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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Words could not describe the state Saber’s mind was in right now.

There was a very dark cloud that had followed him back to the cabins that only grew from the isolation. The fear of the beast in its attempt at survival and the will of the person that feared its presence were at war. Things only grew darker as he entered his room and yelled out in frustration.

Destruction followed.

The door and walls were slammed. The bed was pushed and smashed into the door. The small end table was thrown around, now laying on the ground in several pieces. Saber had cried out many times from the inner turmoil of the storm raging on the inside, tearing him apart. Several marks were cut into the wall with his pocket knife out of rage and confusion.

Having finally found some control, Saber stopped, and looked at the destruction he had caused. His body was trembling. His heart beat wildly. The beast was winning. He was a monster now. He had no control over it. He was going to end up killing someone. It would be better if he died now than continue living on as what he'd  become, but the beast did not want to die. The beast could not die. It was in him, and would not let him die.

He trembled, gripping the pocket knife in his hand. Memories began to stir. Then Bianca pounded loudly outside.

Saber's eyes darted to the door. He watched and listened with dread. He wanted to let go of the knife as it was damning evidence of the killer that he so clearly would become, but at the same time it was his only means of defense. It was a lifeline to surviving this. Oh, how he wished to survive this, but they all wanted him dead. He was going to die, one way or another. Whoever's hand it would be from, (even his own body was seeking his death) just as surely as the full moon crept up to rise soon, so surely was he going to die that night.

Saber moved and pushed up against bed to keep the door blocked. Bianca began yelling for him to come out, as his blood ran cold. He wanted to speak, but the beast wasn't done talking to him yet.

“Here's their excuse for killing you,” it said. “You're going to hurt her- that will be enough. Let me have control, I can save us both. Just give me control. Give me... control. ...Give me control. Give... me control. Give me control...-"

Saber resisted. He couldn't let the beast hurt anyone. But as Bianca roared, Saber slipped. Fear gripped his heart, and all over his body grew a familiar sensation.

“ Bianca!” Dakota's voice was heard down the hallway right after she had changed. “ What are you doing?” He asked, his face appearing somewhat disappointed.

Ulric would find there were many records of all kinds found for Xiao-Lang Chang of which the folder contained.

From birth records, to his initial allergy tests before he was one years old, to his 22 allergic reactions he'd been hospitalized for, to his school records, of bullying and being bullied, all the way through many many pages of his coma and the long recovery from it, to the slim section of criminal records.

The criminal history of the man that went by Saber was as followed: One graffiti incident as a teen, driving under the influence at illegal age as an adult and several speeding tickets.

Beyond that, there only seemed to be one more file of criminal activity, but it appeared Saber was more of a victim in said events than the one that had caused it.

After over two hundred pages of documentations, the few final reports were of his recent hospitalization after the werewolf attack, and the fever. He had barely survived both. Finally the last file was his missing persons report, with details of his apartment being a mess and suspected foul play in his disappearance.

The file was a wealth of knowledge. Rarely could a life be laid out in front of someone so easily, and while there were some gaps to the story, a life riddled with anger, pain and the struggle to stay alive was painted as clear as day.

Ulric read, or rather perused, the files with care. As a young man, his attention was prone to stop on the things that seemed to matter in the moment. But maturity and wisdom, perhaps, lent it's sway. Ulric found himself taking note of the things that didn't seem to matter in the moment... places, people, patterns. Why were these names familiar?

Ulric closed the file and looked at the chief.

"You've come for the Svalnaglas?"

"I assume so. It'll be certain once I meet with your Alpha. " Chapman responded. In hindsight, he didn't see why Kratos would want to know more about Saber and simultaneously request that he be removed from the territory, thus rendering those details irrelevant.

There was more to be said on the matter of the Svalnaglas but he was not inclined to speak on it himself. Whatever was to be said, would need to come from Kratos.

"I hope that there's something useful in that to help his situation..." he said, doubtfully, a kind of knowing in his voice. "I admit I didn't have much time to look over it, myself."

Bianca's ears fell back against her head when she heard Dakota's voice. Her hands trembled and her body shook with intense emotion, and she dare not look back at the young man who, years younger than her, possessed more control than she did at present.

