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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Did birds live? Of course they did. Did the deer and the insects live? Aye, and so also did the microscopic organisms that fed on their flesh long after life was past from them. Did the soil live for that which was in it, millions upon billions of such inconsequential and yet utterly essential lifeforms? Some would say so. Did the trees live? Yes, for they surely could die. Did mountains and rocks live?  Tremendous pressure and innumerable years had brought them to life. A thousand and one stories could be told of the names and lives which had passed upon it, and every rock had ridges and lines inside it - the script of the earth's story and all that which was molten and pressed in her bowels.
Yes, everything was alive in some manner of speaking, this Kratos knew. But how much did Toby know about what truly lives here?

Kratos let the weight of his arms rest squarely on the beam on his shoulders for a moment as he breathed an outward breath.
"Do you care to elaborate on that?" He said at length. He said nothing about Toby's earlier comment about ghosts and his implications on color.


It really was futile to hide in an empty square hole. Tiffany found this out as she drifted back to her friend. She set her weight on one hip as she leaned onto the wall whereon Ionone also rest, and she cast her gaze up just as Officer Chapman appeared over the opposite wall.

"Well now," she said with a voice as pleasant to the ear as creamy caramel to the nose and eyes.  Then she dropped her chin and raised one honey-blond brow above her dark brown eyes.  That, in of itself, was a statement of some kind.


As Logan walked the parameter, surveying the territory, no doubt she would find him laying on her path, the Black Shadow, with his stripes in the shadows of the boughs. It was Timothy, laying silently on the forest floor. His turquoise eyes like stones watched the clearing before they slowly turned toward her...

After verifying Saber's safety, Ulric returned to the yard. He was surprised to see the old police officer there.

"Chief Chapman?" He asked, bewilderedly.  "What are you doing here?"


Logan had said she was done speaking, so when she came upon the pack member most likely to agree with the sentiment, she was relieved. She met his turqoise eyes and lifted her head above her shoulders, her ears up and nubbed tail relaxed behind her. One ear swiveled to the clearing, and she could smell the officer… but she held her gaze on Timothy for now, without any malice expressed in her posture as she exmained his own body language.

- —- -

Chapman observed Tiffany, and drew one hand up so his elbow rested in a palm, and with his other hand he covered his mouth and jaw with his brows pressed low in contemplation. He took note of everything, from the scents telling of their trek to the exhaustion clearly seen in the Kitsune..

Then Ulric approached and he lent the young fellow an ear, letting both arms fall to his belt where he hooked in his thumbs. He turned halfway to face Ulric but kept the Svalnaglas in his peripheral.

“To handle a matter which your Alpha summoned me for,” he said, plainly, and his eyes went briefly to the woods where he perceived the gazes of the others who were watching. Then they returned to Ulric a little softer than before.

The Alpha, it seemed, had not warned of his arrival… and it did not please him to enter the dens without the presece of the leader, so he stayed where he stood. He could tell already Bianca wasn’t satsified with the answers, as there was clearly something she was missing out on-and oh how she hated to miss out on anything. Dejected, she stood far off near the cabins with her arms crossed and stared at the stranger in her Grandfathers uniform. When he didn’t offer his gaze back to her, she went to the steps and picked up the guitar she’d brought out for Theo, lazily strumming the strings and occasionally adjusting the pitch of each one.

“Ulric, do you know per chance where he is right now?” he asked, unwilling at the moment to oblige Bianca’s pouting.

After entering the cabin, Saber had stomped up the stairs and slammed the door of the small windowless room shut before yelling out in frustration.  Things went quiet except his ragged breath and pounding heart, before slamming and more yelling proceeded. Then it would fall silent for a moment, before more sound of similar nature came, the bed shoved forcefully against the door once more to block it. The pattern of silence and then the storm of fear and anger striking continued for a time.

After a while, the silence fell and was not disturbed anymore.

Logan's passivity was returned. Timothy slowly looked to the clearing once more. He peered through the branches of the undergrowth and remained still and silent, with one ear turned toward Logan at all times.


Ulric looked about himself in reply. The last time he'd seen Kratos he'd been in the clearing. Naturally, Ulric sought the alpha by scent and scanned the clearing.

"I think he's gone out that way," Ulric said, indicating the forest path upon which he suspected Kratos to be.

Logan took note of the passive and steadily alert demeanor. She decided not to approach further, and instead, slumped down to her belly where she was, and likewise faced the clearing. What brush was beneath her was flattened.

One ear swiveled towards Timothy and she sneezed to clear her nostrils, the odor of the fish set her mouth drooling. She could smell the oil in Chapman's engine, the smell of the rubber of the tires... the chief of course, carried his own distinct scent.

- - ---

Chapman followed Ulric's indication with a brief nod. He had guessed as much himself, and yet was keen to observe Ulric's awareness on the situation.

"I'll wait in my vehicle for his return, then." he said, and turned to face Ulric wholly, indicating with his eyes that he wanted to speak with him in said vehicle.

