still. And yet, what would he find at the end, and what tools did he possess to protect himself against the anger that drove her forward?

Entering the first cabin, Kratos would find the place quiet. On the first floor, nothing seemed amiss, except the glass of the broken plate Bianca had slipped over just minutes earlier.

On the second floor, Saber's door remained closed...

Logan watched Dakota go into the room to tend to Samantha. She stood near the stairwell and itched her nose at the strong odors of Bianca’s shampoos and perfumes..

“Do not let anymore past you, agch.. ponižujúce.”

Kratos pressed the front door open and stooped as he passed under the doorframe. The wind blew through the backdoor and filled the house with an autumn cold. Kratos opened his mouth and breathed deeply, letting it bring him the scent of the mountain. The shards of glass glinted from the kitchen, catching his eye briefly. He could smell Bianca's blood. Ulric's muddy loafers were at the foot of the western stairway.

Kratos entered the house slowly, and silently. The heels of his heavy black boots gently rested ahead of his toes with every step. As he came to the center of the room, he gave pause to lift his chin and smell toward the stairwell. Again, he opened his mouth and breathed the scent of the house. Now, he could smell it all; every piece of furniture, every article of clothing, every odor of every werewolf; and he knew how long ago they had each passed through the place, how long they had stayed, and in which direction they left. More than this, Kratos tilted his head just so that his ear faced the ceiling and he listened... If he had calculated correctly, he would be standing right under Saber's room, and would hear him move, even through the floor. Kratos stood still, listening... waiting.

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