If only the individuals on either side of the door knew how closely their thoughts mirrored one another. Desperately hurting, and so convinced by their own minds that they were alone in their perceptions; each having been deceived by a shared enemy that they had no place and no friends who would understand them.

In spite of the evidence and efforts against those perceptions, their hearts had at some point put up fortresses in their defense, and had ended up trapping their true enemies inside in the process. For every word of encouragement that attempted to breach those iron walls in their souls, their enemies had a hundred retorts prepared that nullified and distorted the kindness. Every gift of friendship and kindness was wrongfully perceived to conceal daggers and poison.

With enough convincing, they would embody the very same enemy that had invaded their hearts; nobody whose mind was so often set on the same subject could avoid becoming what was always at the forefront of their mind.

Bianca's chest tightened and her ears rang.

"I need air," she commented, desperately.

"I can't breathe." she added anxiously, and took to all four limbs!

With frightful speed she bolted down the hall, past Dakota, and down the stairs, crashing into corners and rails as she went! Downstairs, she slipped on glass and fell on her shoulder, before scrambling to the back door and pulling it open-then, in a streak of blonde and white, she was off into the forest!

Meanwhile, out in the woods, the lone figure toiled and worked many hours. The sun had descended by several degrees from the last he had been seen, and much work had been done since then. He had filled a small basket of processed and dried herb, with the remainder in various stages of processing.

Perhaps, Theo's mother would have been proud to know the efficiency by which he had toiled alone.  It had always been their task together.  He had never done it alone, but he knew that before she had taken him on as his apprentice, she had done as such. It was an important art of his pack, and one which demanded the utmost respect and calm. And often, it was a lonely task.

He gazed outwards into the lush growth of the woods, contemplating the birdsong and those that had made it, the smell of forest creatures as they went about their goings, and the calm lull of the day before the moon. He knew it was only the calm before the storm. Already, he had heard several wolfsongs in the air... though he had secluded himself, the goings of the pack and the dramas therein went on without him. Once he returned, it would no doubt be waiting.

Yet he could not summon it in himself to return yet.  He picked up his basket and walked down instead to the trickle of the stream. The water was cool and inviting. He sat along the bank and dipped his feet into the water, enjoying the sensation of the water's flow.

Image you are the river, the thought bubbled in his mother's voice. Theo smiled in the sunlight, imagining himself small once more, when everything was simple and peaceful.

Image you are the river. You do not concern yourself with where you have come from or where you will go. You only move along the course you were destined to... As must we too flow along the paths life has carved for us.

Toby felt his soul leave his body when Kratos threw the beam as effortlessly as a plastic straw, even though it wasn't thrown at him.

"Not openly... Not yet." Toby answered as steadily as he could, "We have had plenty of intruders over the past couple of months though, and there's been plenty of strangers in town too. Who are those two guys in the Pit Of Punishment?"

Kratos was to call the shot, whatever the shot be. Whatever fate was in store for the Svalnaglas, it was for Kratos to decide. Ulric had only time to look at those woods wherein the alpha must surely be, and wonder what it was like for his brother, wondering how he carried the weight of these decisions... when then Bianca darted out from the house and Ulric's thoughts were immediately derailed.

"Bianca?" Ulric tossed the files back on the dashboard and was out of the car in a moment.
"Bianca! Logan -" Ulric spoke, knowing he could not change forms and would not be able to catch her himself, but before the thought could get past his lips something happened.

Suddenly Dakota came out of the front door of the cabin.

" Ulric!!" He called out, racing towards Ulric at top speed.

Slowing down as he reached him, Dakota took a deep breath and released it. " Bianca is struggling with her control, and the new wolf has somehow changed already," he explained in quiet urgency. " Bianca ran out back and the new wolf is still in his room, but won't be for long."

Dakota's hazel eyes stared at Ulric, seeming in earnest longing for some piece of wisdom the older may part to him. "What should I do?"

A thought visually crossed Kratos' face, but it was never given voice.  He turned abruptly toward the clearing and listened. Then he took off!


Ulric looked at Dakota with his brows knit tightly together.
"Saber changed forms?" He asked, bewildered. But he wasn't going to stick around for the answer.

"Dakota, just find Samantha and keep her safe." He said, and he ran off toward the cabins...


In the ditch, Tiffany paid ear to the goings on...

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