"D string needs to come up a pinch, Bianca."

He said, then entered his car.

Timothy seemed at rest with this setting. His ear swiveled presently back to the clearing and he watched and sniffed in the same direction Logan did, recognizing her interest. His eyes peered at her without moving his head.


Ulric furrowed his brow and hesitated. What was this about? Did he trust the officer well enough now to get in his vehicle?

Ulric followed Chief Chapman slowly.

"What is this about?" Ulric whispered, not yet entering the police car.

Chapman gave pause and rested an arm on the door of the vehicle and another on hood of it, with one leg in and one leg out. His eyes darted to the pit and back, and he inclined his head towards it just so in a single, slow nod.


Logan watched the clearing. The officer moved to enter the car and disappeared from her vantage. She came a couple inches of the ground and stalked forward practically on her belly, then dropped down again and peered around a tree to see what Ulric was doing… her ears were totally forward on the clearing now. After all, the last time Ulric had loaded into a car with a stranger, it had been an unpleasant memory. Her wet black nose twitched wildly and those lavender eyes were pinpricks as she observed.

Well, it wasn't as bad as being laughed off, but it wasn't a confirmation of faith in the omega's sanity either.

"I--.. I'll try." Toby sighed, then took a deep breath and began: "I-- I've always known that my family founded Reknab Bend, and I've always known that my family are werewolves, so in that sense I've always known that Reknab Bend was founded by werewolves. I mean, if you look for them, wolf symbols are everywhere. They weren't subtle about it. But... I've never actually known much about them; my grandma's pack I mean. I know they were powerful and feared, and gone before I was born. I also knew that Granny doesn't like to talk about them-- Or she didn't, until several weeks ago when she finally told Zander and I everything. It goes like this: The mountain doesn't belong to the wolves, it belongs to another people; a people who are so intricately connected to this place that the mountain itself responds to their will in a way. Their connection to it can not be described nor understood by other races, but undoubtedly felt when in their presence-- I--.. I dunno. It-- It scares me to think about. Anyway, those people permitted the StoneArch Pack to share the land and build Reknab Bend, but since a town would attract many people, the agreement was that the founding pack would guard the First People and their secret. Granny's pack were the protectors for many years, but eventually the power that the mountain gave them caused them to grow too proud. Around Granny's time, many developed superiority to humans, and this caused a civil war within the pack. Those who were for intermixing versus those who were against. The infighting began tearing the pack apart, and the mountain as well, so The First People put a stop to it..." Toby paused and looked around, as if searching for eyes hidden in the forest around them.

He shifted uncomfortably, and continued: "And the pack vanished. Granny wouldn't say how a whole pack of powerful werewolves could just vanish, but they did. And apparently, The First People told her that she had failed in her responsibility to her pack, her ancestors, and the First People themselves. But they would permit the formation of a new pack under Granny's sons, my uncle Scott and my dad Tobias, if the brothers-- Who were on opposite sides of the argument by the way --Would end the conflict between them and restore peace to the mountain. Scott disrespected the tradition of the pack, he felt The First People shouldn't have a say and that as the oldest, he shouldn't have to share leadership with his brother. Spurned, he left. Tobias went after him, hoping to persuade him. ...Neither returned. But with Reknab Bend nearby, and the mountain already established in the minds of werewolves as a stronghold, the mountain was left to protect The First People itself with the scentless flower. The-- The one with the face. Usually it kept to the gateway, but now it grew uncontrollably all over. Or, that's what Granny said."

Now Toby's voice began to drag and become twice and reluctant as it had before. "Because my dad and uncle left, they renounced their legacy. According to Granny, Zander and I-- Well, we're her heirs now, and gave us new werewolf names to prove it to other packs. She says the privilege of being the mountain's pack has been lost to my family forever, but Zander and I are to be part of whatever pack lives on the mountain and guard the gate. ...The pack that lives on the mountain is, apparently, still up for debate. Yours has been chosen as a contender, but there are several tests we'll have to pass in order to be THE pack."

Toby had avoided looking at Kratos the whole time he was talking, and even now, was very hesitant to even cast a glance at him. He knew how crazy this sounded, and badly wanted to lay the blame on Granny, but instead he kept his mouth shut and waited.

Bianca knew she was being unfair. All day she'd felt this way, put out or left in the background. Ulric's day hadn't been much better; she had noticed his mud caked flares and his bare feet. Assigning the brunt of the blame to the full moon or anything else for her behavior didn't make it go away, it just made accountability into a smaller pill to swallow. Right now she felt that she wasn't much different than Saber, whose shouts and door slamming couldn't be missed, even from out here. At least he was expressing his anger.

Even the conversation with Kratos seemed forgotten, as those little angry wasps grew louder and louder once more.

She propped the guitar up on the steps and left them, crossing the distance to the other cabin. She entered and took notice of the mess left on the kitchen floor with a roll of her eyes, then made her way upstairs and stood in front of Saber's door. Then knocked. Loudly. She crossed her arms and waited for a response.

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