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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Even Jackie had her limits to what her exhaustion would slumber through. Between Saber's noisy outburst and Bianca's discussion with her grandfather, she found herself dredged to the land of the waking once more. She sat up, looking blearily around herself, and finding herself momentarily displaced in time and space. How long had it been?

She squinted up at the sun, finding that answer enough. Then she rubbed her hands along the back of her head, feeling the grit of the lake against her scalp. Her attention flickered towards the BBQ.

Hadn't Bianca been complaining to her about... something? Fish? She didn't like the fish laying out in the sun?

She stood up with the grace of a newborn deer and plopped herself by her catch of fish in the net. She balanced her weight along the ball of her feet and rested her forearms along her inner thighs as she inspected the next-steps with some consideration. The BBQ promised to be a meddlesome beast, as well as the need to descale them...

The easiest solution, it seemed, had been just as Logan had done. She opened up the net and grabbed a smaller trout. Then with a thoughtful bite, went to see just how it tasted raw.

As Timothy observed Logan's body language out the corner of his eyes, his attention became ever more affixed on the trajectory of hers. In fact, he seemed to move with more purpose, recognizing her attentiveness to the situation. Twas not only he who felt uncomfortable at the arrival of the old dominate werewolf. Logan seemed to be concerned for Ulric's safety. Was it not Ulric who, for Bianca's sake, had called this man 'family'? Yet, Bianca kept her distance. Something was amiss...

As Logan moved in readiness, Timothy rose on his hands and the balls of his feet, moving like liquid platinum no more than a few inches from the ground. He circled slowly, his attention affixed... if there was trouble, he would act much faster than the Defender.


Ulric looked at the enclosure for only a moment. Knowledge was the promise. If Officer Chapman knew anything about these Svalnaglas, Ulric wanted to hear it. He nodded his head and got into the vehicle.

Kratos stood on the path and lowered the beam from his shoulders as Toby spoke. He looked back toward the clearing and the barren trees on either side of the earthen floor. He recalled the quiet, black road beneath the mountain and the cold lake under the valley. Complex stories, it seems, can only be told from different points of view.

Kratos scratched the hair on his chin thoughtfully, and quickly and quietly sent the beam flying into the woods like a spear. It passed through the underbrush and landed on the forest floor as gracefully as a duck on water, there to rest in utter silence. Having discarded it, Kratos turned to look at Toby again.

"Are there other packs that contend for this mountain?" He asked.

One of Logan's short, black ears flickered towards Timothy and back. Stealth served Timothy well; she had learned long ago that if he did not wish to be seen, his coat was an effective cloak in the shadows of the boughs, and it seemed he could move on earth as swift as a hawk could fly. He had used that speed to mock and antagonize her before... but now it was to their advantage.

As for Logan, it would be useless to pretend she could hide as easily as Timothy or that possessed any degree of stealth.

As Chapman and Ulric both got into the vehicle, she stood up on her hind legs and stepped casually out from the line of trees and stood there at the edge of the clearing. She made no attempt to hide her presence and crossed her thick, furry arms as if she were human, as she observed the forms of Ulric and Chapman from behind the window. She wanted the older Alpha to know that she was watching. Her ears were back to express her discontent with the situation.

Even as Chapman gently closed the door, he was alert to all of the life in the clearing. Jackie slinking off to the net of fish, Bianca having practically stomped over to the other cabin..

For a werewolf, the anxieties and frustrations in the air were virtually palpable. Not only did those who were currently present contribute to it - but the echo of all of the activity from this day and even from the days past hung like an imprint in time. Blood, sweat, tears, and the hormones that inhabited those secretions could be traced with clarity to their originators and analyzed with the accuracy of a biochemist.

Traces of anxiety would set the subconscious ill at ease, and the result of the effect was clear. A single werewolf who was not well regulated could inadvertently set a whole pack on alert, especially in the case of young and inexperienced members such as those that inhabited the Calgathorm camp.

Logan made her appearance shortly after he closed the door, and the old Alpha released a terse breath. Ulric's own apprehensions had been observed.

What a mess.

His eyes seemed to say, and the smallest subtle shake of his head might've conveyed his thoughts well enough.

"I was summoned up this mountain by your Alpha, to handle a matter regarding a certain problematic member. I'm relieved to hear that he's alive, although he may not be well." he said, and rubbed the stubble along his chin and he pointed with a finger of the same hand, towards the room that Saber undoubtedly occupied. Although it had no window, the vibrations and the sounds from that place could have hardly been ignored. Then with a sigh he reached onto the dash and took a manila folder out of the window, tapping it to the center console. It contained information on Saber, under his real name.

He held it a moment longer then tossed it back up on the window sill, towards Ulric's side in the car. As of yet, Chapman hadn't taken his eyes off Logan.

There was something at the tip of his tongue, but he refrained from voicing it... it was seen in the tensing of his jaw, and yet, a different approach was taken.

"When did you detain your prisoners?" he asked, inclining his ear towards Ulric without moving his eyes from the defender who watched him with a trained gaze.

Ulric watched Chief Chapman carefully, and wondered if he meant to show him what was in the folder.

'May I?' Ulric's eyes appeared to inquire, as he reached for the files.

"They're not my prisoners." He said. "We found them this morning. What do you know about them?"

Chapman nodded to the first question, "Be my guest," he said, and made no move to prevent Ulric.

The second question was a good one, considering the way it was worded.

"Enough." he responded, and relaxed back in his seat when Logan's gaze broke however briefly to trail in the direction Jackie had gone.

Ulric took and opened the file, surveying its contents with casual care. It seemed that Saber had been in trouble with the law before, and there was quite a few things to take note of...

Ulric knit his brow.

No response came to Bianca's knocking.

But something was detectible to her other half- Saber's scent lingered from when he had come in earlier to now, and the mixture of his hormones twisted into something that came as a warning... A creature enthralled in desperation, backed into a corner was not something one should approach. Saber's breath and heartbeat spoke of it as well...

There was danger in the air.

"He's not safe in Pinerich.. and by that extension, Middlecrest." he said, looking to Ulric.

"I can only make assumptions... yet, it appears evident enough that your Alpha did not call me to detain a rebel without a cause. Those two will cause real trouble... the worst of which if they are allowed to return to their Betas." he looked absently in the direction of the enclosure and seemed to think out loud.


Bianca's eyes narrowed on the door. She uncrossed her arms and tested the knob,

"Come out," she said, knocking again. "You can't hide all the time." her tone was agitated, bordering on seething. She exhaled.

"You think you have problems? As if nobody else here does?" she said, louder, with her face and shoulder against the door and still holding the doorknob. She brought her palm against the door angrily.

"You don't even know what they've been through! You haven't even bothered to ask! It's all about you, right?! Your problems!"

She slammed her opposite fist on the door a third time, except when it met the wood it was a blonde, furry paw! Her hackles bristled and her tail lashed against her legs.

"Come OUT!" she roared!

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